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Everything posted by Rekli

  1. I'd like to see some duck pancakes chasing me around.....(I just drooled a little....duck....pancakes....UGHHHHHHH)
  2. Rekli

    Good Map Suggestions?

    Bonnie Scotland http://fav.me/d1gdnl7
  3. Rekli

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    A CPU would be nice.
  4. O.O do I need an adult?
  5. about 4 months, when I go to be I set it to power consumption on CPU & GPU to about 5% (which is as low as it seemingly goes) and lower my screen brightness to just enough to see the words and make it go to sleep within 1 minutes.....(it's never off)
  6. Rekli

    Devblog :D

  7. Rekli

    How much is to much.

    4 drinks 2 food keeps me alive on full map runs with ease.
  8. Rekli

    DayZ mod grass like DayZero with GTD Mod grass

    Yes, yes I did, did you read mine?I only said that the grass isn't the only reason the frames increased.
  9. Rekli

    DayZ mod grass like DayZero with GTD Mod grass

    I'm pretty sure DayZERO runs so much better because it accesses things the DayZ Mod them aren't allowed to, NOT because they changed the grass.
  10. Rekli

    Fix the Dang Zombie Damage and AI already

    This is a MOD not a GAME do not compare a MOD to a GAME also learn that the MOD is limited and broken because it is A MOD!fuck sake...
  11. Register cache.If persists tell us exactly what it says, it's not hard to take a screenshot ffs
  12. because they aren't running directly infront of a zombie on the concrete, sound is an important factor too.
  13. I doubt his I5-3570K is bottle necking a 560....
  14. Rekli

    Beyond the airfield

    IRL with ingame shiz added in with photoshop...I can tell becausen of the pixels to the left.
  15. Rekli

    Killing Player w/ Own Heli - HiJacked!

    but it's not DayZ.
  16. Rekli

    Where will dayz be in ten years?

    DayZ Standalone Arma MOD....the tides have turned
  17. Rekli

    getting low fps

    don't complain you're getting better Fps than you should.
  18. Say when you start a new life you get some slight information about your character (randomised ofc) along the lines of why you're there (native Chernarussian, visiting family, job) places you remember (family's house, place of work) who you remember (family, co-workers) it gives you an entirely optional thing to do instead of shooting at fresh spawns, like finding what happened to your family, maybe they were killed by bandits, maybe they turned, maybe the military evacuated them, it will be entirely optional but might actually add some value to your character's life wondering what happened to his/her friends and family...maybe add some incentive too like the military leaving things, some bandit AI <--don't hate they'll just try and kill you no talking/trading shit) still around for you to kill, household guns left behind when they turned... Edit: there could be a prompt before you spawn whether or not you want to make your own story or follow a story specific to your character. Discuss.
  19. yeah, i'm completely against that.
  20. Damn you Fraggle...*Jedi mind trick* you WILL discuss my idea. Edit: I see all the views and not a single damn piece of discussion.....I hate you all.
  21. God dammit I said discuss >: O