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Everything posted by MiniAzza

  1. MiniAzza

    'Trust no-one' - is that really good advice?

    I've had varying experiences. Having spent most of time on Namalsk, i've found more friendlys there than Chernarus. I put it down to the wide availability of military grade loot in a number of places along with static heli crash sites. I think if I ever got the railgun thingy, I would most certainly be hiding somewhere.
  2. MiniAzza

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    2 stories for you, both took place on Namalsk. 1 - I was heading up the road at the old hospital after coming away empty handed looking for antibiotics and was making a beeline towards the office. I made a dash in to the main front doors and briefly I saw a guy at the top of the stairs who blindly asked "Who's shooting, why are you shooting!?" This was aimed at me as I had turned at the this point to put the brakes on a few zeds chomping at my bits. He had a Makarov (I didn't know this at the time, I also thought he had a friend with him), I had an M4A1 with a ton of rounds. As soon as I dropped the last zed, he hadn't moved and I bolted out of one of the side doors. In doing so, I typed over chat "You dudes upstairs, you cool?". The reply came via mic in good english but I couldn't hear it very well. Having seen nothing to indicate I was going to die, I walked back in and headed upstairs, gun raised. Over mic again I heard "Don't shoot!". I didn't. A friendly chat ensued, he gave me some antibiotics after I told him why I was there, and we proceeded to run out to get my new bud a gun and we going to go repiar a vehicle if we could find one. Needless to say before this happened I managed to agro a bunch of zeds in the hills, must have been near one of the deer stands or APC type thing wreckage, but I got gang banged by 7 or 8 zeds, took a 1 shot to the chin, busted my legs and fired a number of clips at the surrounding zeds. I hadn't realised at this point my bud had run out of rounds and was trying to bosh things with his hatchet, taking a 1 shot leg breaker at the same time. The pair of us, without morphine, at the top of hill waited for death. Elzzzon, if you read this man, It was my fault we died that night mate. I wish you could have taken my stuff as reward but we both got fudged! 2- Again on Namalsk. I had been playing for a couple of hours the day before and had picked up a PKM and had an M4A1 CCO in my Alice pack. I logged out in a tower by the old Saw Mill on the eastern island. When I logged in It wasn't a packed but talkative server and there was a guy called Jman14102 and another due on the beach as a hacker had bought in a plane wreck and bodies hanging from the sky, and what looked liek whirlpools of fire. I sat in the tower unnoticed and when Jman and the other guy left after checking it out, I got down from the tower and made my way west to the western island to see if a could find my bestest friend in Namalsk, a PKP. Over the side chat I see that Jman and the guy he was with declared themselves friendly but a moment later it showed they had been killed. When he spawned another guy called Marius had logged in looking for friendly players to join up with. Jman says to Marius that he is, but had just at Sebjan Dam and that he would meet at the middle of the map as he had spawned near Vokuta. Thinking he just made his where abouts public I dropped what I was doing and headed towards the Dam. Now near there is a wood house, with a window that you can see the tower at the Dam. I popped into the house, dropped my pants and took my binoculars out and saw two dudes waiting at the top of the tower. I bolted from the building but was too late. Jman had been shot by another player near the chemical plant who was then taken out a few minutes later by the guys at the tower. Knowing that I was too late, I stayed in the building for what must have been 10 or 15 minutes. I was getting bored so I headed out up to the chemical factory hoping to bypass the two guys in the tower without fuss. As I approached unseen I saw Jman run in, followed by some gun shots. I hung back and stood behind the brick wall and told him not to shoot, and that I would be coming in. He tells me at this point that he's not that type of player so I ran in. There were about 4 or 5 zeds around so I took down what I could with my M9 SD before I ran out of rounds as I forgot I only had a clip and a half and I couldn't shoot a turd if it was 2cm in front of me with an RPG. We took cover in a building with 2 doors, front and back, I whip out my PKM and proceed to make some noise. At this point the whole zed population of the chemical plant was on me, and blocking both doors. So I ran to a side wall and mowed down what I could, and before I died told Jman not to go to the dam as there were people waiting for him, and to take my PKM instead and run. Just as I finished typing, the zeds at my spleen, and I died. Needless to say, the two guys in the tower eventually tried to take Object A2 from another friendly player who had been down there all night, one died in the process, the other came back about 10 minutes later. By this point, I had run in and camped the bottom of the steps leading down, had picked up a new PKM, and blew his legs off the minute he came down the ladder.
  3. Will second what Bombdude said, this does seem great. Current in game name:MiniAzza Location: UK Age: 29 How long have you played DayZ: 6 or 7 Hours maybe? Preferred voicechat software(s): Teamspeak/Skype Preferred Position/Role: I like to hunt for gear. Not from others though. When I'm more experienced I want to help others. Reason for wanting to join this group: Had some very early yet harsh lessons playing this in such a very short amount of time. I'm not interested in the whole "bandit" thing and I'm very much against them. Any group who goes up against them, I want to be a part of. Strength in numbers eh? Can you bring anything unique to this group: What could I bring? Thats a tough one. Loyalty and determination. Weaknesses: I do have a full time, 9-5 job. Being in the UK may mean I don't see American/Canadian members as much as I would like. I would like to play most evenings but its not always possible. I am quite quiet until I get to know people, even over TS. Oh, and i'm a noob at this. Other: Whilst it is totally irrelevant, I'm a half decent Halo player. Dayz isn't my usual game, I'm not a fan of CoD or any of the other modern military type games. I prefer my Sci Fi like Halo/Mass Effect