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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    i guess you have many ideas then...well yeah they were inspired by fallout series, but i tried to take the things that could fit and would be almost useable in dayz' world
  2. ;)..at least one reads thoroughly. ....wait what?!
  3. am i really the only one to give you beans for this massive effort? doesn't matter to me if confirmed or rumoured so far. kudos
  4. small details for immersion. and i guess we the community could create some of these with some effort. later on you could use these props to..for example add feathers/eggs/combs/...sorts of things to use so more Survival and more nature yes please
  5. in TWD i immediately think of Romeros created Zombies.."When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth" ..kind of thing...that's why i initially wrote "supernatural"
  6. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    ohhh...that's so MY Bertha!
  7. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    but you also find large games put back...it always depends on the developer or rather the publisher. many games have been rushed to be released as completely unfinished and dull not living up to the hype. and then there are some who delay games half a year because the want it to be perfect. think about that way.
  8. ideas for props: anthills bird nests bee hives badger/fox burrows DROPPINGS of all sorts!
  9. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    bones - of diseased mammals or humans. adds a creepy layer and more atmosphere to the world; could be used to create weapons such as shivs, spears, arrows... balls - footballs, tennis, volleyballs, - use to distract or even just for fun gas cartridges tooth picks, needles - blowguns anyone ;) bicycle pumps - for almost anything to inflate
  10. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    i would recommend the barbed wire to look like this: as it is way more common and conclusive
  11. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    i thought to reactivate this thread for the "newer" ppl in here and to help create many nice items for the future trying to come up with few ideas..
  12. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    @Chris You know what helps me if i catch myself getting annoyed about such stuff? I try to see behind scenes? what does it mean to do a game? what does it mean to build a mmo-stable-architecture..especially if it has to be bulletproof? what kind of developer is this and what are they known/famous/infamous for? How many guys are involved? why is this community behaving in that way? how heavy is the community involved even in decisions/game content? sales and marketing? think about all that and maybe you will learn that this - at this very moment - is complaining on a fairly high level. but eventually BIS will have to show what they've done so far ;)
  13. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    here we go again.... :D :D:D..every f*** devblog thread again and again...it is tiring... so i bought myself a sheep. if i have nothing else to do i go outside into my garden and watch it browsing my lawn...can't wait to eat that bastard.
  14. what! decaying is one thing but.... TWD: ppl comeback when they die, unless their brain gets ultimately destroyed, so this also means zeds can only be killed or stopped by direct damage to their brain (zeds "live" even without their bodies!!). DAYZ: zeds don't comeback, any critical hit means death. TWD zombies are the result of some supernatural events DAYZ zeds are the result of bird flu
  15. so what happens if you have a highly infectious and deadly disease? most likely you go through several stages until reaching destiny. and i guess you won't feel much healthier by the end... so decay makes perfect sense... harder to kill...maybe "newly" infected meaning faster and maybe better cognitive aso abilites or just armoured military stuff so just calm down and wait for the update
  16. show it to me...i'm going to reactivate it for you...if you reactivate one of my godsends!!
  17. joe_mcentire

    More realistic animations. [Details in topic]

    this transition is surely an engine-given problem and i guess it is very unlikely to see changes concerning that matter.
  18. joe_mcentire

    More realistic animations. [Details in topic]

    hm i saw some interesting vids how to create new anims for skyrim chars the other day only using 3dmax. and it looks quite time-consuming BUT "fairly" easy. i don't know about arma, but if it would be at least similar i could see some potential for a broad range of fan-made anims for all kind of stuff...
  19. joe_mcentire


    this question has been raised over and over again... in my opinion a game and in particular this one should be as immersive as even possible, but to me there are some boundaries. sleeping and yes even defecation goes beyond those for me. although as authentic as possible it should, be above all, a game. a game to enjoy. so no and always no no matter what. there are simply some mechanisms in game that do not work as intended and dim the joy.
  20. hey guys nice stuff happening here: i just want to drop some ideas for you! Borscht/Borshch/Борщ in a can - traditional beetroot soup in some east european countries Kapusniak/Капустница in a can - traditional vegetable soup of sauerkraut white cabbages Salo/Сало - cured slabs of fatback! HONEY - antiphlogistic, antiseptic Kompot/Компот - non-alcoholic clear juice obtained by cooking fruit in a large volume of water Mead/Мёд - honey wine maybe you could use them ;)
  21. joe_mcentire

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    undoable Bear Trap Input (1x Bear Trap, 1x Scrap Metal) Output (1x undoable Bear Trap) Tools (Toolbox, Welder) FailChance 0.1 - 0.3 (won't work properly or even trigger while constructing it causing minor injuries) Enchantments = medical treatment is POINTLESS as long as trap is attached to limb (need welder/toolbox to get rid of it) leading to constant blood loss ignoring bandages; infection chance increases over time with trap "worn" ActionType = pattern i guess chained undoable Bear Trap Input (1x Bear Trap, 1-2x Scrap Metal, 1x metal chain) Output (1x chained undoable Bear Trap) Tools (Toolbox, Welder) FailChance 0.1 - 0.3 (won't work properly or even trigger while constructing it causing minor injuries) Enchantments = medical treatment is POINTLESS as long as trap is attached to limb (need welder/toolbox to get rid of it) leading to constant blood loss ignoring bandages; infection chance increases over time with trap "worn" AND IMMOBILITY (maybe with a radius attached) ActionType = pattern i guess trip-wire alarm Input (2-3 x tin cans , 1 x Scrap Metal OR 3 x Stones, 1x cord/string) Output (1 x trip-wire alarm) Tools () FailChance 0 Enchantments N/A ActionType = blueprint
  22. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    NO!!!...i want my "potemkin village"-esque game and i want it NOW!!
  23. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    hey Fraggle! or one of the devs! I don't really see a particular Q&A Thread. would be nice to see something like this. i'm really looking forward to see some community questions getting answered by the next upcoming dev-blogs! is there a possibility to get something for us?maybe with a sticky? like some of these in the Information section (Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket, aso.)? thanks in advance? ... ? edit: what i meant is a thread where everyone could ask questions whenever they want, to a topic they want to. so that this would slowly grow to an ultimate Q&A thread. and devs, matt, aso could answer some of them from time to time. maybe even in the course of a dev-blog. live-chat...is there going to be a live-chat again in the future?? questions over questions..
  24. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    ...is there a platform (thread) here in the official forum to place questions which will be answered. would be nice to see you guys answer maybe some in the next blog.
  25. just trespassing...there were some new infos about other awesome games given away just recently...and this is my first post since...about a month i guess... so take this post just as a smaller pointer ;)...my memories of dayz are fading :( do something against it dammit!