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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. HazZarD87

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    On the subject of gagging and binding: Now I can execute them with brutal neckshots at last *dr evil laugh*
  2. HazZarD87

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    A tweet from a (at least mentally) 12yo troll is oh god why? Anyway, seems pretty darn nice so far. I was only missing one thing this entire time: The guy has a bayonet and I was anticipating a stabbing that never happened... meh :P Has it been animated yet?
  3. HazZarD87

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Release date is irrelevant. The core subject here is simple.. don't say you'll have a devblog @ such and so point in time and not have one. If you can't keep a promise just don't make it at all. Edit: no matter how much the silence might enrage some of the forum trolls/kids and other pesky vermin. Give us a devblog when you can, give us the alpha when you can. Just don't say things you can't stick to in orther to try and keep the vermin happy
  4. HazZarD87

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Cable tie garrotte coming up.... *evil grin*
  5. HazZarD87

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Brotip lads:. Stop speculating. You're working eachother up like hormone charged teenagers at prom night.
  6. Break into a single army arms locker at even a small barracks and presto.. you've got 40 assault rifles right there. Not saying they should be around every corner but they certainly wouldn't be as rare as some bear-grylls fanboys here are trying to make them out to be. Good thing rocket knows that and has allready shown us a sweet customizable M4.
  7. HazZarD87 pvp nerfing and opinable changes

    Give this man a medal! He's put the thinger on the sore spot about the major mistake from
  8. HazZarD87

    Where are all the devblogs?

    People will play however the hell they want. That's why it's a sandbox. Take that away and you take away the very essence of what dayz is. If you don't like people not playing by YOUR idea of how it "should" be played then it's just too friggin bad. Wipe up the crocodile tears and go back to playing the sims.
  9. HazZarD87

    Where are all the devblogs?

    And then those 15 of us will serve as zombie bait for Rocket and his band of NZSAS... Mercy! Edit: horrific typo. Inb4 the grammar SS bears down on me.
  10. HazZarD87

    Where are all the devblogs?

    It's like this with anything. We have no clue what's going on in Area 51? OMFG ALIENS THEN!!!!! git yer tin foil hats!!!!! That's the kinda level of logic the whiney little brats appear to operate on. Or kinda like ppl bitching about the bus driver being late without knowing he got held up by heavy traffic, an open bridge and a roadblock full of bandits with Mk48mod0's. They have no knowledge of what's going on but somewhere in their very tiny brains have they come up with the idea that they can form an opinion about how it woulda, coulda, shoulda been done anyway.
  11. First. As said the instant swap is way too arcady. It oughta take some fiddling to get your melee weapon of your belt. If the engine limitation means that locks you in place.... so be it. Edit: Wouldnt mind a feature where we could use our weapon as a blunt striking tool though. Would be nice to sneak up that one darn zed that's in the way and knock him over the head with the butt end off my weapon. Ofc an allready aggroed zed wouldn't be so easily dispatched. Think of it as trying to hit someone on the back of the head that doesn't see you coming. Thats easy, when you come from the front and they see you coming.. not so much.
  12. Let's not glorify scopes out of their nut here btw. I can't count the times in dayz where I've shot some guy running around with a .50 call at a 100 metres or less. Because he can't get on target as fast as I could with iron sights or a red dot. It's why I love the G36 to bits since you can switch between it's scope and red-dot. For some reason people in video games assume that a bigger scope = better. That goes for shooting at range but at closer ranges a scope is a liability since it takes longer to get on target. Dutch army rifles for instance have red dot sights with a magnifiying scope behind them. When you go into CQB the magnifier can fold to the side and you have your regular unmagnified red-dot that works much better on closer ranges. In dayz you're going to have to make a decision. Do I want a long range weapon that I can effectively engage targets with at greater distance, or do I want a nice open sight picture that will get me on target quick during a close range shootout? Weapon customization isn't "levelling your gear" like in standard MMO's. It provides you with different options for different scenarios. It's up to you to plan ahead, think about what you expect to encounter and prepare your kit accordingly. It's what I love about dayz most, always thinking those few steps ahead.
  13. If it's a picantinny rail then it doesn't matter if you have military or civilian issue, even the military one is just a matter of a few screws tightening a clamp. (And giving them a few nudges every now and then to ensure they still are.) The zeroing I fully agree on. When you bolt a sight on it's not magically zeroed in. You have to shoot a few nice groupings at a set distance (100 metres usually) to determine your centre-of-shot and then adjust the sight accordingly. That's the textbook way however, to conserve ammo and not draw any more attention then you want to you can also just fire off a round, adjust after you see it land, and fire again to see if it's on target now. But then again getting that to work in a game might just be another detail not worth the effort it would take. Just like mounts that are going to be universal in SA while they wouldn't be IRL.
  14. We wouldn't want rocket to think that the voice of spoiled, raging 12 year olds is the voice of the community now would we..
  15. They're not fragile... Don't know where people keep getting the idea that people being infected by the Z-virus also magically breaks or spirits away all sorts of goods and equipment. The Elcan optical sight I had on my service C7A1 has been functioning just fine since it was put into service in 1997. The same goes for other sights used on military weapons. You'd think any army would want a sight that will break time and again under the tough circumstances of military operations? Ofcourse not, they have to have a certain level of resilience called mil-spec. In the same line of thinking most people argue against military weapons in the game at all. But since chernarus has just had it's civil war and a peacekeeping force in the country, the presence of such weapons is obvious. When most of the soldiers fall to the infection those weapons don't magically dissappear. Getting to them in an army base where there is a battalion of zombiefied soldiers.. now that oughta be the trick.
  16. On a side note here.. this thread once again makes it clear just how thick headed some, ahw fuck it.. MOST people are. Rocket's PR skills may not be fully up to snuff but I see that as a perk rather then a weakness. We don't need PR managers shoving horseshit (from the mocapping perhaps) up our throats while anyone with half a brain can see trough it. Rocket gives us what he has and all the hyping done about release dates and such come from people miss-translating, missinterpreting or simply not properly reading the info that was put out there. I see a lot of people on these forums trying to discuss this issue with the less intelligent beings among us. But it will always be like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how well you do, the damn thing is just gonna knock over the pieces, crap all over the board and strut around like it is victorious. Best to just leave them to the illusion while the rest of us just get the Alpha when it's ready and running.
  17. Changing a mentality by artifically making certain behavior more appealing. It's kinda like talent trees in many MMO's where you have the illusion of picking your own playstyle, but there really is only one that is viable. Stuff like that should stay far, far away from DayZ.
  18. The mentality is what it is. If people go for a kill on sight then so be it. The game does not, and never should, prevent you from doing so in any way, shape or form. Period.
  19. HazZarD87

