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Everything posted by desrat

  1. ok well I was going to run through this now I had some spare time but the link doesnt work for me anymore - just loads the first page only.. Edit : NVM using save link as worked..
  2. well you can see from my sig that I put timezone in...
  3. not allowed as the files are restricted you need to contact dev team by mail or even see if any are on irc http://widget03.mibbit.com/?settings=8d4041fefc5e9e5f7f156a941a95fac3&server=webirc.gamesurge.net%3A6007&channel=%23DayZ&noServerTab=false&autoConnect=true&nick=DayZ_survivor_%3F%3F%3F%3F
  4. Why are we not informed as Hosts when Hive is updated? Seems like something we should be kept informed of if you ask me... I do check now I know where to get the files but when my server was installed I wasn't informed where to get these updates from..
  5. desrat

    Hive Updated?

    ok fair enough, however the issue still remains that hosts that were set up by the dev team were not informed where these files are located...
  6. desrat

    Max Ping Setup Question

    if you do it via rcon while server running then it lasts till restart, you can add it to your BEServer.cfg file like so and it will be persistant RConPassword ********* maxping 180
  7. desrat

    another tent thread

    The contents get scattered on the floor.
  8. absolutely pissed my self laughing on the first page, awesome tagline there Mojo :)
  9. Can we get info on running the beta with a DayZ server as well as forcing minimum version thx
  10. desrat

    Tents dissapear again

    my tents on EU16 are back - still need to improve the system though to prevent these in-continuities.
  11. desrat

    People allowed to host small servers?

    i was authorised for 20-30 and 25 seems best for my server..
  12. desrat

    Timezone/Day clarification

    just thinking out loud here - but one thing I have noticed people request is faster day/night cycle and had an idea to allow people to see both within a play session (a long one I'll admit) I have my server set to restart every 6 hrs, from now on make the tool I use reset the system clock to 16:00 prior to starting the server and then you get 3 hrs daylight (roughly) as sunset is around 18:00 but gets dark at around 19:00 and then 3 hrs night till 22:00 when the server then restarts... what do people think?
  13. desrat

    SQL Errors

    Ever since I set up EU16 I've been getting errors like the ones you see at the bottom of this post from hive.exe and similar from hiveAuth.exe, now it seems that when these errors start occurring the app never recovers (every subsequent entry is an error). My question is Can you detect when these errors start occurring somehow? I run my own restart tool, and restart hiveAuth.exe every 15 minutes as it seems to be the most susceptible to these errors, now can I do that with hive.exe too? I was given the impression that if hive.exe needs to be restarted then so does the server (arma2oaserver.exe). # ERR: SQLException in .\hive.cpp# LINE359 # ERR: MySQL server has gone away (MySQL error code: 2006, SQLState: HY000 ) Sent...201
  14. desrat

    Timezone/Day clarification

    You can set your server to anytime you want just don't change it whilst the server is actually running, doing so fucks things up and Rocket has already said will get you an instaban. To sum up - set the servers system time before starting DayZ and leave it alone whilst it's running, if you want to adjust the time, close the server and hive down - adjust system time - restart server.
  15. desrat

    SQL Errors

    Wanna shed some light on the subject then instead of holding on to said information? Rocket has already said he prefers hosts to manage their own servers so if there is a fix for this it needs to be made public knowledge...
  16. desrat

    SQL Errors

    its annoying sometimes it can go the full 6hrs between restarts and others it can be minutes - definitely needs some way to monitor - or better yet a fallover procedure in hive itself to shutdown (so it can be detected easier)
  17. desrat

    Tents dissapear again

    Date/Time: 21/05/2012 09:30 (UK GMT + 1) What happened: Server restarted - all tents on server gone, restarted twice more to see if they return but nothing Where you were: On EU16 Server. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: EU16 When is this gonna be fixed people - it's completely ruining the game for me, we need the tents for additional storage especially now that were getting over encumbered with additional stuff like (wood - 2 slots)
  18. desrat

    Server timed messages?

    It wasn't rcon I was asking about, I meant the batch script to loop said messages, I currently use autoit to do the same as you suggested but wondered how your method differs...
  19. Just been checking through the chat log for EU16 and something caught my eye Some cheeky bastard (I hid his name) posting messages in global to try and dupe people into disconnecting to allow space for his friends to connect - made me smile, had I been online at the time I would have nipped it in the bud...but anyway make sure you read those Global messages properly people - don't let people get one over on ya like this :)
  20. desrat

    server map markers

    its in the cfgdayz.ArmA2OAProfile file found in "ArmA2/cfgdayz/users" under difficulty.. check this out for a reference on what each entry means... http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Server_Difficulty_Settings
  21. EU16 added - Actually I just noticed that there is another EU16. http://arma2.swec.se/server/image/231231