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Everything posted by Rekli

  1. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    democracy is kind of government but not the only that's sort of why I mention the feudal system and tribal systems. towns and bands of survivors will form and there will be somebody 'ruling' over this band/town of survivors. "fair say" applies to neither of these forms of government.
  2. Rekli


  3. Rekli

    Melee is now Pointless

    I've been infected once using a hatchet, that was after I accidentally shot my lee and 15 zombies flooded the pub from both entrances even then i killed almost all of them until one ran up behind me and got 3 hits in before i could turn round, in other words you're doing it wrong try doing better. (this was pre-infection nerf so you're definitely doing it wrong btw)
  4. have you ever logged onto your steam account on his PC or vice versa?
  5. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    where there are humans there will ALWAYS be some form of government it may be primitive but it will be a government it might be feudal hell it might even be tribal there will still be a government
  6. Rekli


  7. Rekli


    he makes many, he just denies it ;)
  8. Rekli

    Gun from Carl

    it's a magnum 44.
  9. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    ...because the UI is different and the interface Icons won't work with the attachment system and they will have copyrighted cans....does that answer your question?
  10. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Did you seriously use the word chill? *sigh*
  11. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Maybe because this is a post telling us that the actual update is coming this/next week?...fucking dumbass
  12. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    there will be no benefits to or dis advantages to play styles
  13. 1. DayZ Mods do not give out the global bans nor do the Admins nor do the Dev team, that's Battleye's doing. 2. The amount of times this forum has seen "My little brother did it" is ridiculous we aren't falling for it, nor are we sympathetic if it was him. I'm a happy soul who feels all the sympathy in the world.
  14. Rekli

    Gun from Carl

    That is clearly the Magnum 44. guys stop trolling goo0gle
  15. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    because it's a mod, it won't be in the SA.
  16. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    heinz is a real company....he just took their label and put it on the can
  17. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    dev blog? (sorry i felt left out)
  18. Rekli

    Speed test

    'tis a major improvement on my previous 0.86 and 0.36
  19. Rekli

    Where are all the devblogs?

    <gURgle translatun'> DayZ art team good they can come to turga anytime (i was sick 3 times after typing this)
  20. Rekli

    My birthday is in Tulga

    You're lucky me or Florx (pretty sure he intended to murder you) didn't come ;)