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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    How do ragdolls interfere with MMO engines?
  2. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    avoiding and/or escaping from zombies will now require a good amount of sneaking skills. keyword: line-of-sight Can we expect "special" sneaking contents? e.g. possibility to silently/normally reload mags. Will or can shadows even play a role?
  3. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    There was a related question already but i'll be more precise. Is there going to be more content to be expected in chernaurussian woods? keywords: sawmills, abandoned cabins, graveyards? Will there be far more audio to immerse oneself in that thicket? other keywords: owls, birds in general, cracking from wind, special wind-sounds, and even player-triggered ones?
  4. wait a little... ok there was a complete, fleshed out idea on reddit even with pics but i can't find them at the moment...but here is a thread from August! 2012 http://dayzmod.com/f...to-the-terrain/ which describes the proper method.
  5. a minute for a man who's inner kid is no more...... ...
  6. link to bikeman thread and summary: http://dayzmod.com/f...t/#entry1351765
  7. i hope i can lure him into my trap... Dr Rocket! please be aware of the questions, declared by the rabble: http://dayzmod.com/f...sa-ultimate-qa/
  8. best insights into game developing EVR!
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1fncv0/rocket_is_in_bikemans_24_hour_stream_right_now/
  10. Dean praises the official forums! HOORAY!!!
  11. Kiwi! He is a Kiwi! and i would be drunk all the time as well...in fact i am now
  12. dean on livestream: -talking squirrels with rabies confirmed -hello kitty contracts to use ingame hello kitty backpack for $ 1,99-- confirmed
  13. can someone make him aware of this thread? or can someone ask some questions from there? thanks [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A edit: i don't have a facebook-account and am not interested to make one.
  14. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    How strong/far/heavy is your diet going to affect your health? Can you give as some basic examples what has been/will be implemented? How far must one go to really become sick from his/her diet? edit: wording
  15. joe_mcentire

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    10$ like an epic waste....for this money i don't even near get epic wasted
  16. joe_mcentire

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    ppl tend to forget these things. to this point no mmo whatsoever had nor has the most amazing graphics..maybe if the world would be far more smaller, with far less content, more linear level design and inaccessible areas.
  17. joe_mcentire

    Standalone modding support

    it's not the modding what is the problem. it is the exposure of their code and scripts etc. to open doors for potential threats
  18. joe_mcentire

    Standalone modding support

    who knows. the have "outsourced" some processes why not also to the guys who came up with the new maps?
  19. joe_mcentire

    Dayz "Skills"

    worth reading after all: On game design, "progression through equipment", and a system of micro-skills as well as a little Gedankenexperiment: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118211-skill-system-in-dayz/page__st__160#entry1135526
  20. from other thread: it is easy i admit. just go to the suggestion-forum and look at some very awesome stuff. most of it is simply impossible to achieve in a fair amount of time. also Dean maybe made an error when confronted in interviews with "will we see/have this and that?" many times he responded with "yeah we're looking into that" or "we think about it" or "we have some ideas". this may also raised hopes for some. maybe at some point he should have said, that there are so many good ideas but they would struggle to implement even only a fractional amount of them.
  21. joe_mcentire

    Standalone thoughts?

    what strikes me the most is, that everyone from the beginning more or less knew what to expect, also with Dean all along telling us. Problem is that the gap between expectations and reality in the meanwhile is far apart. ppl suggest and suggest and dream a little bit. maybe it was an error not to bring infos with more regularity. in these time-gaps ppl started to assume and dream and so thats how this massive gap has been created for some. (at least for these early alpha stages)
  22. the hell that is from NOVEMBER 2012?!?!
  23. to be honest, as long as they represent the beliefs of a certain party yes. i also think some are going too far with their rage. and gummys points are exactly not good points. repetitive at most and although some counter-arguments quite nicely take apart his arguments, he is still coming back as he was trapped in an endless loop