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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. 3 possibilities: a ) unbelievable pant-ji**ing content b ) the opposite OR c ) he was talking about Prison Architect
  2. ;) https://twitter.com/...621784165711872 from @rocket2guns
  3. joe_mcentire

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    but the new skeleton? did they use it in the vids? it doesn't seem so. according to them, movements are way way much better with it edit: that's the reason why leaked info is bad. you get something to see what you shouldn't. you don't have any context given and yet you try to analyze. best way is to totally ignore leaked info. you simply have no idea what features are in there and moreover they might be horribly broken.
  4. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    You said you have massive new items and loot ingame! Can you name us some and if they could be also with no use at all (e.g. banknotes, cigarettes, mirrors, gum...)?
  5. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    A successor to the post above: Did you ever think of (semi-)permanent injuries in some later stages (player-char-binding!), for example when insufficiently treated, or not treated at all (can't use arm at all, is heavy shaking, can not use melee weapons, can only use for x amount of time because of pain/loss of power)? Besides, what do you think of severe injuries to be seen by looking at the player? (e.g. broken limbs hanging in a weird way... lot of potential for tactical gaming) (additional question: Would this idea make sense for zeds as well? (e.g. stun with melee-head-attacks, slow them down by braking legs...))
  6. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    How do you revalue an ingame-life? -"Oh no i've spawned in Kamenka, better kill myself..." Are you going to implement some new mechanics such as some form of soft "perma-death" or something of that kind to bind a player closer to his/her ingame alter ego (besides possible physical appearances)? Maybe by permanent injuries? traces on clothing? Do you want a gamer to feel "devastated" when he/she dies ingame? How do you think can you also raise awareness for gamers to revalue others ingame lives? by aggravating survival and the PVE aspect?
  7. i won't deny these points you make. it is truely thrilling to know those where in fact real gamers with their very own story and their ultimate fate. However, at some point there was talking about children. One elegant way would be to introduce props such as deceased ppl, not only children (which is now an extreme example) but any kind of ppl in various "scenes". The idea would be to get a feeling what would have happened in the first hours and days of outbreak. And i could imagine ppl to hang/shot themselves in desperation, starve to death somewhere. And back to the example: Yes also deceased children (recalling all disturbing scenes with children involved from The Walking Dead) would add to the atmosphere of mercilessness and add that special distrubance-factor. But i guess it is a matter of "pureness" of non-artificiality. Nothing shall be "staged" and everything is "real". IMHO i think something would be missing. it would be like war but without civilian casualties :( , what a miserable comparison...
  8. maybe edit your post ...inb4 ban/deletion
  9. or do you mean... because it would fit the scenario?
  10. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    question regarding the scavenging aspect? Now we have a vicinity window and all items will show up there as long as they can be seen (how do you even implement that?). Are there going to be any plans to do something like in the following quote?
  11. if not answered here! into the Q&A thread in the suggestions! how often do i have to repeat myself?! >:(
  12. joe_mcentire


    back then we called it "gorilla slide"
  13. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    do you already have ideas or implementations how to prevent Meta-gaming such as using the drawing-distance of foliage to expose enemies as one of the best examples? did you think of minimum graphic-settings for everyone or ideas such as described here? offtopic: please read initial post and give beanz to questions you like!
  14. i've created an ultimate Q&A thread already here: http://dayzmod.com/f...sa-ultimate-qa/ Feel free to take some of these questions, or post some into them as well! would be better to keep questions compressed in as few threads as possible! have a nice day!
  15. joe_mcentire

    questions on DayZ SA

    http://dayzmod.com/f...40#entry1353220 edit: i'm going to post this link now whenever i can
  16. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    maybe a sticky in the info-thread with all the basic answers and knowledge of what to expect from alpha release! that would be good way to counteract (as well on reddit or 4chan)
  17. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    very important to read this e.g. read it! i guess some of you wil be deeply disappointed with the early alpha release.
  18. what worries me is that dean hates the idea of atmospheric props... i know we should write the story and bla blaa.... but some things would just add sooo much more to the whole. signs from the past, the beginning of the outbreak, those stories which already have been written and still can be seen right now.. just subtle and depressing ones. I don't know why dean compares here things to L4D..as he said: "chalk and cheese" That was quite a shock for me to say no to more atmosphere regarding props and special sceneries.
  19. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    history showed us that those polls are maybe a good overview of what the broad community wants, but have, not in the least, something to do with what would even be possible to implement. better would be to split them up into short-term (could be done in up to max. a week), mid-term (a month) and long-term-achievable (within the next whole year) imho and then vote.
  20. the first ingame journal i am going to keep will be a daily updated stool-chart
  21. maybe we should keep repeating that AND that everyone who buys alpha at a fairly cheap price, has to contribute to this game. in fact they are at most partly players and first of all testers! spread the word ya'll!
  22. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    "Animations" are a big hurdle in terms of new/more/extra game-content (besides objects). Would you call for the community to voluntarily step in to create more content, the proper "quick'n'dirty"-tutorials provided? There are many many in the community which would try to do all kind of stuff, most of them simply do not know how and where to start. And many of them do have some talent, i'll tell you that.