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Everything posted by Talibambi

  1. DayZ Name : Talibambi How long have you played DayZ : 3 weeks Time Zone: GMT Will you stay loyal to our group?: I'll stay loyal as long as our philosophies of being honorable are aligned. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Forager/Scavenger/Medic
  2. Talibambi

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Dont give a skill system with perks. But I wouldnt mind a more involved skill system involving you using your actual experience to do stuff. Need to pick a lock on a door? You dont just click "pick lock". You "pick lock" and then have to manually pick the damn lock. You wanna "break down the door"? Then break out the axe or shoot the lock several times. You want to get some wood from a tree? You have to chop the damn tree down yourself. Example. Picking locks of doors. Same principle as skyrim I guess. You arnt given any clues on the lock. You just have to "feel" your way. With different locks having different "feels" since they have different mechanisms. Point being that if you are busy unlocking a door you shouldnt be able to pay too much attention to whats going on around you. Perhaps you can look around - but then you cant pick the lock while doing so. Oh you need to get into this house? Get Jimmy to do it. He kicks ass at openning locks. Instead of everyone just being able to click "open lock" and it do it manually. This system wouldnt give you skills or let you unlock anything. You would have to teach yourself how to do these tasks and you should be vulnerable while doing them. Point is that all these would be personal skills and not something "gifted" to you after X event. Having stuff as a "level up you learned X" would be quite silly. I get that this kinda stuff would be hard to impliment - but it would be "something" for someone to spend their time on. (make this stuff hard too!)
  3. Talibambi


    Prolly would be better to limit the avaliability of guns and/or ammunition to be honest. That would prolly get better results. Hero skins being immune to small arms fire from the most basic handgun weapon. Would limit bandits effectiveness and make them say "do I really want to waste my bullets on this guy..". I mean they could still kill you with shots to the head and or arms/legs but it would make things a lot more interesting imo. So yea thats my suggestion - reduce the avaliability of projectile weapons and/or ammo with hero characters having limited defence against small arms fire.
  4. Talibambi

    Self Defense = Banditry Fix

    Um... Im fairly sure thats not how things are in the real world...
  5. Talibambi

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    Then nothing stops you just hiding in the bushes waiting for someone to loot your corpse and then you just kill them and take the stuff they just picked up off you (or have a friend loot it for you and then give you the gear). Once again - your non-intrusive solution is little more than an inconvienience. Punishment would only apply if you have no friends or nobody comes for your corpse. (which is basically the same system we have right now anyways more or less...) We could give each item a specific ID. After dying while holding onto an item (such as a gun or piece of food) then if you obtain that same item within a specific timeframe (say within 2 hours of dying with it on your character) then its effects are reduced by 50% for the next 48 hours of LOGGED IN time. While others could loot your body (and even you could) if you pick up something then you are gimping yourself or just gonna have to wait for it to be useful again. Had an AK47? Well it shakes like you have parkinsons and you have to use double the amount of bullets to take down your target for the next 48 hours. That food that healed 1000 health? Yeah it only heals 500 now for the next 48 hours. (but thats just a consumable so not a big deal) I mean sure you could trade an AK for your friends AK and both of you be cool. If you died again then you would be given a seperate 48 hour gimpness for that new AK if you obtained it within 2 hours of dying with it. Died with a silencer and then picked it up? You cant attach it to your weapon. Have a wheel to fix a car? You cant use that wheel for a few hours. While you could techically have a friend loot your body and use your items - if he died then he would be given the SAME penalties for those specific weapons and items for his very own 48 hour period. This would allow you to reobtain your weapons off bandits or other people without gimping yourself as long as it was done after those first 2 hours of death. But if you pick it up before then.. yeah.. gimped.. This would make people either want to gather items for storage or not bother collecting items from their corpses in the first place. Once again these penalties would be restricted to specific items you died with and would only apply to you if you picked them up within 2 hours of your death with them ON YOUR PERSON. I dont think this should happen to stuff like car wheels and whatnot. But weapons/food and other consumables? Yeah. For sure. Least thats my method of stopping people looting their own corpses - and if they do then they have to wait.
  6. Talibambi


