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Everything posted by rainf

  1. Eugenharton Build & Environment Engineer "Okay so we explaines this a few times , but here it is. Persistence saves every item not only containers. Storage is saved as well. Some items last longer than others and containers last well almost infinite amount od time. If they are used that is". At last, persistence is(mostly) on stable, today's session was very different than any other I have had since the mod. Firstly, I have chosen a 'home' server, at least until we get white listed private shards. I began fresh after a death some days back and immediately scavenged for basic loot which seemed far easier to find, and while that was nice, it was business as usual, but this is where it stopped. Where I would usually then seek out other players to mur...interact with, I decided to make the most of the persistence, in particular containers. Scattered around the Eastern side of the map I have placed schoolbags, courier bags and them yellow boxes containing basic starter kit, further west the bags get bigger and the loot gets better. I have chosen packs over a tent, as least for now, due to the ability to hide more easily, and for the ease of which they can be acquired. My next step is this, travel light; guns, ammo, basic meds & rations, seek out and close with the enemy, harvest their bodies and stash their packs with the rest of the loot. I am absolutely, 100% positive that many of these positions will be found eventually, but the service they provide me for 'starting over', helping out friends and providing a basic goal for me in the game is immense. Beyond this - for the lucky players who happen upon them, their experience will also be enriched. I know that when I see a guy running in the woods, instead of taking a shot, I'll do some stalking first, he may just lead me to the mother load :) Happy Hunting and of course, hoarding!
  2. rainf

    This changes EVERYTHING!

    What mixed messages are you getting. I said it in the first post, all items are persistent but will degrade(vanish) over time - CONTAINERS will last almost INDEFINITELY, which means backpacks, ammo containers, tents etc etc.
  3. rainf

    This changes EVERYTHING!

    So far so good, filled up 5 packs, from Mountain packs to courier packs to smersh packs, the latter two while smaller in capacity are much harder to spot unless you are directly looking for them, and even then its a pain. Today, i stumbled on a little stash somebody made in a house - probably not the best idea as secluded as a house may be, it still sparks interest and somebody will happen upon your gear - I left him a note with my steam details and the fact i'd taken some of his rope into my charge. I like to leave my stuff under tree's in out of the way places that have a landmark that I can remember. Happy hunting gents.
  4. rainf

    Persistent Storage

    Sourced from Reddit Eugenharton Build & Environment Engineer "Okay so we explaines this a few times , but here it is. Persistence saves every item not only containers. Storage is saved as well. Some items last longer than others and containers last well almost infinite amount od time. If they are used that is". NOTE! He also said ONLY on servers which say "Persistence" on them in the server list.
  5. Yeah man, especially in pvp, when I was still playing regularly on the private hive my friends and I frequented there were a few squads who would farm A2(NAMALSK) with impunity, load up tents and vehicles. My buddies and I preferred to stay fairly low technology and engage these squads as often as we could, looting what we needed and hiding the rest to set them back. Aside from that, I still hid whatever I encountered for the same reasons you posted.
  6. Don't forget, loot is turned way up in the build we saw, loot will likely be far more sparse so I have no issue with looting small amounts far more Smoother.
  7. rainf

    E3 and our attendance

    Thanks, surely we will have more info by then...
  8. rainf

    Just Started Playing Dayz

    Welcome to the jungle!
  9. LOL. I like the honesty in that post ^ ^ ^.
  10. Guys, I have actually just stumbled upon a photo of Gummy. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=UBauW5ZZJOlN_M&tbnid=tJMuCOaR1nircM:&ved=0CAUQjBwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fartescritorio.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F07%2Ftrollface-wallpapers-1.jpg&ei=GYCpUZW5FKrjiwLKiYDoAw&psig=AFQjCNH0U_plG5xZoIBVM1Zf1zPHUChrFg&ust=1370149273466041 Trolls. Stop feeding them.
  11. rainf

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

  12. rainf

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Eye of the beholder...or perhaps ear of the listener, its one of those optional extras for people, ie, picking up a book you find in game and reading it etc, its been said that radio's can be left on the ground and played etc, finding a radio tuned into some station in the middle of nowhere would be cool, despite not really adding anything functional.
  13. rainf

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I have no doubt the community will make some radio stations to support this with some lore friendly content... perhaps green mountain will also come into the picture too...
  14. rainf

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Can anybody elaborate on the Zombie improvements?
  15. DayZ has always been community driven where the... meta if you will changes on its own. Outside of that i suppose things like random events where an airliner or something similar has crashed down and everybody would be coming to investigate, but hopefully not boss fight style of events.
  16. QFT, although its not the snipers that bother me too much, more often than not, they'll end it fairly quickly for me. Its those shadows you thought were your imagination, those 2 or 3 guys who HAVE been following you, they're rifles too ineffective at long range to make sure they put you down quickly and cleanly. You have been careful, you watched the town, you saw that other guy leave, now its your turn to go in there. Quietly, slowly, except in all your care you don't realize that they are closing in for the kill, taking position around that grocery store you just entered and found that can of drink you so desperately needed to get rid of the flashing red hud indicator (its been a while since i played, i heard the hud changed). What happens next is usually a given, but sometimes we miraculously survive the chaos long enough to make sense of what had just happened, and these make for amazing experiences a player can have on both sides of the spectrum, this is what makes DayZ amazing, videos cannot capture this. Sometimes in these moments our senses literally warn us of the impending danger, which you might expect to be a real life phenomenon but not so in a game, the whole 'I haven't seen anybody in over an hour, i just know that its about to get really intense' and then there it is. I love DayZ, cant wait for SA. :(
  17. When you crawl/jog for an hour, broken, can't see shit, no food, no drink, basic survival kit, but because your vision is so hammered, struggle to see a cow or boar, you begin wishing it was easier. Then you find a boar and some how manage to nurse yourself back to health in what felt like impossible odds and you are glad that you had that struggle. Keep it hard!
  18. No shame in giving it a rest, I am still a huge fan of DayZ even though I don't play anymore, mostly due to the bugs and the retarded zombies tbh, and I am eagerly awaiting SA.
  19. rainf

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    Haunted? Like the ghosts of dead people are something to worry about.
  20. "Uhh I got seven Mac-11's, about eight, .38's Nine 9's, ten Mac-10's, the shits never end You can't touch my riches Even if you had MC Hammer and them 357 bitches"
  21. rainf

    Roaming Zombies in SA

    From what i've heard, some of the revamped buildings are very large and quite complex, so while buildings wont be a zombie 'reset' as they currently are, they still offer refuge in the form of a choke point from which to engage the threat, higher speed and all, they will be moving in a much more predictable fashion, what needs to be seen is just how much agro one pulls, and if the 'fight your way out' scenario is an actual valid tactic. I hope LoS is still the same as how it is now, and Zeds can still talk to one another, it would be nice to break LoS with them inside a building bust out the other side and have them frantically looking for where you are inside, only to have one spot you through a window legging it, 'tell' the others and all come surging out behind you.
  22. rainf

    Why banditing?

    Better zombies will however change the dynamic, and from what I have heard, the zombies HAVE already improved greatly, so engagements will be undertaken most likely, at least initially whilst players learn just how the new zeds work exactly, more carefully.