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About Chainsaw_Squirrel

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Tennessee, US
  • Interests
    gaming, and fishing

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    pro geek

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  1. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Stable Update 1.20

    The game should auto update when you are not in game, if your PC is on, and connected to the net. But you can verify the files by opening steam library , choose dayz, then right click properties, local files, verify , also in that section make sure auto update is enabled
  2. PC | US | Chainsaw's | Livonia | PVP | RP | Only Static Gas is Bunker | New Military Camps | No Traders | No BS just Fun No Traders Low Number of Mods, only 14 in total Dark Short Nights - no Personal Light -NVG more common Army Convoy - Boosted chance for Punch Card Bunker is Gassed , so bring your full NBC to get in. Character Spawns with Map, GPS, and 9volt battery Red Falcon Heli - Little Birds Spurgle's Bags Mod Honey Badger Mod Flip Transport - get your self unstuck push or flip with wrench in inventory SNAFU Weapons Mod Mass Many items Mod - Only clothing and bags, Guns disabled from the Mod Advanced Weapon Scopes Many custom map locations, and hidden bunkers and bases around the map, more fun than official vanilla map Server Located near Atlanta, GA You must have NO Game Bans to Play here. Come check out the server - Discord https://discord.gg/zdQM9ByGdS
  3. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Splints don't spawn at all .. they are crafted ..unless u are on a modified server
  4. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    cant cook beef steaks or fat on a stick .. cant even put it on the stick https://youtu.be/Tv5wSEhDQR8
  5. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Stable Update 1.09

    https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Crinching ITS A WORD 🙂
  6. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Stable Update 1.09

    It will be back up when they are done.. don't get your panties in a wad
  7. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Stable Update 1.08

    I guess Im one of the few that try multiple solutions .. maybe thats why Im a tech for a living lol
  8. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Stable Update 1.08

    build the fire ( dont light ) .. pick up and place in the stove .. it gives u an option to place in the stove
  9. Great Server - lots of fun
  10. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Console Update 1.07

    Possibly .. Ive never played on servers that had admin that raid players bases .. so wouldn't know .. there are some sorry admin out there yes. Then again .. the map aint that big.. eventually someone will raid as the bases are easy to raid anyway
  11. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Console Update 1.07

    admin on console, don't have the ability to teleport or go invisible like pc modded servers do .. so they can stalk u unless they run or drive to you 😆
  12. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Console Update 1.07

    no they haven't or it would be listed in the notes
  13. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Console Update 1.06

    @Greensek Just curious .. does dayz have any plans for an unlocked FPS version of dayz for next gen consoles due out at in the fall for Christmas 2020 ? Those new consoles will likely more than enough to handle it .. or has BI even considered it ?
  14. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Experimental Update 1.06

    If you say so ..
  15. Chainsaw_Squirrel

    Experimental Update 1.06

    They are talking about hands issues .. crafting, repairing, eating etc . it would freeze your game and crash the client back to desktop .. it and the inventory bug brought in with 1.06 are fixed ... at least as far as I can tell.. played several hrs after exp pushed no client crashes and no inventory aka can't pick up stuff by double clicking or having to drag to hands the to inventory .. has been fixed