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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    November Round-up

    now take a deep breath and calm down again, will you!?
  2. joe_mcentire

    Hide Items

    i would like to see containers. if you don't have time to implement cabinets with extensible drawers maybe it would be possible to implement containers: just click on the cabinet which opens your inventory and you would have what would be inside of it in the "vicinity-space" of your ui.
  3. joe_mcentire

    November Round-up

    hej! nice to meet you! have fun and enjoy yourself!
  4. joe_mcentire

    November Round-up

    ha! was my exact same opinion Almas! ALMAS!
  5. joe_mcentire

    November Round-up

    Who is expecting?! congrats!
  6. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Stumble

    stumble? i thought more of slipping, tripping and stumbling in a sense that you'd have to take your environment into account. like running while it is raining heavily, running up/down a steep hill, running through the forest. especially running at night... so that you would have a good chance to slip, trip or stumble. of course it would need to be a quite rare event but it would build up some tension in certain situations
  7. ohh what an old hat...
  8. So when watching the "new" devblog (@ around 4:15) and the "odd dodging" technique (simply by running around in circles) used against the jumping groupie ladies i had this strange idea: Why can't there be some sort of dodge-button/animation? Something you can hit on, when you have to react pretty darn quick to save your or one's hide. examples: a car tries to run you over --> throw your body out of the line of dangersomeone draws suddenly his weapon --> throw your body out of the line of dangera crazy groupie tries to jump-hump you --> throw your body out of the line of dangerYou could vary it and could do some sort of animation "tree": 1st level: a forceful leap forward or to the sides, to get you out of slight troubles2nd level: a "in the last second" animation where you really would throw your body out of your current body's center of gravity (diving if you will)in a way like in Max Payne, but yeah without the guns and the shooting And what if you could do, with this mentioned animation, the same as zeds can do currently in the mod: knock someone over.... edit #1: btw. how to dodge a bullet: watch from ~3:49 edit #2: of course those examples maybe now a bit of an exaggeration or seem to be over-arcady, but you hopefully get the point.
  9. joe_mcentire

    What is „The Infection“? a definition (-approach)

    i'll provide you a nice link with justifications and aversions, why zeds should (not) harm each other http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoZombieCannibals
  10. joe_mcentire

    November Round-up

  11. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Dodging-Button/Animation

    of course! that's why i pointed out, that these examples were an exaggeration. but my original motivation for that idea was this: the whole scene looks odd and is unimmersive as hell. Melee combat you would expect from a mod that wasn't intended for Melee at all.
  12. joe_mcentire

    Less ammo = more KOS

    "The Humping Kills" - A DayZ Novel
  13. very very nice idea. however is it worth the effort, that's what i am asking myself...
  14. joe_mcentire

    What is „The Infection“? a definition (-approach)

    so new pathfinding may work and zeds are back on track, anyone else ideas how to make a consistent infection? anyone useful links?
  15. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    yes. love it! a shack down by a lake where you would sit with your gang and smoke the fish you've caught earlier that day... i hope there will be wine..
  16. First-off: The whole health system will not be based solely on blood and is going to be completely revamped for the (later) Standalone (builds). So please consider this when reading the following: The idea is to add time-dependent properties to food and water resources and consumables. Create for every blood-replenishing property an equivalent timer-property t_blood_muliplier. So this would mean, the longer you would eat/drink from something the more blood would be replenished and hunger/thirst would be appeased. This would create the possibility to husband your consumables: Use only as much as you really need! ------------------------ Example (replenishing blood, as a good example from the current health system of the mod) Canned food with blood = 200 t_blood_multiplier = 0.1 blood*t_blood_multiplier = 20 So you start eating the can and the timer starts counting down from t = 20s. To eat the whole can you need 20s and would get 200 blood. By clicking the right mouse button for example you could interrupt the process. So you stop to eat from the can at t = 9s.-->means you have regenerated 110 blood and that leaves you 90 blood remaining in your can. ------------------------- My focus was more on the idea to have the opportunity to husband your consumables rather than on the functions and dependencies behind that. So you could also replace blood with satiety or something. Simply develop this thought further and use it to share single consumables with others (humanity/spreading of diseases) or how about the use of syringes: you give too much morphine you die/go into a coma (already mentioned by Death Dealer (which irony ;)) edit: don't get flustered by the numbers involved. this is still WIP!
  17. just put a nice little link to a "time" thread from KOS. This idea is tightly linked with the whole idea to revalue the parameter time ingame. and another one on reddit
  18. joe_mcentire

    [SA] Dodging-Button/Animation

    would even add at least a layer to Melee combat. I realize now that this mechanic would need to be tied to some sort of fatigue, so you cannot do it over and over again.
  19. joe_mcentire

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    @Hicks_206 So, it appears I can no longer use the docks in Chernarus coastal cities to escape zombies... #closeone #dayzdaily
  20. joe_mcentire

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ppaof/new_enginebased_zombies_are_a_success_dayzdaily/cd4ludh November Round-Up...maybe?
  21. joe_mcentire

    Random occurring events in DayZ SA

    ...wild...wildlife? Almas?!
  22. joe_mcentire

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    that will be...a paddlin!
  23. joe_mcentire

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    still a youngling to me, Mr. Gore! <- my year of birth
  24. joe_mcentire

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    i thought you younglings were all into pokemons....my sources...they were wrong