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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    passionate about something, he is
  2. joe_mcentire

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    i love the idea, because of certain facts: -) Yes base difficulty would be greatly increased, but therefore melee conflicts would be extremely increased as well. Therefore... -) ...massive overweight of PVP would be lowered, as i do not expect ppl to run down a meadow to stab someone to death in comparison to someone with a gun who takes his time to simply take him/her out from distance... -) ...which would lead again back to more PVE based action and activities, as i believe the team around rocket had this initially in mind. -) "infected" regain more value
  3. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Yeah this is our litmus test! how to get ppl away, quasi distract them from full PvP action more to PVE activities. Well of course, one of its cores is PVP, but the whole world and the atmosphere it constructs leads to so much more. it seems as the world invites you to explore and by wandering your path you see certain ppl come and go. Some of them help you, some of them try to kill you. With some you withstand threats, with some of them you become a threat. But nevertheless...ppl come and go. I think the concept of this game was not as it feels at this very moment. I love the idea how to teach ppl to value each others gaming life. It's straight awesome. This is the core question at this point! How to solve it? Hell I don't know...But if there is a chance to DISTRACT, this would be a step into the right direction perhaps.
  4. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    kudos to our constructive forces of this lively thread! this has to be said! I'm actually on the verge of starting a new thread addressing the PVP vs PVE aspect and would set a link into this thread. any pleas?
  5. i have a nice little idea regarding fractured long bones and burning! Tiny chances to suffer fat embolism and therefor death!
  6. joe_mcentire

    fishing and hunting

    please at least try to search the search button!
  7. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    @Wep0n it would be one easy to implement type of mechanism: vary chances. Not the only one but still one. Well it was a quite odd post by me though :blush:
  8. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    well look what we've found here: http://ww.reddit.com...omments/16rmec/ from what i understand this is the latest changlog from R4Z0R49's github: this might has some skill-potential ;)
  9. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    well that convinced me utterly...i ... i am disillusioned at this point :o
  10. joe_mcentire

    Tractor tows

    unfortunately i think these are some "too much into detail/niche" suggestions to be ever implemented...but man unbelievable how into detail the community wants to go with this game. pressure is sure on the devs..
  11. joe_mcentire

    Saving/leaving/aborting solution?

    wasn't there a thread already?
  12. joe_mcentire

    Hiding Bodies Fix!!

    OMG, does nobody care about the valuable internet space?!!
  13. joe_mcentire

    *List* TOO Much Realism Is Bad (Please help me add on)

    what i recently learned is that dayz' fundamentals: the huge degree of realism has become some sort of "negative" backlash as many ppl demand more and more realism, although the game would definitivly brake under too much of it. Simple and nice suggestions are almost immediately swept aside, with explanations to be too shallow in their grade of realism. many things wouldn't make sense in context of beeing, after all, a game. When you read things about rape and poo...the f*!?
  14. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    at the end of this day maybe not ;). no, but would you count on that? then why did they even introduce such a mechanism as becoming Hero? What i think and see is mst are somewhat "afraid" of combat imbalances due to a skill system, although GodofGrain or myself in our ideas particularly stated the wrongness of such. What about nvgs, aren't they a far more cruel advantage at the moment especially in night time or at heavy rain? I also think certain things shouldn't be far too complex as i believe rocket and his gang do not want to "obstruct access" to a broader community. Hence they will have to strike a balance.
  15. joe_mcentire

    Night time should be toned down

    wouldn't it make sense to introduce batteries for gps, nvg, flashlights? as mentioned in these threads: Flashlight compatibility - Batteries, weapons, and more! Batteries for equipment... Batteries. For NVGS, Thermal + NVG optics, Flashlights etc.
  16. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    but what do you want to say? shall i go to hospital and request to observe medical treatment?! should i disassamble a car? you can't be serious if that is your point.
  17. joe_mcentire

    Night time should be toned down

    has anyone ever wittingly experienced a full moon night. Some of these are straight awesome as you can see objects, animals etc kilometers away. Sometimes the light casts shadows as if it were clear day! And then imagine this as a winter-night with everything covered in snow. To be honest i rarely experienced pitch black nights, certainly also because the eyes adapt to light intensity.
  18. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    i'm sorry to make false assumptions, but after all there are some posts which do not contribute in a constructive way , which are getting fewer and fewer. and i think this thread has its right for constructivism, positive as well as negative of course. Of course you don't want to die! But sure i want to know what is it, that lets you attach to your character? In which way do you give your character value? It's just a thing of better understanding. Because obviously we differ in understanding. But Which aspect is in contradiction to the suggested points? If you want to get into it, then do it! If not then don't give THAT shit. Why do some feel you would be forced to a certain style of playing? You know what?! Hell yeah! What do you want more from a game, right? But guess what, not everyone is like you. Maybe there are some that don't stalk ppl with hatchets, or don't feel to get any excitement out of that, which includes myself for example. First of all it is based on the player of course! There are some who like to play a ball against a wall all day long and they love it. but not everyone gets the same motivation/excitement from the same things. a "soft" well developed "microskill" system would be something for me to get more excitement out of this already beautiful game! Let's not forget, this is "complaining on a high level".
  19. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    because they are imminent. what about the Hero-system for example? and think about it, if they are always brought up again, what does it say to you? funnier that you spend a post, so this thread keeps bumped up ;)
  20. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    quite some ideas you have here...
  21. joe_mcentire

    Should zombies only walk ?

    what somehow lacks , is a proper description of infection we're dealing with. Many Infections untreated, most likely lead to a mortal danger. So physical and mental conditions"The Infected" will ultimately degrade over time leading to their death. So it seems plausible to me that there are (newly infected) pretty fast, sidestepping versions and naturally more disabled ones that just walk around like in "The walking dead". Therefore the superhuman aspect should also be wiped off completely. Senses may be afflicted more over time, pain receptors become blunt... it would make sense to pack things like these into the infection-system to notice actual signs of infection. What boggles me, are they treatable? Is there a incubation time where you can still cure yourself? IS there a secret cure implemented ;)?! Considering some basic things, i think the npc reflect a quite "believable" behaviour.
  22. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    i see where you're coming from. The idea shall be, that everyone is the same. You are not able to spawn into games as medic, or pioneer or huntsman... I once used the expression "mantra-like" ;)... although we differ in some details i'll quote this again: and in addition this quote, if i may, by myself: http://dayzmod.com/f...60#entry1124345 please read at least some of the posts before ;) ... you might would like to bring up more arguments
  23. joe_mcentire

    Add Twinkies

    Bill Murray in the Role of his Life! :D
  24. There are quite some threads about skill systems and so forth. Although they seem to be rejected by a majority (yet), the implementation of the Hero is first of all an achievement. And therefore you get special perks. Some of you who already read these mentioned threads may now see that the worst of their fears found their way into the mod, most likely into the SA too. So there seems to be a solid base of believers among the devs in a soft form of role playing part of dayz. Or am i reading too much into it? Is it "just" a countermeasure to the bandits? What do you think? also a recommendation as an addition to this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118211-skill-system-in-dayz/
  25. joe_mcentire

    All this talk of skills and no one does it right...

    may i talk to you 'bout post #2 refering to a similar more evolved thread. Please do not deny this topic categorically in advance. Feel free to make an effort and read yourself in a little bit.