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Everything posted by Gingerizhere

  1. We are less than a week in to the SA, and it seems like more than half of the servers start with "24/7 daylight". I understand that many people want daylight and not night all the time due to their work hours, but can't you just find a server with a timezone that suits you? I thought the point of the SA was to make it more challenging and overall make you feel more like you are in a actual zombie apocalypse (correct me if I am wrong). I know I am probably the minority here, but why is this? Edit: it also seems as if server admins are having trouble with setting it to a timezone of their choosing because that feature is a little wonky at the moment, but nonetheless, question still stands.
  2. Gingerizhere

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    I'm sure it is possible, but it would work much better with TS much like ACRE did for Arma 2. And the guy above me said, they are working on walkie-talkie functionality, so soon buddy.
  3. Gingerizhere

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Why is this thread even a thing?
  4. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    This is largely due to light pollution from the cities themselves, so that should have something to do with it. Edit: Also, you really didn't read any of these pages in this thread did you?
  5. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    Seriously, I don't understand, if you were in a night with little to no man-made light for miles (or kilometers if that floats your boat), you probably couldn't see jack shit in buildings. And most of the nights I have played on SA so far, have been full, bright, and in your face moons. The one instance in which there was little to no light, I just made do with what the clouds gave me for direction. IT IS CALLED SURVIVING FOR A REASON (for clarity, I am agreeing with you Mos1ey)
  6. Gingerizhere

    Why do you "have" to feel bad for being a bandit/kos?

    People are upset because many don't understand that the gear they just lost is just pixels on a screen.
  7. Gingerizhere

    Story: Faith in Dayz Survivors Renewed

    It is good some people who are holding up others aren't just killing them, there should be a good balance of both, because if you just kill everyone you hold up, they are only going to try and run or escape in some way because they know they're going to die.
  8. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    We can all agree that gamma warriors are going to be gamma warriors that should be a constant, while I don't choose to be a gamma warrior, many do, and I'm not going to tell them they can't do such a thing just because they can. In all of competitive gaming, graphics are an afterthought, look at all of the Counter Strike competitive guys. I am sure the Battlefield competitive players do the same thing no matter how pretty that game is. People are going to find the best advantage they can (whilst breaking immersion) whether some like it or not. TL;DR Gamma warriors gonna gamma whether you like it or not.
  9. Gingerizhere

    m4 before ak74

    Cause, ya know, the M4 shoots freedom caliber bullets.
  10. So, today was a normal day of surviving, as I was already pretty kitted out, I decided I would do some testing. Ya know, for science right? Anyway I had just gotten a slight hunger and thirst message and seeing as I had a full 100% of rice, I decided to gulf down that mofo. I ate the entire thing, and a little powdered milk I believe, then proceeded to drink from a well until it said my stomach felt completely full. Over the next 3, maybe 3 and a half, hours I got thirsty once, and finally got hungry after I traveled from about Tulga through the coast, up Zeleno, and finally to NWAF. Once I got to NWAF I had the "Your stomach grumbles" or something to that effect, ya know slight hunger. But the moral of the story is, I believe the hunger system maybe working pretty close to what it is intended to be, considering you already spawn with a stomach rating of 1000, and are already thirsty upon spawning (this for reference http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects) and you start to throw up around 3500 I believe and you get full around 2500. So, let the hate roll through because I know almost every single one of you hate this hunger system as it stands, but I made it work to my will.
  11. This is a good point as well, I agree it should be toned back maybe a tad (just before they implement animals and such), but many don't understand that you can spam a well 50 times and it works just as well the next 50 times. Edit: grammar
  12. Gingerizhere

    "Search the forums first"

    Jesus Christ dude, no need to get all hot and bothered over a single thread (or maybe many it seems). Just somebody posting thoughts on to the internet.
  13. Gingerizhere

    Difference between saline bag and blood bags?

    Saline fills your blood rating all the way up while blood bags only fill 1000/5000. http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects (under hemolytic reaction) Well now don't I feel dumb after reading your post carefully.
  14. And here I thought I was some sort of innovator.
  15. I'm so flattered, my thread was added in here.
  16. Gingerizhere

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    I really like the third option myself
  17. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    Thanks for the info about the problem with timing, I was told the same thing by the Musty guys a few minutes ago.
  18. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    Again, why I said, to try and find a server with a time zone of your choosing.
  19. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    I understood you loud and clear bud :) , I never meant to remove all of them, I merely don't understand why so many of them do exist and why so many more of them are being made. And, like I said in my original post, if you have strange work hours, why not just find a server with your needed timezone? I think it is a problem because I do not believe this is the way game should be played (keep in mind, this is an opinion and we are all entitled to them).
  20. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    That is a totally hypocritical statement, you could say the same thing for players who DON'T want 24/7 daylight.
  21. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    I knew I would get a good response on the DayZ forums.
  22. Gingerizhere

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    I like this idea personally, just keep public hive servers on some sort of timezone, and private hive servers can do whatever they please. Obviously private hives don't exist yet, but maybe in time. And also, not everyone turns up the gamma, some people enjoy the night, so instead of giving your playerbase (if you are a server admin) one option, why not give them both? Then you get everyone to come in and play and enjoy themselves.
  23. Gingerizhere

    I just wanted to say good work, and thanks

    100% agree
  24. Gingerizhere

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Great server, loving the new additions. At some point I will go mentally insane over those coded safes though. I want my M110 TWS out of that safe and I want it now! :D