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Everything posted by Talibambi

  1. Talibambi


    So you are asking for the hearing mechanic to be turned to an "always on" setting, where instead of it being hearing based it would be a new guage of scent. Your scent being determined by the stuff you have touched and are currently holding... Id rather they augment the parachute wind physics to involve this scent mechanic and have it so you have to be downwind of zombies or they will be drawn to you from up to a 10 meter radius. Not too sure I like the whole small circle around a player thats filled with stink. Id rather have it done right or not done at all.
  2. Talibambi

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    So your one argument against pooping is..."I dont like it, so dont put it in"? to paraphrase you. I really dont see the problem with this mechanic. Grow up.
  3. Talibambi

    addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'camisc_fix'

    Get your hands on a few patches. Upgrade them incrementally from the earliest to the newest? Thats all I can really suggest. Eventually you want to be at the latest version (obviously lol)
  4. Talibambi

    Suicide Option? More Suggestions....

    I actually really like this. But have it so that other people can do it to you. So you could kill a bandit or two and string them up outside your base for everyone to see. Mark your territory ;)
  5. Talibambi

    New Hack Type

    I have been a victim of the "NO QUITTING" grey screen.
  6. Well there are almost 1.6m players of a mod. A mod that was never marketed. I figure that once its on STEAM that its going to get 1.6m players over the course of a few dayz.
  7. Talibambi

    [BP] Booze Platoon, We Need YOU!

    Why are you discriminating against potatos?
  8. "skills" should be something you are legitimately good at. Something you learn and you either get better at or you keep failing at. Like lockpicking in Skyrim. ANYONE can lockpick as long as you have the lockpick. But regardless of your skill you can still fail if you dont have any clue at what you are doing. This is needed in dayz to many things in order to make people want to work together. Find a car and it wont start? Pop the hood and you have to look at the cables and connections and see whats wrong. "Fixing" the wrong thing will damage the car until eventually its completely inoperable and needs completely new parts. People who do know what they are doing however could have the car up and running in short time by fixing EXACTLY what is wrong in the car. Need a new wheel but dont have a car jack? You need a buddy or two to hold the car up so someone else can stick on the new wheel. Sticking on the wheel wouldnt involve any little minigame since you are already taking up peoples time by having them hold the darn car up or went out of your way to find a jack in the first place. These are the kind of things I would enjoy.
  9. Talibambi

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    Just allow people to get small plant pots that can grow stuff. Place them down on the map wherever and have the food be ready for harvest after 7 RL days. Or save it for base construction and impliment hydroponic or aeroponic gardens. If you have 21 plant pots and you plant 3 carrots each day, then that means that after the 7th day you will have 3 carrots be ready to eat every day. People could choose to stick all the plant pots together or spread them out all over the place on the map. Either way it means that if bandits find your stuff then they can wreck your farming or steal your food. Id prolly have the plants able to be planted in the ground instead of actually in plant pots (or have both). Bigger communities would need larger farms. Lowering the amount of food respawns on the map would entice people to want to work together to defend their settlements since foods value would be high. People who play alone as bandits wouldnt have an easy time of it and would actually have to work at being a bandit and for many they would legitimately "want your beans" instead of killing you because "reasons". (Though they could still do that if they so chose to). Seeds should be relatively low to spawn also. I think that having it so that your plants you harvest can give you seeds would be a better option. Would mean that those who have a farm would get benifits to their farming. I would suggest that any farm you make within your "base" area should need some form of lighting to make it grow and need watering. Nothing too extreme, but I figure that protected food should need a lot more work than food in the open for anyone to loot/ruin. Everyone really would have to have a taste at the bandit life. Doing "whatever it takes to stay alive". None of this "Ill just check the town for food. Brb 5 mins". I want to feel the pressure. I want to know that even as a good guy I have a choice "die of starvation or steal some other guys beans" You could even go as far as to give health benifits to eating healthy balanced meals instead of the tinned processed goods. Like increased resistance to bleeding and the like. Just stating a fact here.. healthy food has benifits.
  10. Talibambi

    suggestion: Caves?

    I dont really see caves as something that would be good to hide in. I mean imagine if they were marked on the map? You KNOW that SOMEONE is gonna check each cave until they find someones stuff. Thats not to say I dont think caves shouldnt exist. Maybe get materials to board the entrances up?
  11. Just had an idea (and that idea reminded me of the walking dead). But I think it would be cool if some military vehicles (the light/heavy armored kind) were on the map as an inoperable vehicle spawn. But unlike the standard completely FUBAR vehicles, these vehicles would be enterable. You could eat, drink, lock and even store items while inside them. However they would not have any mobility or weapons capability. You could have a little "safehouse". They could spawn anywhere on the map. Some near cities, towns and villages and others way out in the forests and backwaters. Inside it, you and some friends could hold up as a temporary shelter from enemies, zombies, weather or even just to hold up for the night. While inside the armored vehicle (safehouse) you would be restricted to 1st person view. Meaning you would not be able to see anything going on outside. This "safehouse" would be able to be destroyed by high explosives or crashing into them with helicopters the like. (or any weapon which can actually damage the armor) Perhaps even blowtorches could be used to cut the hatch open. You would be able to store food in these broken armored vehicles and if you are lucky you may even find decent loot such as military equipment. Imagine being chased by a bandit. You see the tank and run over to it. You get inside and lock the hatch. Now its a waiting game. Is the bandit gonna wait for you to come out? Is he gonna plant some traps? Are you going to have enough food to survive until the bandit leaves? Has the bandit already left? Is he just waiting there with his crosshairs on the hatch waiting for you to come out? Has the bandit brought friends? If the vehicle was locked and all the occupants dead by dehydration, blood loss, disease or hunger then the hatch would remain locked permanantly. The vehicle would then respawn elsewhere after 24 hours. If the hatch was unlocked, then the vehicle will remain where it is. The corpse becoming disease ridden and contaminating the tank and the supplies. Anyone who goes for refuge may be stuck with a corpse and a few diseases. A bad day for him. After being untouched for 48 hours the vehicle could spawn in another area I can see a lot of people having a tense and/or interesting moment that I believe would add to the Dayz experience. Thoughts?
  12. Can you lockpick a tank/armored vehicles hatch? If so then yes! Otherwise you could use a blowtorch to destroy the hatch's hinges ;) You could just disable the logout feature. Or have it that if you do log out while inside the tank then your character would be kicked outside for 15 seconds where he would stand defenceless. If he survived being outside for 15 seconds then he would be logged out on the spot. The tank would be unlocked and when you log back in you would be outside. An easy remedy to stop logging out while inside the vehicle and allow the bandits(or people getting retribution) their kill because someone decided to be cheap. If the vehicle was destroyed while you were logged out while inside then you log in dead.
  13. Talibambi

