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Everything posted by rainf

  1. rainf

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa I'm allowed to play test an alpha openly and its got bugs! Waaaa it's built on an old engine which was never designed for this type of gsmeplay and they just don't get my sense of entitlement for everything to be perfect to play. Testing isn't a given right, it's a privelage. NOw tell us how the mod is dying, your unsubscribing, we cant have your stuff, and your 'clanmates' are leaving in droves, the dev team don't know the first thing about x y or z, and how you will be giving your money to warz.
  2. rainf

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    Wasn't a bad thing having less players either, doesnt matter if theres 500,000 players on different srvers as long as the one your on has players. Ive been a fan of the series since OFP came out in 2001. It IS clunky. Thems the breaks, but as said it wasn't designed to me a Zombie survival RPG, and being stuck in animation loops is extremely frustrating, especially when your pulling out bino's in a firefight or being chased by zeds, but until A3 or Dayz standalone comes out theres is more or less nothing we can do about it, if they could, modders would have been doing so for the last few years. DayZ mod isn't half bad, in fact its pretty fucking good and i'd say the player base says that alone, but one thing ive learned from years of gaming is that on ANY forum the game is always dying, sucks and the sky is most certainly falling. For now, I, and most of you will continue to play(test) this amazing piece of work and hope that most of the big annoyances are ironed out in the next iterations, dodging bugs, hackers bandits and various other nasties along the way.
  3. rainf

    We should wear the zombies' clothing

    Id say thats the point.
  4. rainf

    To the Creators Of DayZ & Forum Admins

    Not having attention doesn't necessarily make them no good. The masses are often ignorant of some of the most amazing things, from arts, natural beauty to video game mods. An example of a good mod imo is Arma 2 PR, which deserves more recognition even with its elitist mod team.
  5. I can dig it. Gonna give it a few more lives then I'll prob go back to other arma moods because the hacking has really gotten ridiculous. Still love dayz.
  6. rainf


    I feel ya. I'm sticking to it because honestly I have the most fun in the first couple hours of play before I get any loot I actually want to hold on to, but last night when I lost my DMR and L85A2 AWS after carefully planning my routes and painstakingly hunting down various other players, I put the hurt on a hacker. I got the hell out of dodge and fell over dead a minute later in the woods, it sucked but oh well.
  7. When were not talking 50 cals, alpha, hackers, griefers or other bits and pieces, what are we left with? Well.. other things i guess, and this thread is so I can pass on my own thoughts, and for other players to pass on their own feedback about the changes to the zombies in the latest patch. Personally, I love it, its given me a couple more options than I feel that I didn't have in all previous versions. Until now, agroing more than a handful of zombies would make me double time it through to a town or hill where I could go into a building and either lose or dispatch the zombies as they move at a slower, more manageable pace, all the while exposing myself over larger expanses of space which could be detected at a distance by other predators, I think that many other players adapted the same sort of play. The jittery movement, super speed zombies were just too much bother to fight off in any other way, as a fresh character starting out with low ammo, and even as an 'older' player with better loot, a waste of ammo, a chance to be knocked down and legs broken all the while exposed to a bigger threat; other players. With the new patch I feel more obligated to stand and fight them off, even more so in a group and with that a sense of satisfaction in the result. It has not become too easy either, I have on more than one occasion underestimated the enemy and found myself overwhelmed which, for the first time since I first started playing got my heart pumping fighting the zombies. Sure, the sound of fighting will no doubt attract other players, but thats no problem, PVP is integral to DayZ, and I still have the options of running and losing the zeds and the usual means of finding shelter. I think its great, and Id love to see other peoples thoughts.
  8. Thats old bandit gear, I miss that one! Not sure that its still in game, havnt seen it myself.
  9. rainf

    New War Z screenshots

    This makes me wish there was a button where I could be a forum bandit and kill you for your beans.
  10. rainf

    Sardines > Beans

    I'll stick to boar meat.
  11. rainf

    I Have Become A Bandit

    Haha, beware, that rush will wear off and you'll find yourself trying to kill in more and more depraved ways to get your 'fix'. LOL.
  12. rainf

    Is the DayZ going independant?

    He did say at Rezzed he was looking towards it being standalone, but that doesnt mean starting from scratch on a new engine.
  13. rainf

    Is the DayZ going independant?

