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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. HazZarD87

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    Nevver. Gonna. Happen.
  2. HazZarD87

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    Again. The mechanic punishes for logging out in a dangerous situation. Log out in your secluded camp in the woods and you'll be perfectly fine. There is no reason to dislike this unless you use logging out as your way to survive risky situations. AKA combat loggers
  3. HazZarD87

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    OP sounds like a combat logger. Just logout in a safe place.
  4. HazZarD87

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    If people wanna shoot you they ll just shoot you. Deal with it
  5. HazZarD87

    Face Painting

    Hehe.. well then you'd just axe him right? Mud like that for camo would ruin the crap out of your stuff though.
  6. HazZarD87

    Face Painting

    I'd reckon they have this on the list :) You could do variations to. Finding camouflage facepaint in milltary spawns or using "civil" alternatives like charcoal or shoeshine ;)
  7. HazZarD87

    Military Treasure

    Yup. Not to mention the recent addition of berets from both the CDF and Chedaki + those of the UN and NZ armed forces.Rocket is sticking with the original story of chernarus.
  8. HazZarD87

    Military Treasure

    No black hawks because? The American peacekeeping force didn't bring their helo's but only tactical jacket's, M4's and the like? Comon :lol:
  9. In the name of all that is holy and dear stop the ghosting. It's like there's not a player in the game left that doesn't abuse it in a fight anymore.
  10. HazZarD87

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    A knife to the toe is insta though :p
  11. HazZarD87

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    I'm amazed by the amount of people mentioning "insta" killed with a haccusation. How infected by the CoD virus are they....
  12. HazZarD87

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    How is one-shot a hack?
  13. HazZarD87

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Got a crew of 5 that kills people for the lolz. Problem?
  14. HazZarD87

    Should we be able to carry two rifles?

    Would fit easily if the receiver is taken off the trigger unit. Assembly should take a bit of time but can be done really fast if you keep the pins open. Just slot the top on, slam the pins and load it up.
  15. HazZarD87


    Coming close to 100 hours and only lost my character due to a bug like that twice.. not bad for an alpha.
  16. HazZarD87

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    Lurking in a coastal town with a crew of 4-5. Racking up to 50 kills per evening.
  17. HazZarD87

    <<<< Grass density needs to be improved. >>>>

    I don't.... I mean.... Go get some marksman training then come back with an opinion that makes sense OP. Besides just use your mega sprint and zig zag... dont go prone when fired on by a sniper, sprint like crazy or get behind solid cover.
  18. Well we will be able to use the pens and pieces of paper in the game to leave messages. Can't wait to rob a tent or shoot people and use this to add insult to injury ;-)
  19. HazZarD87

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

  20. HazZarD87

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Some people will never get that there is no "way" to play dayz. If ppl choose not to comply to you holding them up... too bad! No amount of crocodile tears is going to change anything about that.
  21. HazZarD87

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    Hehe, 500m on a carbine is quite silly indeed. In my service days it was 200m on a carbine and 300m on a full length barrel. anything below that doesn't require you to zero down since the bullet out of an M16 is 10cm above point of aim at 100m, and 14cm at 200m. Now considering you aim centre target that bit higher or lower is gonna hurt the target just the same. Got the M4 in dayz set to 200 at all times and it works beautifully :thumbsup: :D GJ DevZ
  22. HazZarD87

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Guy with a pistol tried to rob me once. Just ran around a corner, he followed up.. the nerdy voice screaming "omg I have a gun asshole!!" Took one sprint around him which was enough to have our poor-shot friend empty his clip with only 1 treatable hit. Now the prey became the hunter. The whole affair ended with a quite nasty encounter between him and my fireaxe. Happy dayz ^_^ So yeah screw being held up, it's a videogame and I couldn't care less if I died and lose a sweater and a fireaxe...
  23. HazZarD87

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    I LoLéd most at the "showing I'm enraged by trying to convince everyone I don't care" bit. Classic
  24. And on that bombshell the "don't KOS me!!" crowd can scurry back to their carebear pens.
  25. HazZarD87

    Suicide buttom?

    Dropped off the industrial building in berezino and broke my legs. Luckily a survivor saw me fall and was there like "wtf did you just do". When he ran off I just asked him to come back over VOIP, put my crowbar on the ground and politely requested that he would smash my skull in with it. Which the good fella did for me. Couldn't help to whisper "ooooh yeah spank me baby" over VOIP as he was beating me to death though :rolleyes: