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About Talskar

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  1. Is it the head bob maybe?
  2. I love mine... originally got it for Falcon and loved it there. Dramatically increases your field of view. Not literally but since you can freely glance around it improves visibility. Especially good for driving in 1st person or flying. However, it'll take some time to get used to finding center again sometimes. (Looking around a lot, then trying to find where your gun is pointing/center.) Not an issue in 3rd person. And only takes a little time to get used to recentering, or just right click to ironsites.
  3. Talskar

    Using a Knife as a secondary weapon.

    I just did a couple of searches and couldn't find a thing except for Rockets 20words or less topic on starting unarmed (only in certain string combinations by the way). Then I run across this one just from browsing. (and "deleted" my identical suggestion). +1 (or however many) to this idea. Would love to have a rifle and knife at the ready for whatever I might find. This forum section states short and to the point "PLEASE make your THREAD SUBJECT short and *specific* like "Suggestion: More ways to make fire!"... Not "Here is a bunch of stuff I want" - Oktyabr Ideas are easier to find in a short topic then burried on page 21 of a 40 page topic.
  4. Talskar

    please delete

    *edit* suggestion was already made and posted. Multiple searches didn't yield it. Please ignore, or Mod please delete this as I apparently can't.
  5. Talskar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I like no weapon at start because it adds value to the experience. The mak is actually a weapon to care about now (always was being as quiet as it is), and how many people out their have morphine in their medicine cabinet?(besides the point) Players are less inclined to quit and respawn a hurt character because they loose that much more. Makes the experience focus on prioritization of needs, scavenging, and survival, not who can best use their "Bug Out Bag." Also forces all players to scavenge before going inland. Fresh spawns don't have the supplies to just bolt for the airfields from the word GO anymore. Saying this, I wouldn't mind starting players with a melee weapon of some sort. For the simulation people out there, melee weapons would be the easiest to find (How many people out there own a shovel?).
  6. Talskar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    further in this great wall of a thread, rocket has mentioned the closed testing progress and how it's not ready to release it to us yet. They're working on it. Don't worry, they'll get it down.
  7. Talskar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    should become less of an issue as the DayZ netcode becomes more stable
  8. Talskar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    how about a melee weapon at start for those who want a little something? Increases the value of the mak, gets people using melee weapons from the start. And they don't need ammo so supplies aren't a problem at the start. Lets get our gordon freeman on with the crowbars... baseball bats maybe? shovels? Still think the starting pack should be the Czech Vest Pouch to make it worth something and makes the patrol pack and assault pack better finds.
  9. i like this idea I agree with the idea of ditching the backpack at start (perhaps just have the pouch be starting gear, to keep the introduction to backpacks to new players). In the very least, it adds value to both the Coyote Patrol packs and the Pouch which wasn't there before.
  10. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Life expectancy probably won't ever be long enough. For me, the whole point of a respawn time is to stop you from playing DayZ for the rest of your planned session. It's supposed to be a massive inconvenience, to make people value their (and hopefully other people's) lives more. Would it not be satisfying knowing whoever you just killed now has to wait an hour+ before logging back in? If you want to grief people as a "bandit", this is how you do it. If anything, a timer would make you value another life less because now they're even more of a threat to you with this Sword of Damocles over your head. I think that's a step backwards.
  11. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    More so... what if you could contaminate fresh water source making them undrinkable?
  12. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    If that's a quest then so is "find hatchet to start a fire and cook better food." :D While generically true' date=' I don't think it's comparable to the linear quests of a themepark game. Players competing over the prize, vying for the point for completely DIFFERENT reasons (maybe one group wants to power the lights in elektro while another wants to use the plant to force the group in cherno to pay tribute), etc. [/quote'] Now that's the interesting bit. Expanding the concept of limited resources and ulterior motives. Now what if all those fuel tanks and water wells only had a limited amount of fluid in them?
  13. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    The Powergrid idea is a quest. List of Requirements to fulfill with a more desirable loot drop as a reward. It's a quest... but that's not necessarily a bad thing is what i'm saying.
  14. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    This would essentially just be adding quests. A lot of people would be against this for it's similarity to an MMO but we already have fetch quests in the form of vehicles. Loot Drops with "Epic" and "Common" Gear. And Random Events in the form of Heli crash sites. Some deeper structure beyond survival isn't the worse thing in the world. The Huey is pretty cool to fly around afterall.