    Unreal or Frostbite? You realise its the engine that makes DayZ what it is? Unless you want linear, scripted gameplay you best get used to it for now, and enjoy the improvments come A3.
  14. THIS. Also, the NPC's would need to tell if the guy being killed is being murdered or having justice served on him/her. I can't see any way to implement such a system into the game, or a need to for a variety of reasons, my biggest; Servers are generic and I can kill freely here, and go elsewhere. Players are generic, we all pretty much are carbon copies. If I was forced to play my char on one server, I suppose community could take place, further to this, if there was player customization in terms of clothes etc, finding a player might be a much easier task to achieve and make a "wanted/warning" sign have purpose.
  15. What's also not really cool is you blindly defending your idea without even adding to it, I know you probably think it's genius, but it has been thoroughly shot down.
  16. Surely you see the redundancy of 'be on your guard' in such a world. Cowboy hat, clown hat or KKK hood, I am going to be on my guard. My arguement remains the same with or without the exageration and in either case I feel it holds true. If the exageration offends I apologise, I just have a visual mind and often create 'scenario's' for things.
  17. Despite my exageration's I still think its a stupid idea. Would anybody, really, REALLY outside an area that has maintained some semblance of law/order go around putting up "Wanted" posters? Shit, maybe, but to what end? I am trying to look at this from the POV of sombody surviving such an apocalypse, the life I had is gone, this likely includes the location in which I lived through all sorts of hazards, so in order to survive I am likely on the move a lot. If I witnessed a murder, I probably wouldn't be getting involved, unless its checking the stiff for anything the killers didn't take. Now, without a printer, lets say I have a paper and pencil, how do I draw the guy? Take some time out of my busy schedule of surviving to make a nice detailed picture of some shabby dishevelled guy, but guess what? Like most people my artistic skills are mediocre at best, BUT lets say they aren't that bad and I manage to draw some guy, how useful is it? Like myself, most people are rarely going to be tied down to one spot if they want to survive, at least, not likely an area which attracts PEOPLE and behind them more zeds, so old buddy bandit is probably long gone and all my effort into making a poster in the middle of a zombie apocalypse has been for what? Need I worry about the acuracy of my memory for drawing the said bandit? I'm sorry, the idea IS rediculous. If there ever is a place that has law and order, or groups who are willing to hunt people down, ok cool, it might be OK, until then, do some investigating on who killed you, hop on the forums and try to find such groups/people there.
  18. rainf

    Brilliant idea for th Alt + F4'ing

    I like it Zeromentor.
  19. The thing is, outside of actual groups of survivors, i just cant see a place for 'community' or 'law'. "Oh hello officer, look, yesterday I witnessed a murder" "Zombies?" "Oh good heavens no no no officer, this wasn't some of your usual eaten and torn apart alive stuff, a man actually SHOT sombody, and he looked like THIS" "Good work citizen, i'll just process this down at the station and well be right on it, now dont get eaten". "Wanted" posters? So let me get this straight, Im surviving in a post apocalypse zombie nightmare. My family is eaten and im doing what I must to get by, looting where I can, avoiding zombies, stealing from others who won't freely give me what i NEED to live, and one day, some guy comes and robs me. Do i see this as the law of the land and thank my lucky stars (or curse them) that he didn't put one between my eyes? No, i make a poster with my microsoft office and printer, and digital camera snapshot of the perp, stick it on the wall in the local town after negotiating with the local zombie council about the advertising costs, put my address down so that those who accept my 'quest' can come and get the reward. Which is nothing, because im starving in a fucking zombie apocalypse. Even the term 'bandit' barely applies seeing that law and order are relics of the world we lived in. If you and your buddies want to create your own group of vigilante's then go for it, be friendly to players, take them in, and protect them, hunt 'bandits', but AI systems, and 'wanted' signs are silly.
  20. Yes, big twirly mustaches and an automatic monologue when they press fire with their sights over another player.
  21. That sucks dude. Sorry to hear they bitched out like that.
  22. rainf

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    The thing is, KoS isnt quite as rife as you make it out to be. Many times ive encountered players and we have lived and let live even with heightened paranoia, and on some occasions these people have then gone onto my friend lists on steam. Now, I usually DO KoS but if I always did it, i don't end up with the same experience, sometimes a guy I was about to kill with impunity but "spare" has later patched me up in a tight squeeze or led me into a awesome mission of our own, but that's the beauty, it isn't a perceived risk/reward for killing somebody, other players can be quite useful, beyond their gear, and let's face it, anyone playing for a short while can set themselves up with some respectable gear in very short order. As for premade groups, I don't mind, I don't see dayz as a deathmatch environment, just groups of survivors and some lone wolves trying to get by and make ends meet, and sometimes they're going to clash either intentionally or via chance, the outcome lies with knowledge, luck and experience.
  23. Wait wait guys he might be onto somthing. Perhaps if you play all friendly for each player you see and don't kill your heartbeat lowers to the point zombies are overwhelmed by your generosity and don't attack you!
  24. rainf


    Hi, we all know the usefulness of the hatchet, we can kill zeds. Quietly dispatch an animal, gut it and have a feed after chopping down some wood. Aesthetically I prefer the crowbar but it doesnt have utility. In future versions I think it would need more uses, perhaps sealed crates that require the cb to open, the loot. The loot doesn't have to be extra special but perhaps more consistent to the environment it's found in allowing for more planned scavenging etc.
  25. Zombie zigzagging, and moving slow in buildings is unfortunately an issue with Arma II, I hope it is eventually ironed out. I agree with the poster above, slower than sprinting player zeds and even more "walker" type zombies would allow for engagements with the undead outside of the safety that buildings provide, offset by a stamina system for players. Encumberance is tricky, perhaps it would only decrease the actual stamina, not speed.