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Everything posted by Talibambi

  1. Talibambi


    Im right handed, but I use my mouse in my left hand and I use the keypad with my right. Why you ask? Because my darn desk is on my right and I cant re-orient it. I still suck at everything I do.
  2. Talibambi

    Hitmarkers, yay or nay?

    Hitmarkers should be illegal!
  3. Okay. You have your current computer. Lets say that you have that same exact computer in 10 years. Are you gonna be complaining if you cant even run the latest games at the lowest settings? Because thats the exact same scenario as what is going to happen if settings are done server side. Your computer is gonna run poorly. Just like what will happen with games where even the lowest settings exceed the capabilities of your machine. Just compare the specifications of Crysis 1to Crysis 3. As you can see. Even the MINIMUM specification for games INCREASES. Now if you cant meet these MINIMUM specs then its a gamble whether the game will run at all. You cant stay stagnant with PC technology and complain when games dont run on your machine. PC's need CONSTANT upgrading every few years in order to meet the new minimum specifications required by the latest technology intensive games. You either upgrade, you deal with poor performance, or you dont play the game at all. These are the realities of the world we live in. You can disagree all you want. But whether you agree or not is irrelevant. There is ONE exception to the ever increasing technology demands however (that I am aware of): Game Streaming
  4. Talibambi

    On loot respawning

    Perhaps I didnt articulate myself as concisely as I would have liked. Lets say that 42 people find AS50s. Then log off. What happens? What happens if they never log back on again? Is there a timer? What if they log on after a 3 month break or something? Will the game still have that person logged as an owner and not allow any more AS50 to spawn? until that person dies and the gun despawn or some such?
  5. Talibambi

    On loot respawning

    If I get an AS50 and log off. How would the server handle that? While the server may only allow 42 AS50 (for example) would that mean that after 42 AS50 have spawned and the owners logged off that the server will spawn more? Its really the crux of the issue with the thing you are suggesting. Basically put, how would the server track weapons? Id say that drop rates should be lowered accross the board, and that instead of having spots with lots of high-end loot (such as the NWAF) that the loot is just distributed accross every spawn point on the map. I know a lot of people would be like "but why would there be an AS50 in a house in Kamenka?", to which I say "the same reason that you find an AS50 on a player hiding in the bushes at Kamenka", someone brought the weapon there at some point. Once again, basically put, weapon placement accross the map can easily be explained by people putting the weapons there before/during the apocalypse and they either were killed themselves or had to leave supplies behind. (but even then Im of the opinion that a large amount of the "high end loot" should either be removed, or the drop rate lowered to an amount that only allows the spawning of 1-10 in a month)
  6. You arnt a bandit. He stole from you and thus he was a thief. He coulda come out and asked if you had anything to trade, but he didnt. Its his own fault. You didnt do anything wrong. I would have done the same... That or ran away like a little girl since Im such a pussycat. I dont recall ever killing anyone personally. Id rather die with my dignity than kill someone else in a mistake or accident. Seems like you are kinda similar in mentality :) Dont feel bad. Really.
  7. Then they dont play the game. Or they can play the game and their performance takes a hit. Its not about what we would like. I think it would be awesome if everyone everywhere could play every game ever made on their computers. But the reality is that this is not possible. Oh I wanted to play FF14 a few years back, but my computer was old and failing. You know what I did? Nothing. I couldnt upgrade because I didnt have the money. You know what I did do? I sucked it up and played a laggy mess. I eventually lost interest and stopped playing. As I said. This is why we have consoles. You see a console. You see a game for said console. You know for a fact that the game will work on it. PC are a different beast entirely. You have to look at the games specification and compare it to your own PC's specification. If you dont meet those specifications then you are taking a gamble. If you dont have a computer that meet's the continually growing specifications of games, then you cant really complain when you get left behind. This is why stores arnt still selling Super Nintendo's, Amiga's, Ataris and Sega Genesis - the technology progressed. You either kept up, or you got left behind. This is an ongoing process.
  8. In which case they should upgrade their computers. The whole point of technology is that people have to keep up with it or get left behind. Sure there are some games out there that a really old computer can run, but they prolly had to get new computers at the time in order to play it (especially if that game was using the latest tech). Should someone with 10 year old computer be able to keep up with someone who just custom built one yesterday? Not really. Not if the new computer is using some of the latest tech. If you dont meet the specifications then you shouldnt be complaining when you cant play the game. This is why we have consoles. They are a standardised system spec for anyone to just buy, plug in and play. PCs are a different beast. The specifications of games are always changing. You either keep up or get left behind.
  9. Talibambi

