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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. sound will be last of all things
  2. the long road going almost linear on the left side of the map...is this a tunnel?!
  3. just in case: 15min footage of a "private" interview with some guys and dean http://dayzmod.com/f...ost-20-minutes/ beanz to you JasonMiddleEasy
  4. a yeah good old gumm...always has a "rant" on hand but if you give him some arguments he goes into silent mode. no constructive criticism whatsoever...what a waste Gordon R. would say
  5. offtopic: i may be wrong but i hear hyenas outside..please call 112 if you're in europe i need help
  6. nice ;) + crafting happens as you drag and drop (e.g. craft two pieces of a map to own bigger map) + base building much later release (dean don't really want to focus on that right now but has already a clear vision) - instance-based dungeons (more options) like in Skyrim - evil-genius style? (whatever that means?) - own security systems/write own computer programs to defend base/securtiy cams/door control (IDEA, not a CONFIRMATION!)+ everything happens at the server - only the key-strokes happen client-side ;) (e.g. use of bandage)+ inventory/crafting will revolutionize the game, although it looks like shizzle at the moment. + ui user customization; share skins, change startup-screens + 1stP and 3rdP will be equally implemented + quitting in a battle? several ideas + feet will suffer if you won't wear shoes + text messages will pop up and tell you if something is not right with your character + disinfection could play an important role + supermarket to be redone completely + dayz can/will provide the same amount of different positions a character can go into as in arma3 again focus is clearly on the foundation and the basic stuff
  7. hardly ;) PS4 exclusive and from its size not comparable
  8. kay..see you then when you "suddenly" like the SA ;) edit: ok you really seem to be frustrated. so better take a step back and keep an eye on the game from the distance. simply wait until everything is as you wish and then buy it and have fun with it.
  9. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Which disadavantages will helmets have? muffled sound? limited sight? Running with a helmet on would be really annoying after some 100, 200m. Wouldn't a stamina-system in some form make much sense? DRAWBACKS CONFIRMED: http://www.reddit.co...awbacks/cazd04a
  10. joe_mcentire

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    what i wanted to say is, i hope they do not forget them
  11. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    i think that's why veggies and fruits would be vital for the game as well as hunting/fishing
  12. joe_mcentire

    Zombie AI and Zombie Physics

    that's why they simply buy in austria ;)
  13. please pin it everywhere..thank you source: http://cp.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1g6o74/why_i_hate_this_community/
  14. so your point is: there are no things implemented in the alpha which were not even promised. sounds reasonable. show me a source of anything you just think was promised initally and now is lacking. just one
  15. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    if you follow all infos around the game, then maybe yes. i hope i can get most of the answered questions and put them into the initial post. One was even just recently answered by Matt in an E3 video. this one e.g. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/137840-dayz-sa-ultimate-qa/page__st__80#entry1353361
  16. http://dayzmod.com/f...40#entry1364941 they are brutally honest. that's why they have the guts to go to E3 and present an alpha build which teems with bugs and none-existent content. as said before: the could blatantly lie or divert or do some tricks... they don't.
  17. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    tricky one. how about dividing the health "bar" into three segments. severe - major - minor if health drops below... ...severe; blood degenerates slowly till player deceases, antibiotics, treatment, blood bags needed to raise player into "major"-segment ...major: blood level stays constant...inreases just very slowly, need bandages and rest to raise player into "minor"-segment ...minor: blood regenerates much faster
  18. neither is it helpful to say "i want to play this game not the other one, but it must be so and so just as i want it to be" (exaggerated) i guess there will be some rebalancing and more weaker impacts for the blows dealt out by zeds anywhy over time. i'm certain: dean wanted this update especially so ppl will see and know how the Standalone will more or less feel like.
  19. well for those the game wasn't made then i guess. when someone clearly doesn't understand what alpha means...yeah what should you do as developer and/or publisher?
  20. beans for your well stated doubts :beans: when you see the video with matt and NOW read deans comments on reddit...this isn't good...not at all. especially at E3?!
  21. after getting knocked down i was sure to see "The Humping" tbh
  22. some of the most important statements source: http://www.reddit.co...ooth_with_matt/ edit: keep Matt away from such events!!! :o :P :o :o :o :facepalm:
  23. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    getting knocked down over and over again? "shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice" :P
  24. but that is exactly what dean was talking all along, to get that special feeling back.. straight from the very beginnings of the mod. i know you don't want to hear it, but maybe you would have more fun with wasteland from now on (that's why i've chosen the quote above). The changes that were made are not surprising at all, we were pretty much prepared for it by dean (and his blatancy). They wanted to get back "to the roots" and this is more or less what we can expect (besides the fine-tuning and balancing). The quote above, is just the opposite to i guess everything dean wants in this game. i cite: "anti-game" that's why they also said: many will be disappointed! i'm really sorry because of how many really care about this game and are (going to be) now completely fed up...
  25. now i watched matts footage again. they def. should add some variety in these zed blows and the consequential tripping/tumbling. the quick'n'dirty "flying 3m back on your arse" is really not to look at. How about weaker impacts for example? i'm confident they will sort things out eventually.