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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. HazZarD87


    AKM in the mod was a great hard-hitter even though it's sights weren't all that.. The punch made up for that. The accuracy business is horrible across the board for all weapons now anyway, unless you get some nice attachements going. That does need fixing.
  2. HazZarD87

    Piano House & elektro looting

    They can throw in every kind of freaky zombie they want. I'd still kill others even for shits 'n giggles
  3. HazZarD87

    Weapon ballance

    The dayz mod health system with the 12.000 blood even made some less powerful calibres like 5.56mm take a lot more body shots than you and I would be able to take before staying down :P
  4. HazZarD87

    Weapon ballance

    Using the balance word on dayz weapons... shoo Coddy shoo!
  5. HazZarD87

    Sugestion regarding the Amphibia S

    I'm sure thats in the making. The attachable silencers aren't doing any silencing now either
  6. HazZarD87

    What's in the gamefiles? LMGs ?

    You always get fuzz about a "big" gun. In the mod you'd have people dropping say an M14 whenever they found a .50 cal. If I got a penny for each one of those that was helpless with his big ass artillery piece vs an M4.... These weapons are not 'personal' weapons like an assault rifle. They serve a specific purpose and when used outside that role you will find a crapload of drawbacks to them. I'd like to have LMG's in though. Perfect to bring along when you and your mates are setting up an ambush. Especially versus fast moving targets such as vehicles.
  7. HazZarD87

    Get Creative

    Doesn't take a genius to sew a couple of rags of burlap to a jacket/pants
  8. It's with the new forced location thingy. Server forces the player to be in the location that the server thinks it is, not the client. For others it ll appear like they are porting
  9. HazZarD87

    The shy and oh so rare can opener

    I find them pretty often. And for the lack of one I'll use a screwdriver or bayonet
  10. HazZarD87

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    No point in trying to explain that to the hurt epeens that scream hack in order to save their fragile ego's :P
  11. HazZarD87

    What's in the gamefiles? LMGs ?

    Ah yes.. my old belt fed friend.. we shall reign again.
  12. HazZarD87

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    The amount of QQ in this thread is epic.. just l2pvp
  13. HazZarD87

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    One wonders why there are no vids of all these supposed clear-cut hacker cases showing up....
  14. HazZarD87

    buttstock cartridge holder

    Well believe me, those rounds on the stock are gonna be in your weapon quite a bit faster than when you have them in a pocket or pouch. Especially if you are prone or kneeling.
  15. HazZarD87

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    7 tot 5 rounds or 2 shotgun blasts..... What are they.. kevlar skinned? :P
  16. HazZarD87

    buttstock cartridge holder

    Looking good there Lok. You could add stuff like this for many weapons. Not uncommon to see on an M16 for example either. http://www.brownells.com/userdocs/products/l_100002839_1.jpg Or even with the telescoping buttstock on the M4 http://www.militaryuniformsupply.com/files/ma59-008-condor-multicam-m4-buttstock-magazine-pouch.jpg
  17. HazZarD87

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    Newsflash, therse aren't Romero's magically back from the grave zombies. Invalid thread is invalid
  18. HazZarD87

    Anyone Miss the Mod's Medical and Humanity Approach?

    It's the little things that I like.. in the end they're not that hard to take care off but the require attention all the time. You've got to make sure you keep your basics covered at all times. Can't wait for persistent storage to hit. Loved how we'd plan an action in the mod, gear up for it, leave non essential gear at the "operating base" if you will, and set out to do whatever we planned to do. We'd spend more time on our "logistic" side of things than any action ever lasted (lying in wait aside ofc).
  19. Ah now there's another good one.. you can help out with that zombie chase. Help the zombies catch dinner by shooting it in the legs B)
  20. HazZarD87

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Like the bandit skin in the mod even said anything. Kill a couple guys even out of self defense and you had it.. no biggie
  21. Yeah it's actually more fun to put em up against the wall, cuff 'm bag' m and make them drink alcohol tincture.. or use them as a pinata for a couple of groupmates with baseball bats.
  22. HazZarD87

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    Dunno if the hitzones can be as specific as the heart but upper torso/ower torso should have some difference in stopping power. At the same time I'd never trust one bullet to do it if it's an immediate self defence shot at short range. If they're coming up in your face you can't wait and see if the first shot did it's job cause they will be all over you by that time.. So to quote zombieland on this one... ^_^ Rule #2: Double Tap!! B)
  23. HazZarD87

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    Who says we are. You're character's story is your own. How well you can shoot should be determined by the player's skill and not ingame randomness. In the mod there where still plenty of crap shots. Hell I even had a harder time hitting stuff there than I had IRL.. a mouse sucks for aiming compared to using your whole body tbh.
  24. HazZarD87

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    Aye the randomness is too much.
  25. HazZarD87

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    I'll guarantee you that 95% CAN hit a deer at 300m with an SKS, M4 might be a bit more trouble since of the short barrel but still doable. Exhale bout 2/3, hold your breath and gently start squeezing that trigger. There's your hit.