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Posts posted by stefos71

  1. 23 hours ago, Funkmaster Rick said:

    Suing people for taking your idea, altering it a bit, and then running with it would stifle any creativity in the market. There needs to be ample wiggle room in any artistic field to allow experimentation and creative recycling, or there can't be art.

    Understood, however the level of "creative expression" in these Day Z clones is now called "Stealing a concept," as Miscreated has in their interface.

    Besides, If you wanted Day Z to be the best Post Apocalyptic game on the market, would you allow for this new level of "artistic expression?" I don't think so.

  2. On 4/15/2017 at 3:46 AM, IkaikaKekai said:

    Taking a concept and doing something with it is not against the law in itself.  I mean with your logic Capcom could sue Bohemia for having a Zombie Game.  Romero could sue the Walking Dead for their use of zombies, ect ect ect.

    No, it isnt' however........When you look at Miscreated and see the interface, they ripped of B.I.


    Make sense?

  3. Well,


    The devs DID say they have to overhaul massive parts of this game......ie Coding.

    Making trees, textures, vehicles is easy.............Programming them is not.


    Rust, Miscreated, etc. are not coding overhauls...They are coding legos, per se.

    Try overhauling this game's code.........Try coding period and see where you end up....It's not easy everyone.


    I want Day Z to continue and Blow up big.



    P.S. I'm surprised that Day Z hasn't sued Miscreated for copyright infringements.

    • Like 1

  4. 5 hours ago, BCBasher said:

    Sorry if you took that the wrong way but its a common thing around, guy buys game, plays 500 hours, complains its broke, wants a refund because thirty bones could have put his kid through college.

    Other BI games including the flagship ArmA will be built with or off the tech being developed for SA so they will finish it, it might take awhile but I believe it's because they're trying to get big things done right.

    Not a problem...............Thanks for expressing where you were coming from.

    Things can get "off" when someone posts like this here.

    I'm not sure I'm going to move to where I wanted to.....Tuscon, Arizona.  The pay there is considerably less than here and it's very hot.

    I'm having serious doubts at this point.

    Thanks my man,


    • Like 1

  5. 8 hours ago, IMT said:

    To be honest, I rarely see any hackers and can not even remember when I was killed last time by an hacker. I was left with an odd flavor about a death a few days ago though, but of course I'm not sure if it was an hacker. Obvious hackers are hard to find (those who teleport (to) people, kill everyone by "carpet bombing", etc.) these days. I'm certain there will be people who can hide their hacks very well and dying by their hand will not ring any bells.

    Your best choice would be to play on a private hive server by the way because these servers are next to the anti-cheat also monitored by the active server admins and the community which play there.

    In my opinion, Bohemia has successfully made hacking harder and is also trying to fix all duping methods as soon as possible. They're certainly trying to keep the game as clean as possible. :)

    Hi IMT,

    Thank you again sir for being straight up and honest.

    I saw a Miscreated video and liked some things about it...i.e. flashlight at night looked really nice.  I also saw ridiculous things like Tae Kwon Do high spin kicking and I laughed a bit.

    DayZ seems to be the boilerplate game for all other DayZ rip offs actually.

    I'm surprised BI hasn't sued these companies for ripping off their (now) product.


    • Like 2

  6. 8 hours ago, Espa said:

    Don't listen to the naysayers of this game, it is an original and unique experience that you won't forget. It will test your morality, how you read people, eventually give you knowledge of a huge map, and in general give you feelings that no other game can. 

    Things are more real in DayZ, because you can spend hours doing things with one character and then run into a hostile stranger who will take your efforts and end it in an instant. Death has a weight here (Not enough yet, but is rising)

    If you want to play a beautiful and anxiety-ridden game, play. The game is worth more than it's Steam price in terms of hours that will be put in, and .62 should be right around the corner, with .63 in the later part of the year (Knock on wood)

    Hi Espa,

    I saw a Miscreated video on YouTube and I didn't like the more arcadey feel to it really.

    I enjoy "The Walking Dead" and I like realism actually.

