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Everything posted by HazZarD87

  1. HazZarD87

    We Need That Update.

    Heck just take out the damn copters that hand out every tent and vehicle on the server free to whoever has them. Game will become a heck of a lot more interesting right then and there.
  2. HazZarD87

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    It's because rocket was getting everything done the way he wanted it. Now that it's in the hands of others I'm glad they need his permission instead of just taking it as they please. They'd screw it over so hard there'd be nothing of dayz left.
  3. HazZarD87

    SVD Camouflage vs M40A3 Camouflage.

    "Overpowerd" oh dear..... the CoD terms have reared their ugly faces in this thread.
  4. HazZarD87

    When is DayZ?

    DayZ is set in Chernarus somewhere following the 2009 civil war/ USMC intervention. Nuff said really :P (ArmA II story)
  5. HazZarD87

    No more 50 cals!

    Just another case of the whiners winning out. This wouldn't have happened with rocket still calling the shots on the mod. And no I don't whore .50 cals. I can't be arsed at those ranges since it's too much of a walk to loot the body then. Gonna throw out my lee-enfield, M24, FN-FAL, M14 "one hit wonder wands" next?
  6. HazZarD87

    '' Core community '' ?

    You sir deserve my beans. What drew me to DayZ mostly was rocket taking his own course, not caring at all what anybody thinks about it. The less the CoD kiddies can influence a game's direction the better.
  7. Exactly. Most military rounds don't fragment though cause of the FMJ. You want penetration power after all so light cover won't do it for the enemy. Still doesn't stop the little bastards from tumbling and ripping your innards to bits ofcourse. So yeah we can go on and on with a list of gruesome factors that come with gunshot wounds. I'd like to see the first game taking 'em all in :P
  8. HazZarD87

    DayZ, ARMA2 & OA Freelook Problem

    Love from an 800 kilo cow. Start runnin' Daryl. Ain't no crossbow gonna get you out of this one clean :P
  9. Well bullet damage is a strange beast IRL too. It's dependant on so much more factors than just speed and calibre. I doubt that with the current computing power you could have a playable game that portrays it even reasonably accurate. I know of plenty of cases where police fired over 10 rounds of 9mm into someone and after that had to resort to a headshot to put 'em down. Same thing goes for a guy I know who was in Afghanistan. He fired 4 times into an oncoming insurgent, after each hit the guy just kept on coming. It took 4 5.56mm rounds within 100m before he finnally stayed down. On the other side, the same rounds are known to put people down in one hit if they hit a "sweet spot". (This is all considering FMJ rounds.) Bottom line is, untill games can simulate human anatomy and the effects of gunfire on it in a realistic way, we will always have to cut some corners damage wise. Overall I think ArmA does a decent job, better than other games at least.
  10. you come up with all this bs yourself or is it substance induced. This whole thread is just OP being mad cause bad
  11. OP. Go back to CoD. Now!
  12. HazZarD87

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    True, but it mostly only goes for when you're standing. In the kneeling or prone position it is easy to keep your gun pointing ahead for ages, since you can support your elbows on your knee when kneeling or the ground when prone.
  13. HazZarD87

    What Event Turned You Into A Bandit?

    Having a guy pretend he was friendly to shoot me in the back first chance he got. Back in one of my first attempts. Right there and then me and my group installed the "have a shot? take the shot" rule regarding other survivors.
  14. HazZarD87

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    "Tougher" zombies. Rocket will probably throw himself off everest if he sees his mod becoming L4D on the arma engine.
  15. HazZarD87

    Micro UAVs and IEDs

    Well that's exactly why IED's are made. When military grade gear is unavailable. Thats why they are "improvised". You just need a lot of nasty things and something that will go boom. Depends on your chemical prowess how easy the 'boom' component can be gotten.
  16. HazZarD87

    Infected Camps

    Ravey is right. It's to vague now. I'd say the infected camps mean that survivors set up a camp somewhere but succumbed to the infection anwyway and are now a bunch of zombs in the woods around a stash of some loot. Trying to spice up the wilderniss perhaps?
  17. HazZarD87

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    ^This. No more needs to be said! Bravo sir :)
  18. HazZarD87

