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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    priceless: to earn the right to call someone a f*g due to the age one has reached and the amount of children one has...
  2. joe_mcentire

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    huge structures would all add to the possibility to create bases at some point. As Matt Lightfoot mentioned the problems of freely constructable bases as in Wasteland there is real good chance that they probably give us preset areas as old construction sites/factories/trains to use as bases. So there would always be a limited and therefore determinable amount of bases which would not jeopardize the game's stability.
  3. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    i think you just made all that up... well unless you do my crimean sparkling wine...see i really don't want to end this in a blackmail kinda thing you know :P
  4. what is evident, i fear, that ppl are expecting way too much implementations and things to see in the very first public release... there is still so much to do (at least to meet ppls expectations). maybe this still should be communicated more often....
  5. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    recent interview with Matt Lightfoot: so i guess the idea of absolutely free placeable bases will be scrapped...
  6. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    but this topic...it is not about death?! ;)
  7. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    everybody be cool THE INTRODUCED FOODS ARE A COMMUNITY EFFORT http://dayzmod.com/f...ies-215-update/ edit (may be sarcastic/ironic/cynic): How I hate this community, they always waste their time on the wrong things instead of improving gameplay and stability! Yeah shame on you COMMUNITY, you nasty!
  8. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    i know...there seem to be just easy solutions and answers to all of this, but if you think thoroughly it gets tricky ;). When we talk at least about implementing bases this has to be addressed first, or else - at least i think so - bases could rapidly become useless and/or a waste of time
  9. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    so you suggest only " 'Nam-style bases " or "Saddam-Hussein-experience holes"...that's a little bit odd to say at least. The NPC idea in this special case was merely an idea ofsome kind of "living" props. They should just signal to someone hey this place was rebuilt and is now running.
  10. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    hmm.. but in the worst case (for the defending party) how long would it take from start to finish of this procedure. Tbh i don't like the idea, that someone has not even a fair chance to defend his/her base. Your suggestion would approve this (if I'm not mistaken). So i say if you're too long offline you're yourself to blame. But i don't like the idea to build up a base the whole day then go to sleep and wake up the next day/morning and your base is already gone... Oh another issue: But you could log in just for a short time to reset the abandonment-timer again, leaving no one ever the chance to overtake the base! Well spotted random guy. We could implement a counter (counting time in which a member of the quantity is within the base-area) that is connected to the abandonment-timer, meaning the timer only resets itself if the counter reaches "Z" min/hrs. This would add to the immersion as a base would highly unlikely be left alone without guards.This idea binds the owner at least a reasonable amount of time to his/her base, when playing giving others the chance to plunder/attack.
  11. regarding the average lifespan in dayz i don't see how this should really affect your body. it would take a very very long time until your body starts to respond to that bad "one-sided" nourishment. And to be honest a "simple life" would lead to people become again more healthy because of the naturally balanced food they would scavenge/hunt/harvest.. edit: ok depending on time since day 0 has passed...i doubt ppl would get fat in any way in such a harsh environment! it would always be the fight against starvation..
  12. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    after all it is quite interesting what dean said about a possible skill system..
  13. joe_mcentire

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    well it's a mod therefore you cannot really blame someone in terms of bugginess.. some other points you mention here are already adressed for the SA. so maybe just wait for it to come. edit: holy sh.. clumzy wrote almost the exact thing :o ...creepy
  14. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    ahh kinda frustrating: page 5 and still this thread has not evolved from basic arguing about what is RPG and what not. Maybe we can agree on something that it does not matter to dayz how a classical RPG should behave and how it shouldn't. I for one don't appreciate classes or something similar to this. I would like some basic microskills that can evolve steadily by doing certain tasks, teamwork may or may not help to improve faster or anyway. I could think of chances that increase or decrease depending on your skills in the background. Increase or decrease time efforts for certain tasks or yield/profit made out of certain tasks. This would depict RL in a manner of getting experienced in certain tasks. Also chances only applied on where they make sense. (e.g. no better chances not to get sick when drinking spoiled water, no lower chances that weapon jams..) Skills mustn't affect combat strength in a direct sense, so you don't become an überenemy to everyone else. Skills of course lost when killed. Grinding of skills could be used at the cost of other skills Some skills need constant attention as they tend to decrease back to a certain stage when not used. Wounds/infections could permanently damage some skills or set them back. no obvious visuals and this is my Gedankenexperiment: This all could add up to something not to hard easy* to exploit as well as authentic. And after all! We were always speaking about losing EVERYTHING by dying. This fact alone is, for me, a very good protection to hinder exploiting / grinding to a certain extend. *edited XD
  15. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    ...in a diarrhealistic way so to say
  16. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    and ...and you mean it?! you make me the happiest girl ...man..guy in here!
  17. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    it was meant as a joke...referring to RL...well that backfired....
  18. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    well no i think you got me wrong on this one... i meant no matter if there is good or bad news about the game...in the end it all adds to good publicity.
  19. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    all news are good news ;)
  20. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    'Cause ppl go out and shit everywhere and in the graveyard and then? then media will point at the gaming industry and how badly it affects us normal beings!!
  21. joe_mcentire

    Throwable... everything.

    pieces of zombies! like bowling with a head! no really! as i said before this would be really a nice addition to the game. not sure about the ingame physics though ..
  22. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    i really would like some of you to read into these (AND hopefully not blinded by prejudice): these more/less represent a smoother approach of subtle skills.
  23. joe_mcentire

    Throwable... everything.

    i want to be able to throw ... up. i'm amazed about myself right now. :beans: to me good sir? yes thank you very much...
  24. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    you should just not attend threads like these, when you cannot contribute anything useful/valuable and just try to be the "official selected troll of the thread" ..and that's what you call criticism? you know what everyone was arguing almost quite reasonable until you showed up...now what does this tell you?
  25. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    can't wait to TP players' bases! .. what always has to be regarded is that certain things and tasks sometimes sound fun and nice in the beginning and turn out to be a annoying repetitive sh**. I really can hope it is just an animation that comes along with diseases, hence being a symptom..