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Everything posted by SwarfwgaHead
Well, people did ask for more zombies
SwarfwgaHead replied to archamedes's topic in General Discussion
Bring on more zombies I say, but not before we have a decent stealth mechanic. The way it worked in the mod was decent enough, but obviously much easier due to the HUD elements telling you how visible you are. Havent played stable in a while, but in experimental zeds 20m away dont seem to spot you at night, so theres definitely work going on in that respect, its just a matter of time til a real system is implemented. Im pretty sure zeds spotting you alone from 900m away is an intended feature of the full game, thats just where things are now. I look forward to a time when I can turn a corner in a city and be faced with 15 zeds in the street and have no other option but to run...even with the melee broken, taking on three at once with an axe is childs play. -
Hey, so, so theres a word thats used a lot around here, I hope Im spelling it right: ALPHA If a certain weapon or whatever is hard to find in a current build, its either a wee bug thats gonna get fixed, or the devs intentionally pushing people to try new things.
Is DayZ going to have microtransactions/DLC?
SwarfwgaHead replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I havent put much time in to A3 in the past two weeks or so, but from what Ive heard the new mechanics are worth it. And now that you mention it I'm pretty sure you're right, the paid content is quite minimal, as the actual gameplay mechanics are brought in regardless of whether you buy the content or not. Which kinda makes me feel like people who pay for it are getting shafted on content they don't really need. I'll make my mind up when my units pilots decide if the new heli is any good or not :p -
Is DayZ going to have microtransactions/DLC?
SwarfwgaHead replied to omgwtfbbq (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
thats not really BI's style, so I don't think it's very likely. I'm not the happiest with their ArmA 3 DLC plans, as a lot of it seems to be stuff that should have been in the game from release. But, I think they released ArmA 3 prematurely anyway, and thats a whole different game. A (very) far future DLC with a new map and gear and weapons is something I wouldn't rule out completely, but it doesn't seem likely to me. -
It all boils down to how you as an individual want to play the game. As much as some people seem to insist PvP is the only real "endgame", there seems to be enough debate in this thread alone to prove otherwise. For you, sure, maybe once you're geared up you want to go shoot some people for the heck of it. For me, if it got to that stage I'd just give up and go play ArmA. PvP is just one part of one element of the game. Player interaction, friendly or otherwise, is an essential part of the game, and in it's current state sure, once you're geared and healthy its the most viable option for keeping things interesting. But player interaction doesn't mean PvP. There are a lot of ways to interact with other players, and sure they're more risky than just shooting anyone you see, but theyre a lot more fun. I'd much rather get a conversation going with another player before bullets start flying. Theres a high chance the feces will hit the fan, but I'd rather take a chance and die than just stick around high pop areas looking for people to have gunfights with. Use your imagination, explore, set goals for yourself, hunt for certain items, set up a wee camp for yourself, help out some newspawns! Chernarus is your rotten, decaying oyster!
I got a fevuh, and the only prescription...is more tinned beans!
lone wolfing pretty much every time I play, having a weapon with an LRS seems almost essential to me. I use it to scout a town or even any expansive open areas Im crossing to keep myself safe. It's very rare I'd actually fire at someone though, it's usually a safer option to just let them pass through. that said, if I'm desperately in need of food/drink or some medical supplies and I see an armed player looting an area that I may need supplies from, I won't feel guilty about either killing them or scaring them off. most of the long(ish) distance shooting I've done has been popping zombies chasing unarmed players though. I don't think it's an inherently cowardly way of playing. hell even players lying in wait and just shooting anyone they see; I don't see it as cowardly, its just not very clever. even with the best of cover and field of view, theres nothing to stop someone rushing you from behind with melee or fists before you can properly react. killing someone from 600+ metres away is usually more effort than it's worth if you plan to run to their position to loot them, and killing for killings sake is something I don't really understand.
I'd love something like this to be honest. Then again I'd love to see a full stat-sheet for my current character, bandages used, bones broken, animals eaten, rounds fired etc.
While the graphical quality may not be up to todays standards, I've never played a game with an environment that makes me feel more immersed than Chernarus does. Maybe it's just the fact that where I live can look quite similar, but I've found myself comparing local scenery to Chernarus while out for a walk or a drive, and I'd take that over a super-vibrant FarCry jungle any day. The rolling hills and dense forests just look more authentic to me than any other game environment. The only problem I had with Chernarus in ArmA/the mod was the fact that the "cities" were a bit lame and flat and boring. But the new cities in Chernarus+ look fantastic.
[Be nice] How do you torture people in days?
