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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. you're welcome to post all your inner fears: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170818-what-are-your-biggest-concerns-and-fears-regarding-the-nearfar-future-of-the-game/
  2. my biggest fear up to date: buildings and polygons. Does RV engine support "two sided" meshes? i don't think that solving the glitch to see through buildings is so easy to get rid of without drastically changing every single object (changing meshes, creating "double-textured walls" -> massive performance hit!). simply changing hitboxes? woudln't that imply even much much more "clunkier" gameplay in buildings creating dramatic issues in "bottlenecks" namely doorways? is this an issue which is totally overlooked or downplayed? edit: something very interesting the user mocmocmoc81posted: It is not that the walls are thin layers. It is because RV engine do not support 2 sided meshes (double sided poly with textures), so no matter how thick the mesh for the wall, as long as your head/camera glitches inside even by an inch, you can see through the whole damn thing like a 2 way mirror. (in response to u/Nihilisst) 2 sided texture do not mean you load textures twice, but that the texture is flipped. Also, when texture is already loaded into vram, displaying them does not add to the workload no matter how many times they are rendered. So why did RV not support 2sided meshes? no one knows. The only real solution to this is to widen the collision LOD but that would give you a very weird bubble effect ergo every buildings will need to be enlarged, eg, doorways, hallways, ladders, etc.. This means every building will look much bigger and weird, not to mention every buildings need to be reworked. so in conclusion, there is no viable fix.
  3. mainly: giving more depth to the scavenging and surviving aspect. Although it's just a minor suggestion it would help guiding into that direction. The effort would be most likely very very low as well.
  4. "Wow what an original and unique suggestion!", L. B. Donovan "That's kinda cool!", A. Calvin "I couldn't give two more shits", some dude
  5. joe_mcentire

    Metro Station

    but how about...a tramway route ;) with remises at both ends. you could then establish a base at remise A and one at remise B and could always travel between these two by tram ;)
  6. joe_mcentire

    Metro Station

    god so much potential
  7. joe_mcentire

    Suggestion: Rain Ponchos

    best super-hero movie i've ever seen
  8. joe_mcentire

    Cars & other vehicules

    primarily you can help by opting into experimental (steam-> game settings-> something something beta-> opt in experimental) experimental as the name implies are new and more or less very unstable (experimental) changes to the game. only if experimental versions turn out to be stable enough (after we've tested them in experimental branches) they also the go to stable branches (for the masses)
  9. joe_mcentire

    Items hard to "see" in vicinity.

    select boxes! this needs to be addressed. they need to be far more intuitive.
  10. As i mention in the title, there are certain situations where you get surprised by a zed or an other player and it would be the best option to just push the opponent down, just to give you that much time to have a fair chance to get away from the scene. On the other hand would it be equally nice to be able to dodge/block attacks in the same situations. There simply needs to be an option to help you in a typical close encounter fight-or-flight situation besides basic punching and generic "who can draw his gun faster?" scenarios imo. Anything like pushing, pulling, kicking etc. So i wonder is there a certain chance to see more such "swift reactive actions" for Melee somewhere in the future? Is it for at least for DayZ 1.0 too far fetched? What do you mean? How about syncing such animations between two players?
  11. joe_mcentire

    Can we expect more Options in Melee?

    totally forgot about that :o! absolutely thing is, surely we can't expect a completely new melee system far different from the existing one. you could post some demonstrative vids i guess? just to show you quickly what i mean, the interaction in dying light with zeds in close combat situations:
  12. joe_mcentire

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    oh c'mon...
  13. joe_mcentire

    Ethnic Discriminations

    that's why i don't travel much
  14. considering the recent lack of things to do, engine inherent bugs and glitches and almost no PVE aspects ingame i guess i couldn't care less whether there are two or 20 guns more ingame. clearly low priority imo
  15. joe_mcentire

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    and then there are people with an overall polemic attitude.
  16. joe_mcentire

    Ethnic Discriminations

    can't wait until we get basements into this game....
  17. joe_mcentire

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    i just realized something: Dean just mentioned over the weekend on Rezzed to that they'd want to implement some stealth elements to the game (at least showing intentions). But which purpose would it have to be only useable on Hardcore/1PP servers and against zeds/nature respectively then? I personally figure that stealth would be vital in a surivial scenario like in DayZ however 3PP inhibits a "true" sneaky/stealthy approach to enemies in PVP situations. So how could there be reasonable stealth gameplay possible also PVP on 3PP servers? Or are stealth mechanics therefore not worth any effort later down the line? At least here would emerge quite a problem.
  18. joe_mcentire


    please for the sake of clarity - change the name of your thread also "player will become zeds" is not only unoriginal but has been suggested a hundred times. it won't happen, already confirmed.
  19. :o oh i am sorry to have bothered you with a wonderful late fall impression :huh: nevertheless, to say it breaks the 4th wall when something REALISTIC is implemented... lmao.
  20. Firearm: Captive bolt pistol Caliber: 9x17 Action: pneumatic - auto retracting bolt
  21. joe_mcentire

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    (20.2.) slow vault will be removed! (26.2.) slow vault won't be removed! ....interesting...indeed...
  22. huh? but why? tell you something, now just imagine this feature along with the other supposed features in place: fog and wind and then you add also your own visible breath. would it still take you out of the game?
  23. joe_mcentire

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    na na sakrisch hoasst des..
  24. joe_mcentire

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    ;) i see what you did there
  25. i heard Dean on Rezzed talking about that he wants to give players "tools" to write the story, by leaving persistent signs in the environment. He was talking about how he thought a dead survivor could slowly decompose until you'd eventually stumble over his skeleton. also by introducing Bullet SDK doors could be opened to dynamic behavior of otherwise static objects. destructions, waving of flags etc. exciting times