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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. well...in most cases. but public buildings for example....no not necessarily
  2. joe_mcentire

    Very mad friends

    or is it because you fell for the illusion :P?edit: the illusion = G000gle ;)
  3. this could find or has already found its way into the game. for example durability for shoes has already been confirmed. i like the idea to take really good care of your weaponry (after being exposed to rain, salt water, swamp-dirt) to prevent malfunctioning also there are purifying tablets, as well as disinfactants!
  4. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    calm down...none is a f** retard! i just compare posts from A and posts from B: A: too many infections, too tough zeds, no loot --> everything is shit, i want it as it was (~) B: so many infections, tough zeds, little loot --> love it, because now i do so and so, more challenge (~) (apparent bugs and frame drops excluded here) and as you've noticed numerous times: rebalancing and tweaking is happening at the moment maybe you can understand my argumentation
  5. hmm..somehow i really dislike the idea of underground instances. they are completely unimmersive and unauthentic...don't know why they don't use some predefined areas and buildings to upgrade them step by step. cooler, more immersive, and no lag issue as you could regulate the amount of such areas.
  6. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Bean Canning Factory Building

    haha....dungeon keeper..
  7. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Bean Canning Factory Building

    we have to convince dean that this is way better than instanced-underground bases :/
  8. already done ;)...i focus more on reddit, as chances are much much higher to get answers at least i tried.... :(
  9. why are there no basements right at the moment? did they forget them?
  10. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    solely from your post one can assume the difficulty of the game now is just too high for you, or you don't want to adapt sufficiently.. when half of the people say they can survive perfectly just because they've changed habits then i cannot comprehend posts like yours.
  11. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Bean Canning Factory Building

    actually...that would be THE easter egg par excellence!
  12. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Quick Grab Loot Option

    do you mean the SA or the mod? If you have ever seen only one vid from at least E3 you would know this is already in. the mod unfortunately has its problems as items are not seperate entities/objects. however you have to be in vicinity and must obtain line of sight to scavenge items.
  13. haha you'll get used to it ;)
  14. no offense...like i give a *Beep* ;) i was just expecting far more rage...but somehow it is eerily calm... btw beeing fanboi is the new yolo-swag!
  15. now all! let the hate flow through you!
  16. hey guys were you listening carefully? what did he say exactly? i think he didn't say alpha will go on release in a few months..
  17. i am underwhelmed by the amount of new infos from the actual gamespot interview :P edit: you hear Rocket? DON'T BUY THIS GAME!
  18. interesting from gamestar.de http://www.gamestar....lone,70615.html
  19. stop it please! really, please! edit: simply give no answer at all. in fact none is showing such behaviour. so either you want to provoke or you think your opinion is superior to other's. when i see such a sentence, i immediately just skip and ignore it..sorry
  20. joe_mcentire

    E3 and our attendance

    my only question remains: dean knew the zeds are completely bugged and basically "broken" at the moment, why would he show this at E3...? on purpose (to kill the hype) or basically a "disaster beyond all expectations"? this could be a masterous strategy to take pressure from the devs or as said before a total melt-down. :huh: Dean, you a genius?
  21. i guess they are tired because of the massive most of the time arid work the had to do so far. me thinks if the first few major features slowly turn out to be of use (medical system, crafting, vehicles) they will most certainly get confidence-boosts. edit: confidence is also influenced by feedback btw
  22. never ever ;)... this would imply a concession to the "mainstream" which surely was/would be never the goal (integrity from BIS and Dean provided). the mod got popular because it delivered to a niche market, it would be a disastrous move to desert that idea and market (gaming history has shown us so far)
  23. joe_mcentire

    New Zed mechanics

    unfortunately yes... this was the reason they wanted to do everything "from scratch" with the SA. hopefully they can do this :unsure:
  24. a full-launch then....so they hope they've successfully destroyed the hype around the game :P