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About ZerudaXei

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    On the Coast

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  1. ZerudaXei

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    To me, sidechat is okay. I sorta like it, and if I want to stay like, well, more "immersed" as you would say, then I just ignore it. The really annoying thing is when people use their mics on sidechat.
  2. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Nor do I trust it. But really. I got an AK, and was so excited. Left the house it was in, the door was closed, so I opened it, and it went BACKWARDS INTO THE HOUSE, HIT ME, AND BROKE MY LEGS.
  3. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Christ, you know what I want in Standalone? FOR A DOOR NOT TO CLOSE AND BREAK MY LEG FOR CHRISTS SAKE ;~;
  4. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Memes

  5. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I think some people need to research more before they blab. Anyways. Onto the discussion again. We're getting side-tracked. Who else thinks the zed "life-cycle" thing is pretty cool? :) I think so.
  6. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Okay, so the issue is, is Rocket should have updated us, and if not, then another dev should have. I realize he posted 12 days ago, and yes, that is keeping us fairly updated, but people are growing to be impatient. The deadline was not met, but so? If you like DayZ, you'd realize the fact of "Hey! Maybe I should wait. The game might be terribly buggy right now. I want the BEST possible outcome for the game." Setting deadlines on games, honestly I think ruins part of it. If you want a deadline, make one up on how long you think the game would take. Otherwise, I think you can wait. I hope Rocket is okay though, and will soon make an announcement. Also, Due to the fact of what I've heard, it's going in the payment style of Minecraft. Which is like $15 at Alpha, 18 or 20 at Beta, then later on, slowly making it's way up to the full price ($30 or so) Also mind you, the 15th was just a guess.
  7. ZerudaXei

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I think a good question is what about the whole entire 'Minecraft' type sale-like-crazy-thing? If it IS on the 15th, as stated above as a /hope/. Then what would it be in? I've read things about DayZ SA being in that payment style. Would it be used still? And if so, on the 15th, would it be in Alpha? Or am I missing something? Sorry for 20 questions, I'm new ^.^ Also, the zed "life cycle" thing sounds pretty interesting :D I hope there's something like that.