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Everything posted by nik21

  1. nik21

    New BattlEye update blocks DXTORY

    This is untrue, the latest versions of dxtory and other OSD software should be supported.
  2. nik21

    DayZ engine performance! FFS!

    I do realize they are different games, but in relation to looks, Crysis was way better optimized (even though it only supports 2 threads, but that's due to it's age) than DayZ is - Crysis could and still can bring High-End rigs to their knees without much of a problem, however it still looks amazing, better than most modern games IMO even tho it's 7 years old already. The thing is, the engine scaled very well, meaning you could still play crysis on an old potato, e.g. a Single Core Processor and a GF 6800 when using low Settings. Whereas in DayZ, you'll always get crappy 20ish fps in towns, no matter how strong your hardware is or how low you turn your video settings - that problem is unfortunately present in all Arma Games and I think it might be the #1 game breaker, although we're probably all used to it already... Point being, I don't think the performance of DayZ (and other Arma Games) is acceptable in relation to their looks - optimization is where the engine is really starting to show it's age.
  3. It's MSAA. You could also say FSAA, like Arma 3 does, but they're the same in this case, MSAA is just a special case of FSAA which is an obsolete term used for MSAA...
  4. What if I told you that.. this is fake?
  5. nik21

    Fps fixes, none of them work.

    Your computer is simply too slow.
  6. And who ever said that? BE bans for individual hacks are usually delayed for 1-3 days, always depending on the hack ofc.
  7. Lots of people here seem to confuse wall-glitching with hacking/ cheating. Also unlimited ammo in magazines has been fixed in the last update, firing from a magazine having more ammo than it can hold will simply result in ghost bullets.
  8. nik21

    Teamspeak overlay, cheating?

    BE only kicks/ bans for actual cheats, overlays by legit applications are not considered cheat software. Same goes for VAC (should).
  9. babypuncher71 you don't have a clue what you're talking about, obviously.
  10. BE is basicially detecting every hack that becomes known to us. Most hacks that include a teleporting feature are down anyway atm, I don't know why there are so many reports of that, could as well be desync in many cases. Unlimited ammo can very well be caused by duped "hacked" magazines, see quote above. It is important to note that stuff like -teleport -infinite ammo -NoClip -Speedhack -Bullet Modifiers etc. Can be detected by BE but making these types of hacks impossible in the first place has to be done by the game dev's, you will only stop seeing these hacks if the engine prevents it, and yes, it currently fails to do so although the dev's made quite some promises about hacking and doing so is quite possible with the new server-client architecture.
  11. nik21

    CPU upgrade assistance please

    Not worth upgrading for 200$.
  12. nik21

    Reporting Hackers

    You can't really report anyone, for serveral reasons.. 1. There is no report system 2. There is no point in having a report system, as it would be abused and 3. You can't identify any player you meet since you don't see his name whatsoever and his in-game name can vary from his Steam name. 4. BE/ VAC do not ban based on reports whatsoever. Also note that experimental servers have BattlEye disabled.
  13. It is called OGSSAA (aka Downsampling) and it gives you the qualitatively best image quality and Anti-Alising as it casculates the whole frame at a higher resolution and then downscales it to the actualy resolution. It is, however, quite expensive in terms of performance.
  14. nik21

    Getting kicked by Battleeye

  15. "make sure that you can see hidden files and folders" You can just google how to do it, otherwise just type %appdata% in the path field of the explorer. ಠ_ಠ
  16. nik21

    Help me understand..

    I don't get why people think this would make anything better.
  17. nik21

    Hotfix not fixed?

    This is actually wrong, BE and Steam are 2 different things and if Steam times out, the client will be kicked with Steam ticket check failed: null or sth. The player will only see "You were kicked", "Connection with host has been lost" or similar. This kick is caused by the BE Client not communicating with the server over a period of time, reason for this can be software blocking the BE Client or hardware isses (there have been problems with some routers).
  18. nik21

    Careful to all players when logging out

    What on earth makes you believe that BE is broken or related to/ causing desync? Because it is not.
  19. Try to stay in the lobby and wait for BE to update, if that fails, update BE manually: http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  20. It does work that way and most "private" cheats are getting busted weekly by BE. Also, there's more to detecting a hack than just googling it, just saying ;)
  21. That has nothing to do with BE.
  22. nik21

    Alpha To Coverage pixelated

    Can't test it now, but I think it may be caused by SSAO, did you try turning that off?
  23. nik21

    Session Lost?

    ^ If this was the case, he'd most likely be kicked with a BE-Message. Could be multiple things, maybe signature check timeout/ missing files or something similar. Try to verify the game files via Steam.