    Less military stuffs

    Drop rates of all weapons (or bullets) should be reduced MASSIVELY. (cept maybe the makarov, lee enfield, revolver, M1911 and winchester) Guns like the AS50 should be so rare that maybe 1-10 will spawn on a server within a month. Or leave the drop rate as is - and just reduce the bullets avaliable on servers.
  10. Talibambi

    Remove Starter Flashlight; Bring Back Flares

    There is no point in being on a server if you cant see anything. This is why there arnt really any servers that allow night without giving a full moon with clear skies. Its just not "fun" and thus people logout.
  11. Talibambi

    No "classic" servers running? (~1.5.X)

    All I want to start with is a hunting knife, 1 canteen, patrol pack and a box of matches. Anything else is gravy :P
  12. Talibambi

    Remove Starter Flashlight; Bring Back Flares

    The flashlight should be removed from the game entirely.. unless they make it that you can use other weapons at the same time. Flashlight and cant defend yourself so you can see.. Cant see but you can defend yourself.. Pretty retarded tbh. The only time a flashlight ever has any real utility is when you dont have ANYTHING else to use. I mean we cant even bash zeds in the face with the flashlight. Warz even does that :P
  13. Talibambi

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    There isnt a hero or bandit skin in the standalone.
  14. I think part of the problem is that peoples mindsets change as the apocalypse continues. This mindset is based on the things they experience. In the game you can just respawn. In RL you would die once and thats it. The whole player killing is a bit too prolific for an actual zombie apocalypse IMO. A lot of people kill due to bad experiences. Experiences they wouldnt have in a real life apoc (since they woulda died the first time). I mean its not like resources are hard to come by. Almost anyone can get geared up and get vehicles. So really the only thing to watch out for are people who kill for lulz (or are itchy trigger fingers due to bad experiences). There really isnt a fix for this. I mean you can "patch it" by adding the whole bandit/hero thing. But ultimately a more long term solution is required. And its not gonna be an easy fix. Its going to take a long time and a lot of resources to actually figure it out (if it ever will get figured out). I think adding more "community" orientated aspects to the game would go a long way to making it a better place. Its possible that they might just make it so that zombies are attracted to players who have fired more bullets (basically make zombies attracted to players who have gunpowder residue. The amount of residue could be calculated depending on the number of bullets you have fired, or even give each bullet its own residue amount which will accumilate) which allows zombies to swarm on you if they smell you. Go into cherno after a gunfight? well every zombie within 50 meters is gonna converge on your position. Dunno. Just an idea. Thought it would need a LOT of work. And even then it wouldnt fix the problem. People are assholes. And in a real zombie apocalypse they would either be the guys who roam around looking for people to prey on, or they are the guys that woulda died first since people woulda been all "screw you Jimmy" or some such. And I cant believe that anyone actually took the time to read this entire post. Whats wrong with you?
  15. Id love to have fog coming in and obscuring the scenery. Would allow for some interesting raids.
  16. Talibambi

    DAYZ Developer MINI Blog April 10th

    Perhaps some people would stop complaining if we were guaranteed an update once every 2 weeks.. even if it was going to be a "Nothing really to talk about. We fixed a few bugs. Bye", type update. Not that I'm comlaining. I actually appreciate the dialogue thats given between the player and devs. Hell its not like you are Bioware or something where the mods are condescending jackasses.
  17. I remember having a 9800GT about 5 years ago.
  18. Talibambi

    DLC: suggestions

    I can see some DLC maps in the future. Though I dont really have a problem with paying a few bucks for maps when Im already gonna be getting the game dirt cheap.
  19. Talibambi

    More use for tents

    I wouldnt mind a "logging out for an extended period (8hrs+) while not being in vicinity of a tent (30 meters) or inside a building = low temperature gauge upon login" Would make people find more value in heatpacks and give tents a bit more use.
  20. Talibambi

    Looking for Clan Recruitment as a Pilot

    But can you fly a plane or chopper in dayz?
  21. Talibambi

    Uncommon common zombies.

    I believe that children zombie have been ruled out for the time being (possibly permanantly) due to having to create brand new skeletons for them and legal issues.
  22. Talibambi


    I hope that high powered weapons are hard to come by. Hell I hope most projectile weapons are hard to come by.
  23. Talibambi

    Dual Wielding (not guns)

    or something homemade. Its not that hard to make a flashlight hat. Hell even the most inept person in the world could prolly get it right by accident after a few attempts. Hat + Battery + wires + bulb + something to stick them together such as tape or rubber band = hattorch. But even then, they could just add the hardhat version to construction sites or something. Give it a relatively high spawn rate to replace the torch, or give it you to spawn with. /shrug.
  24. Talibambi

    Dual Wielding (not guns)

    Give us a flashlight cap instead of a flashlight. I wanna have hands free for my guns!
  25. I do believe something like this is planned for the stand alone. At least something along those lines. Im not entirely sure.