    I dont really see a "trading city" working. Not when people are too trigger happy with the whole shoot on sight thing. Whats the point in trading when you can just shoot someone in the face? Places like a trading city would just become the new NW airfield. You wouldnt be able to exit the area without getting a bullet in your brain. I mean sure it COULD work. But you would only be able to trade with trusted friends. But if the location was ever revealed then you would pretty much have to start from scratch again. In a real world situation yes. It would work. But in game there are just too many people who play the game simply to "grief" others. They get a gun. Find a perch. Kill. For no reason other than because they know it annoys other people. Sure thats how they want to "play" and its legitimate. Still its not very "realistic" and (at least in my opinion) is detrimental to the future of Dayz. If a place was to ever become "popular" or "well known" as a trading station then its just gonna become the new cherno/electro in regards to "hey there is a sniper in X". I just dont see people being able to come and go without bandits attacking 24/7. It would be even more hazarous if your base is an instance area. The second you "load" onto the main map you would die before you even knew what was happening. (just like spawn killing happens now). You would have to give players a grace period of invincibility to fix this perhaps. But even then the disorientation of entering a new zone would give the attacker an edge. To make things "fair" you would have that same grace period when zoning INTO an instance area such as a base. (but things are just getting all messy/silly now) Least thats my interpretation. (with regards to a trading city) I can get behind this as a base for a group of survivors/bandits yeah. NP. But as a trading station? Not so much. Its 4am so please correct me or set me straight on these cons I have conjured.
  7. Talibambi

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    Secure a weapon. Never use it on someone who isnt trying to kill you. (bandits excluded) Never turn your back on another player because they say they are friendly. Dont lose my humanity by becoming a shoot-on-sight-ass. (I have died a lot and been tempted to shoot on sight a lot. But Id rather not be one of the guys who throw away their humanity to "survive". Without that humanity - whats the point?)
  8. Talibambi

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Great news. I hope that they are able to get themselves a good rest at home.
  9. Okay firstly. I DID use the search function but I wouldnt see anything applicable. Basically it would mean having an inventory system like this: (Xcom UFO Defence in the US, XCOM Enemy Unknown in the EU - the original) Basically in Dayz you have your "main inventory" and your "backpack". What if you had your inventory split into many different choices. Left pants pocket Right pants pocket Shirt chest pocket Jackett inside pocket Jacket left pocket Jacket right pocket etc. This would mean you would have to spend a bit more time looting someones body, but more than this it would open up some options. Such as damage to items if certain parts of your body take damage. Shoot someone in the head and their night vision goggles are damaged. Shoot someone in the backpack where they have some ammo stored then there is a % chance that the ammo would be damaged or destroyed to some extent. You could even have a "battleships" system where having an item in the top left of your backpack and someone shoots the top left of your backpack will damage/destroy the item in that part of your backpack. This would open up a bit more of a tactical game where instead of "shoot on sight", you will be attempting to shoot particular spots on the enemies body in order to limit damage to valuables you wish you aquire. This might make people actually want to "rob" you instead of shooting on sight. The slots avaliable for item storage would be tailored to equipment on a piece by piece basis. You might be wearing a black jackett with no inside pocket for instance - meaning that a chest shot will not damage any goods (unless you are using a high powered weapon whereby the bullet would travel through and damage/destroy goods in the backpack). You might find a pink trenchoat with massive pockets. (pocket size and placement would be dependant on the clothing worn) This could even be done so that you can put scrap metal plates in particular slots in order to give you "bullet proofing" or items you store in those slots would absorb some of the damage from enemy fire at the cost of item durability/destruction. The downside being that you are a little louder and slower to move. Depending on how wildlife is implimented this could also be useful. Get attacked by a lone wolf because you have cooked meat in your backpack? You can drop the backpack and he MIGHT not pursue you.. but if you have the meat in your pockets.. you better empty them quick and hope that the smell hasnt stuck with your clothes! How diseases might contaminate your clothing, then so could food also contaminate you by giving you a stronger scent. Im sure there are lots of other ideas that I havent thought of regarding this idea and I appologise if its dumb >< Im not entirely sure if this idea has been raised before and I appologise if it has. I DID do a few searches but I didnt see anything relevant to this. *hides in the bushes to avoid the people with pitchforks*
  10. Talibambi

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    You really think that making things more difficult is going to stop people attempting to fly helicopters and crashing? If anything you would want to have to "train" skills in order to be able to fly copters more effectively. This would mean that all the players in the server could technically "fly" a chopper. However those who have "Trained" the skill get a faster startup, fuel efficiency, handling. (etc) But really NOTHING is going to stop people from flying (and crashing) choppers.
  11. Talibambi

    Walking Zombies

    Id love the infecteds max running speed reduced by around 10%. As well as this it would be good to have actual walking infected mixed in with the running infected. Why? I dont think that infected should be able to outrun the player for one. But more than that - walking infected mixed with running infected means that if you double back on your position that you are eventually gonna come across a bunch of walkers. Hell could even have the walkers do a wail that attracts the runners.
  12. Talibambi

    Amazing Fan-made Trailer! [A Must Watch!]

