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About lordadamovic@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    My First DayZ Kill (Standalone)

    - Gives you things - Goes the opposite direction ----> Shoots him in the back. You should be ashamed of yourself ( + a pony fan, double ashamed ).
  2. Why is this plonker still not banned?
  3. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Few thoughts and questions...

    I don't have a problem with finding food, i have beans to live of like a king for years :). The problem i have is finding any kind of drinks...
  4. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Few thoughts and questions...

    I know that it's an alpha and that a lot of things are gona change/be fixed. Didn't mean anything ''bad'' with the negative list. Just posting my impressions and bugs i found to ( try at least ) help out the devs :).
  5. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Few thoughts and questions...

    First of all, won't bother you with an wall of text, pretty tired from work. Had an few hours of free time today and decided to try out the Standalone. Positives: + The map... it really is a lot better than before. Almost every building is enterable! + Graphics seem a little better, colours too. + Animations for the player character have improved a LOT, but still need some work. + So many items... and hey, it's just the start! Imagine how much crazy stuff we gona have by this time next year! + The inventory sistem imo. is miles better than the one in the mod. + Zombies don't run around like crazy and you can actually hit them. Negatives/bugs/glitches - Why so few zombies? I walked the entire coastline and maybe i saw 3-4 zombies, that's it. Is it a bug, or...? I remember watching Rockets streams that there were far more zombies. - Zombies still have the same problem like in the mod - they hit you trough walls, fall trough the floor etc. - The thing that most people here complain - almost no loot - food and water especially. I found maybe 1 or 2 cans of soda in 4 hours of playing and thats it. Already died from thirst... I know it's apocalypse but still. - You get thirst and hungry wayyyyyyy to fast. And i never even sprint, i just walk or jog. - Perfomance in big cities is still pretty bad. 2500k/GTX670 and i play at low-med settings. In cherno i have 25-30fps tops. Outside of the big cities it's smooth. Some bugs i noticed: * When a black character wears gloves he/she ( trough magic ) gets white hands :). I know it's nothing big, but still. * Can hear people on comms even though there is no sidechat ( people on the other side of the map ) * Accidently fell of a building, died, but when i switched servers i was still alive? * Some times, guns/items don't have any description so i can't tell in what condition are they. I will post more if i notice them. Also, how do i post in the BUG REPORT section of the forum? It asks for my username/password but it says it's incorect. Do i have to make a new account to post in that section of the forum. PS. Sorry if i made some mistakes. English isn't my first language...
  6. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Charging people money to help you "make" a game....

    Your life seems veryyyyy ( yyyy ) interesting and exciting.
  7. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

    5 minutes passed. No SA. I cry.
  8. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Should I buy?

    I would just wait for the Standalone. I have a feeling it's coming out by the end of this year.
  9. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

    I bet in 10 cans of tuna that the SA will be coming out by the end of next week.
  10. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    November Round-up

    Guys, i dreamed about being in the world of DayZ last night. I entered some building looking for some food, then i meet a guy. I yelled FRIENDLY!!!! But he killed me and i woke up. DayZ is coming out this month, this has to be a sign. Or it can be a sign that i need to visit an asylum.
  11. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    Looking for DayZ epoch players

    Hey there! I am also interested in checking out DayZ Epoch, never played it before. Only problem is i didn't play the game since february this year, so i will be probably be a bit rusty :). I am from Serbia, 22 years old. I got a mic/skype too. Add me on steam if you are interested in playing together sometimes ( my id is Serbian91 )
  12. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Cya in DayZ in two weeks genius.
  13. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Best time to release the game in my opinion would be in 2 weeks, when both Call Of Duty and BF4 are out so there will be less load on the servers and less little 10 year old screaming kids.
  14. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    LFG for DayZ Caribou

    Hey there! Looking for group for DayZ Caribou. Didn't play the mod for almost 4-5 months, maybe even more, so i am probably a bit rusty. Wanted to come back to try out this mod out. Have to be 18+ ( i am 22 ) and from Europe, because of time diffrences. Mic is a must, of course. If interested in playing together, post here.
  15. lordadamovic@gmail.com

    LF group for Breaking Point [EU]

    Server problems seem to be fixed, at least for me, with the latest patch. So if somebody wants to team up leave me a message here ( with age/country :) ). I play on the first European server ( when you look in the Breaking Point launcher ).