SwarfwgaHead replied to HeroAtDay BanditAtNight's topic in General Discussion
i can kinda see the appeal of force feeding or leading people off buildings, its kinda goofy looking and fun, but people straight up wanting to pull peoples teeth out etc...thats a bit much for my tastes. -
Have you ever given guns and ammo to freshspawns?
SwarfwgaHead replied to HeroAtDay BanditAtNight's topic in General Discussion
I'd have to pal around with someone for a while before giving them anything they could use to kill me. Just the other day I was kind enough to help a newspawn by opening a tin for him. Luckily I was cautious and made him back off a few metres before I did, because as soon as I opened my inventory screen he decided to try cave my head in with a fire extinguisher. Thankfully bullets are faster than swinging a fire extinguisher. I did feel a little guilty killing the guy tagging along with him though, as soon as the guy rushed me his buddy ran off shouting "no no no no" into his mic...hopefully he'll be more careful who he teams up with next time -
hey the fall guy you sayve me thanks
SwarfwgaHead replied to Shrub Rocketeer ™'s topic in General Discussion
As an Irishman, this made me proud. Ill pass the message on if I ever meet him -
I think the idea of there being any one specific endgame for DayZ is kind of flawed, it's going to vary from server to server and player to player. Personally I don't find myself drawn to PvP at all, even having clocked gross hours in the mod and a decent amount in the standalone. Sure there are people who'll get bored with survival and will play solely to fight other players, but I think a fair amount of the playerbase is interested in the game for other reasons. Personally I do just play to survive. I have no real aim to structure to how I handle meeting other players, I take it on a case by case basis. I can see why people might find it boring to just wander the wilds keeping yourself alive, but I personally enjoy it. Even just issuing yourself challenges like making your way from one town to another can be an ordeal under the right (or wrong) circumstances. I've also taken to giving myself some restrictions in how I play, just to see if it makes the game more enjoyable for me. I've tried making a habit of walking for most of my journeying, leaving the run/sprint for emergency situations for example. It's something some might find boring, but it's a pleasant mix of peaceful and eerie wandering the woods and trails of Chernarus on your own. Playing in the middle of the night and relying on flashlights and lamps for guidance makes a big difference, and I recommend it to anyone who just uses the old gamma trick or refuses to play at night. And, if we ever do see the implementation of base building it will change things dramatically, we could see communities forming on server with people having their roles to fill, small settlements interacting with eachother (peacefully or not). I think this game has the potential to be so much more than just a deathmatch with zombies shuffling around in the middle. And not just from a developmental point of view, but with that the community makes of it too. In the end it's still too early to say what the game will or won't be at the end of development but I'd guess theyre'll be something for everyone, it might just be a case of finding a server or community that suits how you play.
Is the update as bad as everyone says?
SwarfwgaHead replied to d.walker43's topic in General Discussion
I haven't played in ages but I'm pretty pleased with the update. Ive just had the left mouse button bug happen and I pooped a lil bit, due to having a zombies fists all up in my face at the time. The movement feels like kind of a mixed bag for me. Restricting movement speed while aiming your gun is good I feel, but I think a light jog would probably lift a lot of tedium for people. Ideally I'd like to see the end of this infinite sprint nonsense, force players to take things at a light pace for a while and only speed up when they need it. I actually spend quite a lot of my play time tonight walking rather than running and it's a pretty interesting experience. I haven't noticed much in the way of FPS drop, and melee hasn't caused me any real problems, a missed axe swing here or there. The intro NavMesh seems reasonably solid, its refreshing to finally see zeds using doorways and stairs. Honestly its one of the biggest improvements Ive seen since I started playing the Standalone, and I cant understand people whinging about a lack of progess in development... Overall I'm quite pleased with how things are shaping up. Asfor talk of hackers and duping...the game isn't currently in a state thats even really intended to be a truly playable experience, it's still in testing. I seriously doubt that kind of thing is high on the devs list of priorities at the minute. Let them build the actual game, worry about that kind of thing when we're out of alpha -
Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered
SwarfwgaHead replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
I'm kinda surprised at how ant-helicopter some of you guys are. Honestly even in high-pop servers in the mod with like 8+ Helo's on server, I don't think I've ever seen more than 2 active at once. Adding to that the fact that most of the groups I've seen using them barely seem capable of keeping them in the sky for more than 20 minutes, let alone use them to gun down every bambi on the server, they're not exactly game breaking. And we are probably talking about fairly lighty armed helicopters too, so a decent amount of small arms fire should prove enough to damage them. I think the realism arguement is kinda moot, if we can just assume every survivor knows how to strip an entire car bare and essentially build one from scratch, I dont see why we cant allow the same for choppers. Besides, the first time you hear those chopper blades cutting through the air in the distance, it gets your heart racing and makes you look for good cover. I like the experience. -
this is probably the mot genuinely worthwhile thread Ive seen on these forums, and has honestly made me happy to be a member on here. being dismissive of casual racism is something that seems kind of endemic in online gaming and online in general, and it's heartening to see a playerbase refuse to accept it. more power to any server admin who decides they won't have their server be a playground for bigots.
