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Everything posted by Talibambi

  1. Talibambi

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Why isnt there a "Kevin Bacon Juice" yet? Im suprised. Genuinely.
  2. Talibambi

    vehicles need to be more common

    There should be lots of non-operational (but fixable) vehicles all over the place. Most of the vehicles damaged from crashes, and parts removed to fix other vehicles before people moved on from the area. This would mean plenty of non-operational vehicles, until you either found or harvested the parts from other vehicles. You could even seperate the parts by manufactuter. Meaning that you cant just grab any part and shove it in any vehicle. Basically, imagine a tonne of vehicles. Lets say 500 cars. But there is only enough parts between them to fix about 100 of them. Eventually you would you end up with a tonne of vehicles lying around that need a lot of work to make operational, or act as scrapheaps for people to salvage to maintain the vehicles that currently do work. Least thats the way I'd do it.
  3. Talibambi

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    Final Fantasy 11 has a 30 second timer where your character is still "logged in" before vanishing from the server. I think that would be fine for the standalone. Combat log/crash/internetProblem? Okay. Your character is gonna stick around for 30 seconds regardless. Standing there like... a sitting duck... Then after 30 seconds.. POOF. They vanish.
  4. Talibambi

    [SA] PVE mode

    Without adding a tonne of features to the standalone (such as adding enemy AI which are actually a threat) then all you would get out of the game would be running around and "surviving against AI". For some I guess thats all they need. But really it doesnt give the game any "oomph". Player interaction is what makes Dayz fun for a large amount of people. Are you running into town to grab supplies and the entire time some guy is just looking down scope at you? Deciding whether you should live or die? When you play PVE you definitely are not. The tension is lost. The AI is just too dumb and non-threatening to give any decent amount of atmosphere. Outside of glitches, other players, and intentionally doing something stupid, its very hard to die in Dayz. Just find a PVE server or something to that extent.
  5. Talibambi

    public passworded server

    Use a public WHITELISTED server. Passworded public servers are forbidden IIRC
  6. Cept for the part where the "universe's creator" pretty much said they arnt dead. They are infected.
  7. Talibambi

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    I think that painting windows black to stop light from shining through would be neat. Sure you can set up camp in a house. But unless you have painted the windows then you are gonna be a beacon in the night. Dont get me wrong. The smoke from your chimney would still remain. (and people could shoot out the glass in the windows unless you have boarded them up)
  8. Talibambi

    Gagging and Binding

    I wonder what bandits would find better? A reputation from being a KOS'er.. or someone that can rob and humiliate you?
  9. I hate the idea of "skills" as unlockables or trees. There should just be "mini-game"~esque type stuff to do that you either practice at and get good at, or suck at - period. Like how you learn to read a map. I know a lot of people out there are afraid of being given "roles" within a group. Well guess what? Thats what you have to do in a survival situation.
  10. Talibambi

    Paint cans

    If people choose to draw dicks everywhere then thats what they should be able to do.
  11. Ive never seen a bear take a dump except that one time I saw them in the zoo.. So Im gonna say no. :P
  12. Talibambi

    In Need of a Team! Join Up! You Will be Treated Fairly!

    Sounds interesting.
  13. Are there still those silly invisible monsters and occasional "eruption" things?
  14. Talibambi

    Looking for EU Clans

    I'm seeking a survivor group. (I dislike banditry)
  15. Talibambi

    Origins 1.6 Massive update

    I cant wait for DayzCommander to update so I can give this a try :)
  16. Talibambi

    Game thinks I'm running an illegal copy!

    Ive seen that message several times on numerous servers. Dont worry about it. Now the question is: are you using the SAME CD KEY to try and join the SAME SERVER?
  17. Talibambi

    Defibrillation Confirmed!

    I should stop practicing holding my breath for lulz then right? (my record is 4 mins lol) They are adding a few drugs and stuff right? Its not unlikely that one of those will cause your heartbeat to go irregular. Would a defib help fix that? I figure an irregular heartbeat would give you issues surviving a zombie apocalypse.
  18. I NEED to be able to customise my clothing PRIOR to creating a character. Why? Because is it realistic to have everyone starting wearing the same stuff? Also if Im in a clan I want to be able to recognise them. If I cannot customise my clothing then I at least want random clothing.
  19. Talibambi

    Random but VERY rare Meteor Showers

    The only way I could see a meteor having "loot", would be raw materials that you could somehow craft into something else... but yeah.. I would lol quite hard if this was implimented.
  20. That second picture looks like a fridge.
  21. Talibambi

    Why bandits are needed in dayz...

    My issue isnt with bandits really. Its with their reasons for being bandits. I hate being killed "because reasons". I have no problem with being killed as long as there is a "legitimate" reason for being killed. The game isnt harsh enough to force people to choose banditry for reasons that make some sense within the game world. People kill for fun. Rather than because they need your beans. Its stupid. While its a game, its also meant to be some kind of simulator. But its just not brutal enough. Not nearly enough.
  22. Talibambi

    How to make death actually matter more

    Make guns more rare. The fact that people can stockpile or replace gear super fast is the reason why death doesnt matter too much. Remove the current system of particular areas have particular items. All areas need to be able to spawn every tier of item. Dont expect to find an AS50 in a house? Sure you do if that gun belonged to someone or was obtained by someone before/after the infection broke out. Just move gear so it doesnt all spawn in the same areas and/or reduce the frequency of military gear spawning. Make people have to use lee enfields and whatnot because good guns are rare. Couple this with lower chance of food/drink spawn and yeah.. you get the picture. This will make people feel death... not some silly timer.
  23. Talibambi

    Clever animals

    Id love the animal population to spawn high and reproduce based on the current population size. This means that if nobody is killing bears then the bear population overall will increase until eventually players HAVE to fight them (as long as bears are able to hunt, kill and eat other animals to survive). The bears and wolves for example would kill the other game in the area such as cows, sheep, rabbits etc. This would mean that predatory animals would be competition for food. With a reduction in cows, sheep, rabbits, then the reproductive rate of those animals would also be reduced. This would basically mean the playerbase would have to fight against each other to get food, try not to overhunt, and manage other predatory animals in the server. You could have animals become entirely "extinct" where they do not spawn for a set period of time depending on how critical the population levels become. This could lead to famine where people have to raid houses, towns and cities, other players to survive. (Though Im of the opinion that food and drink should have low spawn rates) Its already too easy to survive. It would encourage legitimate banditry too. Since most people kill for no reason. I would love to be killed because I have a can of beans and the bandit really DOES need my beans to survive.
  24. Talibambi

    Make banditry be punished

    Are people who kill mercilessly in real life insane. Thats a question that I wish I had an answer for. If that question has a "yes" answer then I think it would be hilarious if in Dayz after killing 100+ people that you get the whole "Eternal Darkness" sanity effect hallucinations going on. Seeing people running around in the distance who arnt really there and the like. But still thats just something for fun. In reality its the player in RL thats suppost to be the one with bad aim with fear and stuff like that. There really isnt any easy way (or any way at all) of having a system thats fair by enforcing restrictions on peoples playstyles, and no good way of translating peoples assholeish playstyles from a "its a game" mindset to "its meant to be real" mindset. Its better to have it as a true sandbox. That or make your own server and enforce your own rules. Or find a server with rules you like.