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About morrow

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    Missouri, United Sates of America
  • Interests
    Guns lots of Guns.

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    Native Texan

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  1. Age: 18 How often are you available to play dayz? A few hours per day If I have nothing going on. Are you a good navigator/driver/pilot? While I am not the best driver I have been through many MilSim units and many courses for Navigation. On the note of Flying, I used to fly for most of these units (Fixed-wing and Rotary) so I can hold my own. Are you dedicated to 905? If the group is dedicated to their members then I am dedicared to the group. What do you think you can bring to the clan by having us recruit you? A good member, I like to help and take the lead if need be. Have you been in any other clans? Too damn many to count. Started ArmA back when it was still Op Flashpoint, haven't stopped since. You can add me on Steam (Mr.Morrow) or Skype (brandon.morrow17).
  2. morrow

    what is your most spectacular death?

    Not a death but one time someone was camping NEAF and fired at me and a few buds getting some optics/ammo instantly knew where he was (you see I hunt people and know dem snippr riffle spots (spelled wrong on purpose) and one shot took him out at ~500 yards with a Mosin PU.
  3. morrow

    Starting weapon

    Im going to call bullshit here. You do not know what EVERYONE would do in a situation like this. I think maybe a pocket knife or a bat, depending on where you spawn.
  4. morrow

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    No what he is saying is exploiting this civil-conflict (may soon escalate way more out of control with Russia throwing some weight around) is very (for loss of a more subtle word) morally fucked to hell.
  5. morrow

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Look not to be "that guy" but this doesn't really register as the thing to say while all of this is happening and costing peoples lives. I mean sure they are wearing clothing that resembles what we see in DayZ but to say "Hey look at that guy fighting his gov't and risking his life! We need that in game!" is a little overboard.....
  6. morrow

    My DayZ Ideas

    I would like all but the Radio Transmissions.
  7. morrow

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    I think the log in sound needs to be removed and there needs to be a server option for sleepers (yes like Rust do not hate it was a good idea on there) but for those of you who do not know sleepers are when you log out your character goes to sleep and stays in the world.
  8. morrow

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    When will we see this on stable?
  9. Oh and my favorite a Single Action Army Revolver, comes in Nickle and Gold plating, Blued and Wood, and Some beautiful Gold Silver and Ivory (very rare) variations. (Chambered in Colt .45)
  10. Why the fuck did you take my avatar you son-of-a-bitch!
  11. Ok so no one get angry at me but I would like to see a full line of "Western" clothing i.e. Dusters, Hip Holsters, Chaps, Boots, and some tobacco products that can be used to relieve some stress off the character, oh and also Marijuana that would act as painkillers to relieve pain but make you hungry.
  12. I have also found multiple at Rifty. Might want to add to list. (Found in the bunkroom section on the aft)
  13. morrow

    I don't often hold up newspawns....

    Look here asshat, you have no right going around calling people that, you are a sad, pathetic, overbearing, asshole who just sits behind his fucking computer calling KIDS names all day to make yourself feel better about your obese, self-centered, and overall gross self. Next time you pretty much call a CHILD a bad excuse for a human, look in the mirror.
  14. You're right to some extent, most Bandits are bad at the game and so are most heroes but let's say that you were only talking about us real bandits and see how many "heroes" call themselves "heroes" because they are terrible and crying about KoS......