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Everything posted by Rekli

  1. Rekli

    Persistand Objects...

    If this was implemented eventually every house in Chernarus would be boarded up and no-one would be able to get loot, I'm sure Dean has touched upon this not being possible before.
  2. Rekli

    [Video] Insane visual frame stutter

    *gets 15 fps* *is sitting here like: "what's so bad about this?"* *realises has shitty computer and has developed resistance to skrub level FPS*
  3. Rekli

    Dumb ways to die

    MOD Story: After having a 10 minute long gun fight and running round near otmel, (DMR vs SVD) I finally killed him when he paniced and decided to hide and bandage...giving me time to flank to the mountain without being seen.....so I finished him off as he aimed back to were I was.....then promptly broke my leg on a rock without morphine, I crawled to his corpse BEGGING for morphine but there was none, his car was beyond fucked with atleast 5 SVD shots into the tires and engine block, so I had to crawl 200m across open road to get to my car, I was shot as expected halfway to my car. Dumb part? I knew that rocks could break your leg and still walked on them.
  4. Rekli

    Can you craft double mags with tape?

    taping it together with a small block of wood inbetween would be just as effective, no?
  5. Rekli

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Desktop Mod & SA Monitor Res: 1920x1080 CPU:AMD FX-4350 Graphics Card: MSI Radeon 7870 (Ghz version) 2GB RAM: GeIL Enhance CORSA 2x4GB OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit) No SSD budgety goodness
  6. Rekli


    Yup, let's just show cannabilsm in a game....I dont think Australia would like that
  7. Dont quote me on this but.....I'm pretty sure there are more days without a full-ish moon....than without a full-ish moon.
  8. Rekli

    Day Z Standalone on a mac - is it possible?

    I had it on low with no anti-aliasing and my CPU was a little better than yours, so you might get 10-20, yess.
  9. This is so simple yet would help keep immersion other than the immersion destroying hovering over them and seeing into their pockets. :beans:
  10. Rekli

    Day Z Standalone on a mac - is it possible?

    As someone who can play with an HD4/3000 on the MOD (around 20fps with the shittiest CPU around)....he might atleast get 10...:P
  11. It took me 3 days to download DayZ (we just moved in to new houses and the broadband was abysmal) 3 days....and months of 240 youtube videos....ugh
  12. I think he may think that the 800 is included for parts (keyboard ECT)
  13. Rekli

    12/1/13 Epoch Story.

    oh I'm fine with you posting it, I'm just wondering i there's a chance you guys who post stories could actually just have 1 thread for all the stories so the newbies asking for help arent buried under 100 story threads that constantly get bumped.
  14. Rekli

    12/1/13 Epoch Story.

    "This story will count as tomorrow's" ....that sounds like you want to post a story everyday, I dissaprove. The odd story(maybe every month or so) that was actually interesting was fine but these daily "We beat a group in Epoch" or "I snuck up on a poorly armed fresh spawn and shot him"filling up the new post section and DayZ General is actually getting ridiculous, all it would take is to make an "Official DayZ Stories Thread" or something of the likes, and there would be nothing to complain about why has this forum suddenly devolved into: 1)Useless shit posting? 2)Entire 'New Posts Section' filled with "300 vehicles active admins"? 3)Stories that get tiring for people who have seen like 100 of them? 4)Clusterfuck of idiocy and trolls in the Devblog threads? There are barely any suggestions, even when there are they're mostly just plain stupid, suggested before, or pratically impossible (ties in with plain stupid) People who come to the forum looking for help because they're new or dont know what to do being mocked by older members, this entire forums just going nasty in areas.: In rezponce to someone posting a problem in the troubleshoot section, why....why would you even post this?in the attempt to get a few beans from other pricks who like to make fun of newer members?as I said, going nasty in areas, it's not even the new people who are doing this too the Forum, yet people treat it like it's all the KoS kiddies fault that this community is going to shit, it's not, it's people who act like fresh faces are cancer to communities, maybe if we didnt have so many damn neegative regulars we'd have some positive newbies instead of ones who make a few posts and leave again, also this is only to some of the regulars, there are many people who regulary post who are nice (Max Plank....Planc?...Planck and all the Staff/Support people (I'm not sucking up, you're all wonderful) (I'll probably get a suspension from Curgon seeing (bleepitybleepbloop) got one for doing something similar) P.S: I dont mind you having stories to post, but maybe you guys could have a designated thread for it instead of filling up DayZ general with it. (most of this might end up as its own topic, I kinda just went of on a tangent for most of this post)
  15. Rekli

    Masking Scent

    been suggested before, and it would be stupid to cover yourself in zombie guts in this situation as the zombies are infectious, not undead.
  16. Rekli

    Installation Problems

    Did you run both ArmA 2 and ArmA OA before you tried playing?
  17. Rekli

    Installation Problems

    Screenshot/Type Out the error there are many errors you can get trying to join servers.
  18. Rekli

    Great Video

    The actual creator has posted that entire series before..... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143667-dayz-standalone-doodle-rant/?hl=%2Bdoodle+%2Brant http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144715-dayz-standalone-doodle-rant-2/?hl=%2Bdoodle+%2Brant http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146000-dayz-standalone-doodle-rant-3/?hl=%2Bdoodle+%2Brant http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/147497-dayz-standalone-doodle-rant-4/?hl=%2Bdoodle+%2Brant
  19. Rekli

    Great Video

    there's.....ummmm, there's no video....
  20. IMBA as shit, instant pick. also dean doesnt speak about "Classes", I'm pretty sure he likes the idea of a slow, progressive skill tree with tiny changes like 1% changes every (long ass time)
  21. You dont "get global banned for no reason"
  22. Rekli

    5-10 FPS HELP!

    Arma and DayZ are CPU intensive, try giving us that too please, also be more specific on your graphic settings e.g shadows, anti-alliasing ect as for your friends card, I'd just assume because he has better CPU than you.
  23. add -nopause into your launch parameters.
  24. Rekli

    mi-17 vs a chopper full of passengers

    so about this video?...does include this.....high quality entertainment?
  25. Rekli

    Devil Dogs (New clan) (Epoch)

    Oh well sorry for the accusation, never seen that happen before :/