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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    DayZ at E3

    haha in-between NVIDIA and Video-Game-History Museum ;)
  2. ha i want to quote something from Dean, from this very thread :D please read that thoroughly and think about it and think about where his priorites may lie
  3. joe_mcentire

    Standalone thoughts?

    you can't compare. dayz which should have been released in nov/dec 2012 is simply not the same as it is now. they threw over their plans trying to make exactly more than just a "polished mod" (the fear the most of us seem still to have). goals have changed, and imho for the far better. think about that for a moment.
  4. please post it in here! maybe we get answers. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/137840-dayz-sa-ultimate-qa
  5. @gummy i'm sorry, my conclusion is that whenever some good arguments are brought up against your construct of arguments you seem to totally ignore and dismiss them. Instead you pick and choose the most suitable ones and keep repeating your original arguments... let me ask...are you politician?
  6. ...i have a neckbeard,,,,, and am partly peasant... :(
  7. I really now understand why many are "offended" by the ui. They are a good deal more offended by Deans statements. Am i the only one to see all his cynism in his answers about "cut-in-stone" fonts a.s.o.?? holy...
  8. so now i know what it is all about!! You simply do not understand what Dean is saying to you, in a roundabout way!! That's just it. Do you really take all his statements in that issue 1:1? by the looks of his dev-blogs, all of his media-appearances it seems to be clear that up to now most of the time all that mattered to him was functionality! FUNCTIONALITY! He tells everyone, he shows everywhere and that is what most of us WANTED. the mod has so much limitations and restrictions. and he wants to show us: look how we overcame that issue and this issue, most of the time. of course he has to deliver visual and content stuff too. but you get a picture about what is important to him (and to a vast part of the community), at least in these early and critical stages of the game. And when he shows us new functional stuff and ppl cry out loud "ohh that's not pretty!!" he gets pissed and shows it in form of cynicsm or sacrasm whatever... (this statment relies on my very "funky-psychic" assumptions)
  9. and there are many on the other side who don't even understand why this complaining and ranting is going on. Fact is: it LOOKS far more intuative, clear and functional. if that is what they wanted to achieve than well done. everything else is assuming and expecting and is simply ridiculous as 1) it is a WIP and 2) we didn't see a gameplay about how it actually works at this point. So what is all the fuzz aboot?!
  10. although NOW you could say it has its retro charme
  11. well i hope so. dayz didn't get succesful because it could please every gamer. if you would have followed dean and his statements and his ideas for this game from earlier on you would now understand why his reactions are the way they are regarding e.g. "font-gate" or "can-gate".
  12. joe_mcentire

    Dayz "Skills"

    yeah i agree with Walking Wounded. initially all should be the same, maybe use the idea from another thread. that said ..is utterly rubbish imho.. some skills must stay real player skills and this one in particular! this however is something you could focus on. hardworking hunters could achieve to get more meat by the time, or a text message pops up "my overly manly manliness scents deer" signalising you may be in the vicinity of something. But no feedback such as "+1 in xyz" or "xyz unlocked". it suddenly appears, or maybe you won't even notice some things in the first place: "since when do i gather more meat..and why?"
  13. joe_mcentire

    Dayz "Skills"

    you choose the char yo want to be, by playing your char the way you want him to be. as irl every action comes with consequencies. (if i study i'll eventually get a degree, if i watch tv all day and eat i might get health problems..) that's where subtlety would come into play: you could say all directly combat-related mechanics mustn't be influenced at all. but how about fail-chances concerning repairing stuff, crafting things. how about some little "special" animations. etc. just think outside the box. ppl have this stereotypical set of a skill-tree/system in their heads. but i don't even say, this HAS to be in the game at all costs. my opinion was always to add more value to your char-life, adding layers to Pve and so on...
  14. joe_mcentire

    Dayz "Skills"

    now we have a bet i guess? just a moment Mr moozley! edit: source: http://www.pcpowerplay.com.au/2013/02/survival-of-the-fittest-dayz-standalone-extended-interview/
  15. interesting ...interesting indeed...it is like societes and their governments nowadays. as safe as possible means as many restrictons and supervision as possible
  16. it's a metaphor! THE ROAD, IT IS THE GOAL!
  17. joe_mcentire

    Dayz "Skills"

    there are quite progressed discussions in here about "micro-skills", which can be looked up. i was one of its advocates ;) btw. important imho is to see "skills" not as black-and-white as most of us do. don't imagine something like WoW. there have been already indeed very nice ideas for some sort of evolving skills over time. even dean "grew fond" of some ideas. subtlety would be the key
  18. no beans? is his contribution really that bad?
  19. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    i want them sooo bad in austria.....so i go out from time to time and watch our cows edit: enough chitter-chatter..focus on questions and GIVE BEANZ...to ALMAS
  20. joe_mcentire

    [SA] MONSTER Poll: Every suggestion EVER

    this is a pain in the a** i simply couldn't finish it.
  21. joe_mcentire

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    maybe you should avoid the forum for quite some time, if you can't keep yourself together.
  22. joe_mcentire

    SA: start out 'sickly'

    would you be so kind to ask dean if he thought about that? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/137840-dayz-sa-ultimate-qa/ really awesome idea!!
  23. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Do you plan mystery contents such as background information on the outbreak, or subregional secrets, to be unveiled by finding books, mobiles, notebooks, notes, flyers, etc.?