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About Tovervlag

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  1. Tovervlag

    Plunged Into A Journey [18:39]

    I rarely felt so plunged into a journey like this. Was there any other path I could take here? I really enjoyed it and I hope you do too! :)
  2. Tovervlag

    A Home for Christmas [9:37]

    Hey Hugo, you too man! The Church is at Kumyrna. See here as well.. http://www.dayztv.com/map/#7.083.093I will enjoy the holidays, I will spend it at family and I'm going to Vienna for a couple of days, thanks for the interest, I hope you will enjoy your holidays too! :)
  3. Tovervlag

    A Home for Christmas [9:37]

    On my mission to the biggest Christmas tree in Novo I found a car and I try to fix it up to travel there. I hope you enjoy!
  4. Tovervlag

    Day Z Videos

  5. Tovervlag

    DayZ Underground

    Some of the greatest experiences I've had in DayZ are the random encounters in the middle of nowhere in the DayZ Underground server.
  6. Tovervlag

    Direct Chat Adventures [22:46]

    Thanks man! I probably should have but as I combined it with another video I didn't really think of it. Thanks again!
  7. Tovervlag

    Direct Chat Adventures [22:46]

    Thanks man! I know right? It was literally sticking out of him. I thought that was really cool!
  8. Tovervlag

    Direct Chat Adventures [22:46]

    Direct Chat Adventures are often the best adventures in DayZ, I hope you enjoy!
  9. Tovervlag

    The End [2:27]

    After fighting Cholera for hours I moved carefully further North to safer places.. I hope you like it.
  10. Are TheRunningManZ and I gonna kill or be killed? Come check it out! I hope you enjoy the video.
  11. Tovervlag

    Rico from Israel [13:03]

    I know man, sadly can't prevent that from happening, avoid reading comments before watching videos at all cost. Thanks for watching! :)
  12. Tovervlag

    Rico from Israel [13:03]

    Thanks man! :)
  13. Tovervlag

    Rico from Israel [13:03]

    I was testing my frames and running around in Cherno when I suddenly met this guy. Together we decided to go to Electro. I hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuLPsKKvQmc Edit: Sorry, somehow it doesn't show in this forum so I put it in a link.
  14. Sorry, I only see this now. if you click on the source you create for DayZ you need to check the 'anti-cheat compatibility' box. That will fix the black screen. Also try to run obs as administrator. :) Let me know if it works.
  15. Together with TheRunningManZ and M1ndr, I venture up North to end up in a fight at Stary. Things didn't go as planned..