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Everything posted by Rekli

  1. Rekli

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    *rides around on horse* *horse gets shot* *horse falls on survivor and makes him*puts on cheap beetle glasses*.a not survivor*
  2. Rekli

    New spawn point - @ 10000 feet

    *lands on building* *see's bambi running below "why not" *fail splats infront of him* *bambi has a funny story*
  3. yes but those people aren't deciding to be locked in a small room,though most people DECIDE to roam sround themselves,i think being forced from interaction affects people not DECIDING against interaction
  4. toolbox to smash a window.....gettin me a video link....... ignore this guys voice...laughand breathing and...MUTE THE VID XD
  5. Rekli

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    that would make it more hardcore for the 4 people with the As50s....and easier....for the rest of the server.....no
  6. why are people saying "your body should re-animate" "zombies are dumb" "zombies are un-realistic" I thought an INFECTION was the reason the INFECTED where walking around,not hell was full plus zombies are impossible...a super virus is.....so tell me infected or zombies? D:
  7. Rekli


    pile a few survivors.....nice zombie train and hungry survivors...shoot them,pile THEM on top (cycle continues) bus of corpses and cows........
  8. your ideas of bases NO rockets ideas of bases YES NPCs NO Currency GOD NO!
  9. Rekli

    Maiming without killing

    we gonna trap them in a box and release poisons upon them? >:D
  10. Rekli

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Funny....the only longest range i've ever shot was around 200m and i haven't ever had a sniper,I get shot at and killed by snipers all the time.so both of you I'm not a sniper who KoS,I'm an assault gunner who avoids killing.your assumptions are funneh
  11. i couldn't be bothered checking if anyone posted this but.....buzzards?...in Russia?....nop
  12. Rekli

    Classes and player built towns

    No. that is all
  13. Rekli


    can we hang dead bodies on trees (for decrease in humanity) i will make my very on Murder Forest (reference to the suicide forest in Japan DX)
  14. Rekli

    wire cutters

    i see you have never picked up a toolbox....you've never played DayZ have you?...
  15. Rekli

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Why did some prick give you beans? THE WHOLE POINT OF DayZ IS FOR IT TO BE GRUELING AND UNFAIR...and you want to make it fairer? GTFO
  16. Rekli

    friendly fire should be an option on servers

    thats the point of DayZ and i can help but say "Friendly fire isn't"
  17. Rekli

    A different take on trains

    stop copying utube
  18. yes this guy copies and pastes from youtube (every post he has,has that)
  19. Rekli

    New area notification

    road sings should be in the language of your country....casue think about it...your player speaks russian (he lives in a soviet state) so why would he have to look up what the town was called?....he would know what it says because it's his natural language (just like ours is English,German,French Ect
  20. Rekli

    Vehicle repair and refuel

    then you are extremely unlucky
  21. Rekli

    What if you became infected?

    they are not zombies...if you die it is completely impossible to start up again...there is no fluid that could reach your brain and even if it could reach the brain...your brains chemicals would've died of and it would have nothing to react with.......so everyone was already alive when they where infected so re-animating when the infection that you have doesnt cause you to re-animate is a very...ver...very stupid idea (note:the Z stands for Day0...i think)
  22. Rekli


    im gonna start an underground market selling manhunt 1 and 2
  23. Rekli

    Standalone - handedness possibility

    planet terror style? (woman with machine gun as her leg :/
  24. Rekli

    US 1038 TX

    FUCKING IDIOTS they are closing down the server to stop people attacking the base at its weakest....(few people guarding it) that is protecting the loot and unfair...it doesnt matter if no-one can go on the server the thing that matters is they protect the base when its at its weakest by turning off the server