    "5 billion years ago our planet materialised from thin air" say wut?
  13. Punishing people for their playstyle shouldnt be done. If someone is a cold blooded killer, then they should have the right to be a cold blooded killer. That said there are other ways to aleviate the KOS policy. An example being that players that kill bandits get buffs, or that you gain buffs over time. Just make it so that the buffs dont apply to anyone with a bandit skin. Meaning you can kill bandits and not lose your buffs, but bandits dont get the buffs. Buffs for non-bandits could be things such as: Quieter footsteps when running. Silent footsteps when crouch walking. (meaning you dont have to roll around and gives the same zombie detection levels as if you were crawling) Bigger main inventory capacity. zombie agro range reduction (slightly.. 1/2 a meter or so). More health (blood). Hunger and thirst take longer to drain to critical levels. (perhaps 2x as long) Bones break 2x as less and cannot be broken by zombies. You are 2x less likely to bleed when taking damage. The main point is that bandits should NOT be punished for KOS, but players who do NOT KOS should be rewarded.
  14. Talibambi


    lol yeah the zig zagging zombies are annoying. Cant wait for the standalone!!!! (and by cant wait I mean I want it really really badly, but Im willing to wait as long as it takes for the game to have the quality that Rocket is looking for) But seriously if the standalone has no zig-zagging zombies... :D
  15. Talibambi

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi. Im Talibambi. I play on EU servers (zombie world) and I pretty much just survive in the wilderness. Hunting boars in the forests and occasionally heading to town to restock on water/ammo. I dont shoot unless someone else shoots first. But if you sneak up on me or something then yea... sorry. Im a good guy really. Id rather not have to kill anyone if possible, and I refuse to resort to any kind of banditry.
  16. Take your time. The last thing we want is another Mass Effect 3 type fiasco. Take as much time as you need to create a quality product. Im sure that we would all rather wait an extra 6 months and get something amazing than get it tomorrow and say "its too bad they didnt do X".
  17. Talibambi

    Survivor Gone Bandit

    I refuse to go bandit. I just started and I have had a few people in my sights in the past few days. I just couldnt pull the trigger. Id rather die with my humanity than live knowing I coulda killed a good guy.
  18. HUZZAH it works now. But really. I hope you have enough booze for the rest of the forum...
  19. Still getting the kicked message @.@ Am I putting a setting wrong or something? Or did I give you the wrong GUID again? Or are you just toying with my fragile little mind!?
  20. 5348c6bd3e532dd9ce62e9e9685e22f6 DAMN U LETTER E! Y U NO AN 8 The correct GUID is shown below. My bad >< 5348c6bd3e532dd9ce6289e9685e22f6 As of this edit Im still getting the "kicked" message. I hate getting new games setup so they work properly lol.
  21. When will access be given? I just tried and its all "NO! U NEED TO BE ON THE WHITELIST!" or some such. lol
  22. Name: Talibambi Location: England (near manchester) GUID: 5348c6bd3e532dd9ce62e9e9685e22f6 I hope I typed that guid thing right lol Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope for a favourable response.. (I expect a background check lol.)
  23. Greenmangaming.com http://www.greenmang...ned-operations/ Arma2 + Combined Operations = £14.99 (Save 40%) A 30% voucher is available across a great range of PC Download titles* - snap it up quickly as it expires on Thursday 3rd January 2013 at 12GMT. Simply copy the following voucher code and paste into the 'Voucher box' when at Check Out. GMG30-DPLIM-DN831 * PC Download games only, some titles may be excluded. Excludes titles on Cash Back or GMG Credit promotions. Cannot be used in conjunction with another voucher. Voucher expires 03/01/13 at 12:00 GMT Total saved is 70% so £10.50 So until the 3rd the game is cheaper than steam. Hope this helps :)