What's the most bizarre thing you've seen in game so far?
SwarfwgaHead replied to Johnny Depth's topic in General Discussion
I've had this happen on several occasions. It's tense as fuck because neither person want's to die, so you just...slowly....sidestep around eachother...insisting ye both turn around and leave at the same time. So far I haven't died in such a situation. Also, to the dude with the bananas, easily the best thing I have seen come out of this game, absolutely hysterical. -
Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!
SwarfwgaHead replied to TMWMarijke's topic in General Discussion
I was on your Teamspeak with one of your guys (veloxity, I believe his name was). But, I was abruptly disconnected from your TS server, and can't reconnect. The website doesn't seem to be loading either.... -
To those whining about post-processing and gamma:
SwarfwgaHead replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
While I would personally consider the gamma thing an exploit I'm not gonna whine about it or get on people for doing it. As long as the option is there, SOMEONE is going to use it, and that just leaves you at a disadvantage if you don't. The sooner they introduce a lock on it, or at least allow servers to lock it on an individual basis the better. Yeah I get that it's pitch black at night, but that's why the game has torches etc. in it. Variable gamma/brightness etc. is an option in most games because it means you don't have to mess around with your monitors settings to play at decent brightness levels, and wasn't really meant to be used in this way. But, it is, and there isn't much point in fussing over it for the time being! -
I'd just like to see serious Silent Hill levels of fog introduced. Roaming the streets in the early morning and not being able to see more than 10 feet in front of your face would be intense! The more variable weather the better! That sun is very pretty though, especially when piercing the trees as you wander through the woods!
Weird and stupid interactions in Berezino on Zombz.net last night.
SwarfwgaHead replied to PhillyT's topic in General Discussion
The fear of being handcuffed and force-fed rotten fruit and poisonous chemicals can be pretty powerful! Perhaps he would rather die honorably in battle, rifle in hand, than risk the dishonorable death of a naked captive :p -
Is there no force effect to getting shot?
SwarfwgaHead replied to sav112g's topic in General Discussion
A system that causes instant drop/temporary unconsciousness would be a nice touch. An actual knockback effect would be kinda silly, because that'snot really how bullet wounds really work. But that kind of instant trauma can certainly drop someone even if it's not necessarily lethal. The only question is how it could best be implemented. Having every non-lethal round render you unconscious would be kind of impractical in gameplay terms. Maybe a wounding system thats based around your energy/hydration/health levels, ie. the healthier/more energized/hydrated you are the less likely you are to be instantly affected by spontaneous wounds? It's one of those things that individual human physiology has such a large effect on in real life, making it difficult to translate into universal gameplay terms. -
Weird and stupid interactions in Berezino on Zombz.net last night.
SwarfwgaHead replied to PhillyT's topic in General Discussion
the only thing i can think of is that he panicked and accidentally hit whatever hotkey he had the Mosin on. You killed a poor, terrified man. -
Realism in games should only be taken so far :p Though infinite sprinting is something I imagine they will alter once vehicles are introduced. Given the lack of respawning loot it would be incredibly tedious, and sometimes impossible, to find enough food to survive if there was a limit on sprinting. Once we have vehicles though, I'd love to see a serious limit on sprinting (taking gear weight into account) as well as a slight decrease in the speed of sprinting. That said, this thread conjures images of bandits going to sleep in game and waking up to see Lucein Lechance standing above them lauding their murderous spirit.
So what is the excuse for the poor performance now?
SwarfwgaHead replied to scaramoosh's topic in General Discussion
Honestly, this kind of thing is why I try to avoid open communities based around BI games. The engine is old, and updates in hardware are not going to make the problems go away, BI have said as much, it's not something they try to hide. But, I honestly don't believe any of their games are rendered unplayable on modern machines. You might have to tweak your settings a bit, but you can get the game to run well enough to play and enjoy. sure it may not be 60+fps but jesus, if you're that anally retentive about your frames go play something else. The RV engine has done, and continues to do, something that I have yet to encounter on any other engine. If you bought the game knowing full well it was BI, and that it was being built on the RV engine, then you shouldnt be expecting a massive increase in frames over their previous games.