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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. The sooner we get stuff like tents back the better. "Simply running back and being full geared again" is a failed argument. Your stash can be raided at any time and you'll lose even more than you can lose on a character.
  2. Wanting to add a mechanic to discourage it makes it just the same. If you had followed the mod and rocket's comments you know that is never going to happen anyway. Making this thread mute
  3. Someone took a psychology starter course and thinks he can dictate the way the game should portray the human psyche? Wrong! Plenty of ruthless sociopaths out there never developed any conscience or remorse, no empathy or pity. If people choose to play like that in the game then so be it. There should be no negative or positive effects from gameplay other than what you gain for yourself.. or stand to lose.. If someone chooses to sit on a roof or treeline all day looking for skulls to ventilate then he can and he will. No amount of "stop KOS!!" threads or carebear tears is ever going to do anything about that.
  4. If you actually mean that I'll go roll on the flour laughing my eyes out for a bit before I call the white coats for ya.
  5. The amount of QQ over ppl that wanna force carebear play on everyone else is staggering... A lack of empathy for killing someone in a VIDEOGAME? Oh give me a break xD
  6. So many tears... go back to left4dead if you don't want other players blowing your brains out. They can go melee weapons only for all I care.. I'll still chase you down and beat you to death with a limb I chewed off if I have to. Simply for the lolz if I'm feeling like it
  7. Another thread with the baseline off: "I don't like the way others play, force them to play my way!!!!!!"
  8. HazZarD87

    Suggestion for a new weapon in DayZ SA

    There was a multinational peacekeeping force in chernarus. M4's AK's L85's... you name it and it makes sense. No limits there.
  9. HazZarD87

    Cowboy hats - an invitation to shoot on sight?

    Another thread shedding tears over KoS.... goodie! We didn't have one yet....
  10. Hahaha great read mate! And yes a lot of them don't seem to know. It's getting hilarious at points.
  11. Nothing will come. The game is what you make it. If people choose to shoot you on sight then that's how it is. Adapt or burn
  12. HazZarD87

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    This! Keep out the copters.
  13. HazZarD87

    No firearms.

    Carebears and "OMG DONT KOS" types will never stop this silly crusade
  14. HazZarD87

    Realism in the game

    Rocket doesn't use the word "realism" because realism can't be put into a videogame. Authentic is what DayZ is striving for.
  15. HazZarD87

    Too many military spawns?

    Yeah why would there be weapons in a country that has just fought a civil war and had a UN intervention force.... oh.... wait......
  16. HazZarD87

    Did they nerv the weapons?

    Rocket commented from the get go that they are rabies-related infected humans. No stronger or more damage resistant than non-infected human beings. They're just aggresive as fook now ;)
  17. HazZarD87

    Did they nerv the weapons?

    Could have hit you in the leg or something not very vital, could have been a ricochet too.
  18. This isn't EVE. Nor is all of chernarus a campfest, it's not physically possible.
  19. NO! If you want safezones go play epoch. Then you can QQ about how you get ambushed on its edges ;)
  20. HazZarD87

    Messing around on experimental, 1PP vs 3PP :D

    It is exactly why it is in and true to it's core. Furthermore it seems that assaulting 3PP has become the toy of a few zealots. You have 1PP only servers. Get on those and stop the QQ
  21. Would be nice to have a more modern sniper rifle in 2. But were just at the start, we'll see how the arsenal develops. And can't wait to see the QQ of the sticks and stones only minded folk
  22. HazZarD87

    Bad community

    Just a reminder OP: it's a sandbox game. Means people can do whatever the heck they want. If they don't play the way you like then it doesn't make them retarded, it just makes them enjoy a different playstyle. What's retarded is when one self-centered narcisist expects the entire community to play his way.
  23. HazZarD87

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    Need more popcorn. There are still combat loggers trying to argue against this wonderful system :lol:
  24. HazZarD87

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    30 seconds can be short as it still leaves room for combat logging scenarios. However it does curb the most blatant forms of instant alt-f4 escapes. It also means you just gotta take into account where you log out. So if you have a set a amount of playtime then take into account that you have to find a safe spot in time. If you have to leave suddenly.. just find a safe place close by. If its THAT instant you have to run from your keyboard.. then it's probably important enough that you won't give a rats ass about losing some char from a friggin videogame..
  25. HazZarD87

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    crappy idea. Nuff said