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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. HazZarD87

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    If it's for hunting I'll just club the damn thing to death with a baseball bat if I have to. For self defence purposes well. It all depends really.. but for all round purposes I'd say M4 at this stage. Playing in a group of 2-5 ppl we usually try to have at least one scoped mosin in the bunch though. Means we can put plenty of rounds downrange but at the same time also 'reach out and touch someone'.
  2. THIS!!! ^^^ Case closed! Forgive me sir but I may give you only 1 can of beans.. given the option it would be many many more ;)
  3. HazZarD87

    Faster uphill running!

    I see we have a lot of ppl here that have put in plenty of miles with a large backpack, load bearing vest and weapon........ Or have they? No probably not.
  4. HazZarD87

    again HACKERS

    I don't see anything here that justifies the claim of "hackers" without question. 3 Dead bodies of geared players in one spot? Nothing special. I've seen more in one place who got sniped, with a pile of bambi's on top who wanted to loot them and also got sniped. If there is a case of hacking then by al means report it, but get evidence and not vague assumptions.
  5. HazZarD87

    Solving Both End-Game/Meta-Game and KoS Problems At Once

    It's all water under the bridge. If people choose to snipe you just for the hell of it then nothing's going to stop them untill you take firearms out of the game. And then I know I would charge you with a fireaxe while screaming viking-ish warcries over VOIP... just for the heck of it. No thesis size post is going to change that simple truth.
  6. HazZarD87

    What to do when geared on DayZ for fun?

    Shooting ppl with our group. Variating from 2 to 5 guys at any given time. Just terrorise the crap out of a certain area really. Lovely. Especially when for some reason ppl insist on looting a corpse.. You'd think they figure it out when there is a pile of 6 bodies... but nope... the pile grows. :lol:
  7. HazZarD87

    "Friendly Servers"

    Threads like this get locked time and again and the next thing you know someone who got their epeen stepped on by a bullet to the head opens one again... It makes camping a rooftop for bambi's sweet even without a sidechat to feed on their sweet tears of despair. It can be done here on the forums.
  8. HazZarD87

    I feel bad killing this guy/Is my kill justified?

    Correct. Shooting him would be a shame. Handcuff and torture him instead.
  9. Cannibalizing on parts in the field... ah yes.. not uncommon on IRL operations anyway. Got 2 F'ed up jeeps? Oh look at that they still make one proper running vehicle.. bolt that MG back on and get back out there ^^
  10. I doubt that this isn't planned allready. Just needs implementation at a future stage.
  11. The epicness of two vigilante groups running into eachother thinking "herp derp.. them be heavily armed.. must be bandits!!" :lol:
  12. It was definitly far too merciful to have been me and my buddies. If we catch a bambi we cuff 'em. Give em random bloodbags and force feed them rotten fruit and pure alcohol ^_^
  13. HazZarD87

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    PvE is nothing but a name. If they kick ppl for shooting you just because they feel like killing... they are breaking the rules, not the guy that killed you. Like our forum mod said: There is no PvE
  14. HazZarD87

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    Never been that big of an advantage. view widens slightly and you can peek over and around some stuff, big deal. Compensates nicely for not being able to peek trough "keyholes" and the like or just raising your head slightly instead of having to go all the way from prone to kneeling. Which is why the ARMA engine had it put in at it's first OFP incarnation in the first place. The QQ can stop since there are FP only servs now. Must be hard to lose another "look at me being the shiznit" pointer.
  15. HazZarD87

    How does saline give blood?

    Thing with shock isn't always a lack of blood but of "effective volume". Don't really recall the details but it means that your blood cannot effectively transport all the stuff you need trough your body. (Thats why shock victims are often thirsty). The saline is a more direct route whereas a blood transfusion would need to 'cycle' in first.
  16. HazZarD87

    How does saline give blood?

    I don't have any medical background but as I understand from back in military first aid lessons it helps treat for shock. Since the body isn't capable of transporting fluids etc. effectively it has to be helped a bit and the saline basically takes over like Stip says. It basically helps keep you going (or well... not dying as fast) untill you can get proper more definitive treatment.
  17. HazZarD87

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    Disregard this bollocks above. It happens if the 'respawn' function doesn't work and ppl exit instead.
  18. HazZarD87

    Murder squad

    It's all theoretical right now since 9 out of 10 ppl log out as soon as they spot someone with any form of weapon in the vicinity.
  19. HazZarD87

    These noobs.

    If someone decides to shoot you and you didn't shoot first... sucks for you. The to KoS or not to KoS discussion is irrelevant. This is a sandbox. People can do as they please. If their style doesn't happen to suit you then too bad.
  20. If law and order where to dissapear I wouldn't gain any "benefits" by behaving a certain way. This stuff is far too gamey for dayz.
  21. HazZarD87

    Real Zombies...

    I just want a wide range of garden tools to have at the bitey mongrels. Not to mention putting a fellow survivor to the pitchfork!
  22. If I get a chance to take out someone that's not in my group I will do so no matter how rare the ammo. Either to get their stuff, protect my own stuff, or just for the lolz
  23. HazZarD87

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Tried the patch and ran as fast as I could back to dayzero. It's still got the upper hand on this... perversion of what it once was.
  24. Has to be one heck of a heavy container if it can take a bullet though.. Most metal objects will just cause more damage because of pieces that come off when a round passes trough.
  25. When alone: something like an M4 with iron sights or an AK74. Anything I don't mind losing really.. but I mostly just try to sneak around zombies and pop them with a sidearm when needed. When I'm with a friend: One guy with a preferably silenced wep looting, other guy on overwatch with a heavy (7.62mm) hitter.