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    They should keep wild spawning zeds out of the mod. Only the SA should have zeds in the wild that have wandered there. The problem is client side spawning. I can keep my eyes peeled all I want but when the game keeps throwing them infront of me like ghosts then it just doesn't make any sense. They're zombies not spectres.
  20. HazZarD87

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    There is nothing in this game inteded to "balance". It's simply limitations on the item slots from the ArmA II engine. If the engine would let us we should even be able to just use our weapon as a blunt striking object.
  21. HazZarD87

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    This! Anything else has mostly come from people who translated or understood wrong. So cut all the wild-theory horse-doodle and just wait till you see it on steam.
  22. HazZarD87

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I agree with you to a certain extent, especially about the reward bit. Zeds shouldn't be tougher though since they are still just human beings, albeit infected ones. In numbers should lie their danger. Try taking on 3 or 4 ppl who do not hesitate at all and blindly attack you. No matter who you are, you're probably fucked. Same should go for the zeds if they catch you. Right now the difficulty is cheaply done by just making the hospitals, army barracks etc. gathering places for empty cans. They are densely populated areas, should therefore have more ppl that became infected, and therefore harder too reach. But like Sleepy said, they should reward you if you manage to get in. (And then there is still getting out alive after that.) Just because ppl turned into zombies doesn't mean guns and medicine just all went up into thin air.
  23. Valid point though :) I'd love to see some more of them, and have supermarkets and house garages and such spawn bicycle wheels to fix em with that are more common than the car (!) wheels we have to put on them now.
  24. HazZarD87

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    But then they shouldn't come moaning when someone else won't play their way. I was held up at gunpoint once by a freaking makarov (!) toting guy. While all I had was a hatchet and a can or 2 of food. He stood there telling me to drop everything or he would "not hesitate to kill me". The response ofcourse was a hatchet to his face. This caused a tremendous whine from him in side-chat about how "KoS assholes are ruining the game." Made for a good chuclke at the time but apparantly the carebear lot thinks they can force their playstyle on others.