    Fed up

    Oh look, this thread again.... No seriously now, the PvP aspect is what ppl make out of it themselves. That it involves shooting others that you don't know on sight will never change no matter what they do to the mod. Beyond things that would disproportionaly impact the rest of the experience just to try and discourage shooting on sight. Fact of the matter is people will always be inclined to shoot first and ask questions later. It will always be easier to get gear off a guy after putting a few rounds in his skull than it is to collect it yourself. And since it is just a videogame where "guilt" is no factor, you can't expect people to not shoot you out of the kindness of their hearts. I shoot on sight myself because I know that if I don't I will end up being shot at 9 out of 10 times anyway, better to remove that risk alltogether whenever the oppurtunity presents itself. On the other hand look at it this way: The infection has affected so many people that society as we know it has collapsed, but why would that automatically mean the infected are the biggest risk? In the end they lack any cognitive function above running and chewing on stuff (e.g. us survivors). This makes them dangerous in large numbers and when you get cornered, but easy to avoid in less populated areas. The real threat will always be other people looking for an easy means of survival. There are no more laws, no more authority, Hobbes "social contract" has become void. It is the war of all against all and as he said it will be: "nasty, brutish and short." It may not be the experience you were hoping for, or came to expect from zombie movies and such. But it is how it is playing out in this apocalypse rocket created for us.
  19. Whenever I go on a non-whitelisted server this one by them also feels appropriate sooner or later:
  20. Well whenever he releases I do hope that the options to hide stuff come out as most of us hope. Would be nice to go beyond pitching a tent somewhere in the boonies and praying to my lucky stars that someone doesn't fly a helo over it, to which it sticks out like rock concert pyrotechnics.
  21. HazZarD87

    Dayz Gunplay

    You mentioned it taking skill to shoot anyone if the gunplay was like CoD. It probably enraged him that you fail to see how absolutely wrong that statement is. CoD has a run of the mill point and click way to its shooting. It's not shooting it's just pointing and clicking your mouse. ArmA2 comes infinitely closer than CoD to actual marksmanship, even though I can tell you from experience it's still a long shot since in the end, you use a mouse (eg. hand and wrist) to aim and not your entire body. CoD style gameplay eliminates the need for any "skill" apart from pointing and clicker faster than the next guy. In dayz you will need to bring a lot more than that.
  22. HazZarD87

    Surgical Kit

    Not every bullet stays in you ofcourse. Depending on it's speed, caliber, shape, whether it hits a bone or not etc etc, a lot can go clean trough. Guess you could make a mechanic out of that though, give it a % chance for the bullet not exiting the body and having to be removed.
  23. Hehe, reminds me of a part in the book "we were soldiers once and young" where a soldier recalls being in the middle of the LZ albany firefight, huddled in cover from the firestorm raging around him and all of a sudden spots a scorpion crawling up his leg. He jumps up, flails around like some hamster on coffee and knocks the scorpion off, grinding it into the dirt with the butt end of his rifle. At this point ofcourse he realises there is still a battle on and bullets are flying all around him so he hits the dirt again. It's all about priorities :P
  24. HazZarD87

    Tents should disappear on death.

    Quite so. Ofcourse it still makes sense that you would find military grade weapons in places like a military airfield so those things will always be a hot-spot in one way or another. On the other hand it wouldn't be completely unlikely to find yourself a semi-automatic 7.62mm rifle along with a crapload of ammo and emergency rations in a regular family home, depending what part of the world you find yourself. I think that with the devs reworking chernarus and making every building, wreck and what have you a possible source of loot, a lot of the hotspotting elektro-stary-nwaf routine will be wiped out anyway. I allready see this in action in the GiZ clan server I play on. Theyve added a few supermarkets and schools to towns (without making them look out of place, high praise for that) so those places on the map you used to just blindly walk past are starting to see more traffic. Run ins between players become both more rare and more random as a result. The second thing I like are AI flown choppers coming in place of the helo crash sites, they fly around till at some point they crash. You may find it like any other crashsite in a normal server, but maybe you see it go down. Who else did? is it safe to go over? Could you ambush someone that saw it go down aswell and comes to investigate. All these "what if's" are what makes dayZ great for me. On the central question whether or not meta-play should be counteracted I can be brief: no. Simply because it cannot be done without disproportionatly impacting the overall experience. Some may see the first "I have no clue where the heck I am and must scrounge to survive" part as the true "survival" aspect but that depends on your definition of survival. So I have a tent or whole camp with a crew, if I die I hobble back there to get more stuffs. Yes it's meta gaming but what off it? We are in a post-apocalyptic setting and you can expect people to eventually carve something out of that. You can only live bear grylls style for so long. People will start to set up more permanent means of living. We aren't out in the boonies trying to survive untill we can catch a ride back to the civilized world, we find ourselves in all that is left of the civilized world. Camps, and later in the SA "bases" or whatever you want to call them reflect people's endavours to re-establish themselves by whatever means are available. TL:DR: I'll just go with rocket on this one, there will always be meta gaming anyway so just live with it. Edited to demolish some wall of text bits ^_^
  25. HazZarD87

    Tents should disappear on death.

    Seems to me OP assumes tents are safe. In reality they aren't. Heck to a chopper they stick out like a sore thumb even in heavily wooded areas. The gear you've got on you can be lost when dying, what you leave in your tent can be stolen. I've picked clean quite a few tents in my time and lost true arsenals because of my own tents being found sooner or later. Besides stuff on your char is usually even safer since once you logout it can't be taken. Tents are there for the picking 24/7 TL:DR: tents aren't ever safe either so just don't touch the mechanic