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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Development Twitter

    now that i was forced to use reddit as my sole single source of information i can say. i don't like that place. the lack of "law and order" leads to funny yet useless videos and pics that flood the top pages whereas valuable infos and suggestions about the SA for example often go down the drain. ppl downvoting confirmations from Rocket himself or summaries from confirmations?! i don't get it...
  2. joe_mcentire

    pay for win is the funny sh*t :D

    but NO! it's a donation! you don't have to pay if you don't want to! A DONATION!
  3. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    i suggest these: and this: can we have them?!
  4. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    oh come here you!
  5. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    so..and which changes have been made additionally? i see you can now get the link for a specific post directly by clicking on the post number in the top right corner..
  6. WohOOO! Back on track baby! now get me off of that stupid reddit sh...
  7. joe_mcentire

    DayZMod Q&A with R4Z0R49

    thanks guys! and really especially awesome that you care to bring info from everywhere here into the forums. it means something to us in here! KUDOS!
  8. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    i will try to post some of your questions on reddit from time to time. some are really getting to be answered there: http://dayzmod.com/f...ost__p__1365227
  9. i guess you could explain dayz and its community and all around that with facebook: DayZ is like a party you post on facebook. You invite 20 people to your house and end up with 2000 around your house. Now imagine Dean and his devs as hosts....
  10. tbh..why does dean even feel obliged to justify the current situation?
  11. thank you dear sir...now i have to justify myself to my gf what and why i am looking at such pics...
  12. i don't get it. it's obvious that they encounter all sorts of bugs, minor to gamebreaking. So they will go alpha as soon as they think these have been dealt with properly. implementing and polishing of stuff can always cause severe bugs/malfunctions from one moment to the next eventually. So it doesn't make sense to pin dean down on a date. as he said, what is important is the state! And if severe, or security-relevant issues emerge from one day to the next they will have to delay, so what? edit: and dean could have answered my helmet question btw. ...would have been far more important >:(
  13. joe_mcentire

    Adding true horror to Dayz.

    like the eerie silence only broken by the squeaking of a swing in the wind
  14. joe_mcentire

    Adding true horror to Dayz.

    the day were men became again animals
  15. joe_mcentire

    Player decisions: Unlocking new Content

    i agree. could be valuable items for later base building purposes
  16. joe_mcentire

    Crafting Discussion only

    can you give us some feedback which suggestions are really considered for the mod or even SA so far? a glimpse?
  17. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    anyone ever did any sports? try to trink way too much water before or in a break...you're going to have a bad time when you'll start/resume
  18. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    first mythological elusive creature confirmed:
  19. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    is this this dubstep everyone's talking about?
  20. joe_mcentire

    Contaminated areas

    R.I.P..... edit: holy sh....i...i just thought for a ...minute it was g00...
  21. joe_mcentire

    Crafting, why not building?

    one good implementation against griefing would be: massive consumption of time. things like these should be relatively time consuming and/or even make much noise. That would prevent such things and you would think twice about doing such stuff.
  22. it just would be nice if he could give his feeback to some of our suggestions here from time to time too.... on the other hand i don't have a problem to post things from reddit here. just that everyone knows. here it is just that cozy, gemütliche atmosphere, like christmas eve with family, eggnog and whisky that i prefer.
  23. joe_mcentire

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    as short and simple as possible to address your question...yes if you want to address one specific topic in detail, and as well get specific answers you need to use some more sentences i guess. i could ask "how scary do you want it?" but would his answer be the answer to what i really want to know? could be, but doesn't have to. I give some examples along to my question to make my point and therefore my question clear.
  24. joe_mcentire

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    when you say on reddit "hey rocket.." he shows up.... :( ... "Rocket?" will you ever see my Q&A thread....like...ever? :D