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    Arnt the metal bar hoops on the soccer goal posts backwards? Or is that the style now? They are meant to be pointing away from the field right?
  14. Talibambi

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    Depending on how long this virus has been running rampant should determine if GPS works at all. The satellites would still be in space for sure.. but the ground stations would be out of commision, thus meaning no GPS for anyone.
  15. If you have a day/night cycle then I suggest adding a permanant full moon at night. Though most people prefer to have it day only, I think that day only detracts from the experience but the numbers talk. Night = servers get empty (unfortunately). I personally find the new zombies to be a PITA since the update when confronting them at nighttime since without a full moon you have to go around with a flashlight. If you are lucky you can find/spawn with flares I guess. (But really full moon might make some people satisfied at night. I personally dont mind either way) A decent anti-cheat script to stop try stopping hackers. A whitelist would be good too but maybe only after a few days(or a week) of being online depending on the number of people you have active (and you would need to stay on top of all whitelist applications.) No overpowered custom gear to be looted. My prefered starting gear; Matches Waterbottle Hunting Knife 1 Bandage Patrol Pack Flashlight 1 Flares No crosshairs or waypoints on the map. Cant think of anything else off the top of my head..
  16. Talibambi

    Blind firing

    Disable 3rd person when entering blind fire mode?
  17. Talibambi

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    Private hives give people choice. You dont have to play on any server that has rules and settings you dont like. So yeah.. >.> I dont think side chat, debug, waypoints, crosshairs really work in dayz cept to give more of an easy mode. However I would expect the country to be littered with vehicles that are able to be used in a real life zombie apocalypse. Guns and ammunition are the things that I would consider rare. Hell in my country (England) we would have to raid police armories and military bases to get any form of weaponry that wasnt up close and personal. Im asuming you are seen 28 days later. Yeah.. that kinda deal. Notice the abundance of vehicles. I also would expect to have certain equipment on me depending on how I survived up to that point. The whole dayz thing is being washed ashore or something, so I can understand having some equipment with me when I land on the beach. (some). Go where you like playing dude. Its not ruining the game to have diversity. It just allows an even greater demographic to have fun playing the game the way they wish to play it while you can do the same. Sure it detracts from the initial idea of what Dayz was about - but that doesnt really matter when you can play according to those ideas and others can play by their own ideas. It really comes down to what people consider fun. You prefer realism. Others a bit of easy mode. Both are valid. I understand what you are saying however. I personally feel the problem with dayz is the AMOUNT of private hives servers and the number of people who play. Lots of empty servers is pretty lame.
  18. Talibambi

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    For the stand alone can you guys just give an option to disable all grass and stuff in the immediate area around a character? You can change it when a solution is found maybe?
  19. With the implimentation of more survival options (such as boiling water) and tougher zombies, I have noticed a little divide in the community. Some love it. The game being a zombie apocalypse game thats based on survival and all. It only seemed natural to me personally to have a game with tougher zombies. I mean the current zombies could actually cause an apocalypse. The older ones? Not so much. That said, once again there is a divide. Those who think its gone "too far". May I suggest that there be two types of dayz mods worked on. The regular "Dayz Mod" which is the one we have now, and a "DayZ Mod Lite" or some such for those who dont want all these features and would prefer an easier game where they could have "fun" doing pvp and whatnot. Its fair to say that a lot of people do not appreciate the realism which is added by the latest Dayz Mod patch. Some would just rather have an "easier" game where they can focus on PVP or something. Id asume that the "Dayz Lite" could basically just get some of the bug fixes and improvements that would go to the regular Dayz and wouldnt really need its own team devoted to making it better. This is just a suggestion to try and make everyone happy.
  20. Talibambi

    Stuck at wait for host

    Well I have at least 3 servers on my favourites list go offline (10000 ping) at the same time. Not being correctly patched will do that? edit: They are back up now
  21. Talibambi

    Stuck at wait for host

    Lots of servers (private hives included) are going offline. Im thinking there is some kinda hacker attack going on or the server host site is having technical issues. I have lots of dead servers on my list right now.
  22. Talibambi

    "Dayz Mod" + "Dayz Mod Lite"

    Hack my account and change it then.