    I might be moving to a different part of the U.S. so I need to save more money.

    Thank you sir for being honest.



    • Like 1

  7. 8 hours ago, BCBasher said:

    Is it worth thirty dollars, from the complaints I've seen here it depends on whether you make thirty dollars by morning coffee break or quitting time?

    I bought two copies, I had to work about two hours to pay for it and got two thousand hours of entertainment so far.

    Don't be that guy who cries about thirty dollars like it was enough to buy a car or a house. 

    Hi BC.......

    Thanks but I've only seen old videos on YouTube from 3 years ago and what's up now.

    I'm not crying poor.......Just don't want to waste my money if the Dev team was not actively concerned about this game.

    You've really given me nothing to chew on.

    Thanks anyway,


    • Like 1

  8. 2 minutes ago, O_HellFire said:

    Basic vehicles are in but buggy, base building features will come in the during beta it seems and hopefully the game will run better and be more mod friendly than  ARMA III. Only buy it looking to the future at a reduced price because at present as while its playable, its under heavy development with changes to the engine etc at the moment. Betas coming around the end of the year possibly and the price will no doubt rise, so consider it for sure.


    Thanks for being honest.

    It's still selling for $30...........When it be reduced in price?




  9. Hi everyone,

    So, a bit about me:

    I own all the Arma's and just got the Arma Apex expansion now as well.

    I really liked "The Walking Dead" and I am considering buying Day Z (full paid version) however.......I have seen a LOT of negativity around it.

    For example:

    People complain about missing things like vehicles & being able to build structures.

    Can someone please bring clarification about these things?  Are the developers going to put in the vehicles & ability to build structures?

    Thank you,


  10. Hi everyone,

    Where this converstation is going is here:

    The DayZ mod operates very much like an MMO in regards to monster/loot spawning, 2 factions: Friend/Foe, etc.

    The original Everquest MMO, not Everquest 2, was a first person only experience from what I hear.

    I've only heard of people playing it and it had a "permadeath" mode/server which added the realism, obviously, with certain drawbacks for an MMO.

    Now what do I suggest? This IF possible:

    Have the creators of DayZ change the pine tree models, if possible to make them branch-free at their bases.

    Real pine trees have no branches at the base or extending down to the ground as typically portrayed in Arma 2 and the current graphics models of the pine trees makes cover OVERTLY easy. Being exposed should cost a player something...Ex. Exploiting 3rd person to "see over a wall"....C'mon..

    Incorporate the 3rd person model but place limitations:

    1. Gillie suites should provide cover when low to the ground, obviously, and when in dense forest or high grass, NOT when hiding at

    the base of pine trees which I see over & over again being exploited (see above)

    2. Make infra-red & scoped rifles VERY rare.

    3. IF possible, block "over the wall" looking via implementing a forward facing graphics model

    Ex. When running near a wall, the graphics should block the "behind the wall" view somehow if possible

    (I'm not a game designer sorry for the lack of technical jargon!)

    I think this is a very do-able thing to implement as 1st person is not real and 3rd person view is being exploited.



  11. Hello everyone,

    Thank you creators of DayZ mod!

    A very cool mod for the Arma series.

    I've been watching youtube footage of this mod and I suggest you do the following:

    Resetting all servers post alpha build..

    Why? Well, a number of great reasons (gleaned from youtube):

    1. To fully implement post alpha changes to this mod

    2. To address hacking via using encryption (I'm not a network manager so forgive my ignorance)

    3. To do away with people camping and killing or sniping new players with or without an infra-red or with a regular scope

    I've seen this done too many times on youtube

    4. To do away with a group of people camping & then "triangulating" new players and killing them

    I've seen this done too many times on youtube also

    5. To implement a spawn system in which scoped weapons and night vision/infra-red weapons are limited except at military bases and in general overall......

    6. To implement a communication system whereby friends/foes can communicate to get to & centralize safely in

    I'm willing to give financial support to see this mod become a game!

    I'm that serious.

    PM me if you want, we'll discuss the details...

    Thanks again!

