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Everything posted by VldZ

  1. VldZ


    So if you are a bandit you can't do that kind of setlement?Or do you wanna say that bandits can't entry yours?I don't get it..
  2. DayZ will be around 10-15$ ... so you can spend 30$ as you like,especially when is the steam sale.
  3. VldZ

    Having multiple characters

    When I 1st thought about having more characters I've realised a bad thing. If you get killed on 1 character and respawn on the opposite corner of the map,but your 2nd char. is where your murderer is,you can easily switch characters and get a revenge. So no..
  4. VldZ

    StandAlone For Mac ?

    Only IF the game will be a succes on PC then DayZ Standalone is gonna be implemented on mac,PS3,Xbox,etc..
  5. A new awsome crossbow will be added as Rocket mentioned at Exp 2012 . -> check this
  6. VldZ

    Just a few ideas for standalone

    1.Sounds realistic :D I like it 2.Rocket mentioned that he added jackets and all sort of new clothing.I have a question..when the clothing will be fully detetiorated I will remain naked ? :D
  7. VldZ

    Food from the land

    No.with this idea will probably be more permanently base,around fields.
  8. VldZ

    My DayZ review

    The in-game signs are in russian because the environment is situated near Russia.Anti-social community?Don't think so.
  9. VldZ

    Realistic Sniping

    You are making those suggestion because you don't want to get killed that often by snipers or you are actually a sniper who wants to play a hardcore mode ?:D
  10. VldZ

    Walking Dead concept!

    Maybe if that player was already infected?
  11. VldZ

    Zombies freezing in cold places

    And they were actually talking about "real" zombies? :D . The idea sounds nice,I don't want to imagine how scared will I be if a zombie wich looks frozen will rise and bite me or whatever :D
  12. VldZ

    Field Dressing from Far Cry 2 & 3?

    I think this whole ideas about adding new massively stuff in the game will be implemented after the release,when the game will be updated alot :D But yeah,this sounds awsome.It will be hard for the devs with animations i think though :D
  13. VldZ

    Zombie sounds.

    That scared the shit out of me! God! I hope for my life they don't add this :lol: but I hope they do :D
  14. The zombies are fine as they are now..but I really think 99% of the players don't even think about them.I'm pretty sure that most of the players just forget about the purpose of this game wich is to survive the freaking zombie infection thing.Why?because the zombies ain't that dangerous atm. Anyways,that was some off-topic stuff that I've just had in mind :D . on : I really want to see zombies with proper animations and stuff,I think it will be more scary and "brutal"(a word wich rocket uses very often to describe the game as I found out) and then the people will maybe care there is an infected dude,just chilling out next to them.Maybe then players will think before shooting between them("hey,maybe this guy could help me kill that bunch of zombies over the house and we can loot it together) .. But yeah,that's just me and my thoughts about the game.Sorry for my english,hope you can understand :D .
  15. VldZ

    Squads and Armoured Vehicles

    Armoured vehicles sounds awsome! But the suggestion with the squads..yeah...no...idk...it feels to me that it should stay like this,cuz it's perfectly fits with this game :D .I think more people just forget that this is a zombie survival game xD
  16. I think this is an equipment :D sorry if someone thought about that before me. I sugest more "constructing" materials for those who like just to sit in one place and make a proper base.
  17. VldZ

    Instanced scenarios.

    Maybe in singleplayer.
  18. VldZ

    Killing without killing...

    I hope you do realise that the people who read this topic and then see you in game will shoot you without warning,right? :lol:
  19. I just like 3rd person because the game is more beautiful.I just like to see how my character looks like and the animations he makes when he shoots,walk,run,etc...I know it's an advantage for those who use it,but..live with that!
  20. Are there gonna be hordes of zombies just randomly spawned,maybe walking next to the road or something :D ? I onestly quite hate that zombies are spawning just when you aproach a town,barn,...it will be more realistic i think :D