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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    ah...well rested and did not see the new devblog yet ;) shame on me...
  2. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Take out your f5 button and replace it with your A button. Now everytime you press it you think about "ahh" in a very naughty manner.
  3. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    on the other hand how immersion breaking are the shops in "wasteland" for you guys?
  4. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    this is like easter, Xmas and eurovision song contest on one day!!!
  5. hey i basically made an identical thread, maybe you want to take a look at that as well: http://dayzmod.com/f...-being-offline/
  6. joe_mcentire

    [SA] 'Realistic' Injuries.

    so far it is enough for me that you'll always have to check your body after getting shot, so this would decrease the chances of an infection and later on a sepsis. also as IRL: use more than one bandage for wounds. They get dirty, or all soaked up with body fluids. so also do this to decrease chances of an infection...etc..
  7. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    well i understand where you coming from, but as i said before, this is an idea for some private hives where everyone can agree on that it is only online Fridays afternoon till dawn, but this is merely a solution for some as for all.
  8. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    Well we could all agree on that such a server structure is not the solution to our problem as it is merely a solution for the none-regular gaming base.
  9. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    tents/vehicles yes we could stick to that bases ...well i don't think so tbh
  10. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    well that is awkward then XD
  11. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    so that is your suggestion to the problem we brought up? it doesn't help at all. just read the OP again... and actually you can "own".. think about the loot and weapons which are now objects which can contain information, e.g. last owner...
  12. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    pls link ;) because i don't understand quite it from your short summary
  13. for me?! really!?....now i'm feeling like Paris Hilton!!! FINALLY!
  14. joe_mcentire

    What is „The Infection“? a definition (-approach)

    well there are diseases which would explain (3) of your suggestion for example. ...on the other hand this would be an elegant way to introduce different "types" of zombies which would need different approaches and strategies to overcome. it is really interesting if there would be a somewhat reasonable mix of diseases/viruses to recreate our zombie-infection. but i guess there will be always some form of "plausibilty" breaker. (why would they even communicate only with each other, as in the mod, or do we misinterpret this and zed's do only react to the offered stimuli; which would be the screaming of another zed...) What also would be interesting...How about a pocket radio and you strap it on a zed, how should or would zeds most likely react? would surrounding zeds go on a rampage, killing the zed with the radio? would the just be lured to the zed, but pheromones would signal them, hey it is one of their kind....hmm
  15. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    well i'm curious if there would be similar or better solution for this problem
  16. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    hej i was just recently thinking about that: suction lifters therefore you could use almost anything as shield...
  17. joe_mcentire

    money and newspaper

    i'll bring this topic back to discussion, OT: absolutely add banknotes into the game and let us see what happens. this would be a very interesting social experiment! and also a link to here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124884-give-us-what-we-do-not-need-junk-and-unique-loot
  18. joe_mcentire

    Laser Dot

    not sure if i should start a "general zombie distraction methods"-thread.... got some ideas
  19. joe_mcentire

    Is there no sub forum for the standalone?

    have you ever waited for "that" girl to find you....hell no! ;)
  20. joe_mcentire

    Poison Gas

    gas masks have been already confirmed well it would be highly possible that - in a case of such an outbreak - gas would be set in against zeds. lure them into a hall or something and kill them easily in great numbers... in the end it would be too much of an "op" item i guess though
  21. joe_mcentire

    Bandits should have more consequences

    well of course PVP is just a main core of the mod. nobody wants this to suddenly vanish. and when talking about PVP of course we talk about KOS as well. Or why are there still sniper guns in the game, pretty much for KOS only! But it seems that many also prefer the surviving, scavenging and interacting part of the game. the idea is simple: the harder the environment is to conquer the more ppl interact with each other instead of just KOS over and over again. but if this will work that way, that is another thing...
  22. more props, more details...less bigger, more of value
  23. joe_mcentire

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    well i could live with thoroughly checking and treating your body after being shout ingame, to prevent..e.g. sepsis
  24. joe_mcentire

    DayZ vs. DayZ Origins.. many new features!

    well every second thread title is misleading or is "my suggestions" or "best idea" so i just gave up for that matter.
  25. joe_mcentire

    Attn Community: Help needed - wind and windage

    well i don't really know anything about that matter, but how big is the impact on projectiles, when it is raining or snowing? are there also statistics or characertistics? well a quick google search shows me, that there is seemingly no impact on projectiles (too fast and forms a dense wind shield around it, so that the little drops simply do not touch the bullet..) but what about hail then... well i just google it..to be edited