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Posts posted by aussiebobby

  1. I'm about 72% sure you were going for "biting sarcasm" but I think there was a gust of wind from the west and you ended up somewhere in "unintelligible ramblings."

    Its just you are clueless to the fact that if we didn't have people playing how they wanted,we wouldn't even have this mod in the first place,and thats why the private servers became so popular,they let players play how they wanted to.

    In the end,more people would gather around a washed up stinking dead whale than play the DayZ mod the way you wanted/demand them to play.

  2. Op is right.
    We should go and grief all non Arma mill sim servers and protest on the  BIS forums .
    They have allowed this modding crap and now we have servers playing how ever they like,private servers with cops and robbers and lol Zombies.This is destroying the essences of theArma2 game and playing of the way its meant to be played,a military simulator.

    You in with me OP,lets stop this madness,delete your copy of the abomination of Arma .

    • Like 2

  3. If it is their server then yes they can, it is their rules.


    Just like in the Battlefield games plenty of servers annoyingly ban the use of grenade launchers (noob tubes) or RPGs on infantry etc.... 


    So as much as we might disagree with their rule, it is their rule and they have every right to ban you for breaking it.

    One server I used to play on in BF3 banned the 870mcs,I found another server that didn't.

  4. These guys are actually likely to bring about the fixes needed to lessen the impact of spawn camping. The more they do their work, the more dean and co will know what they want to do about it.

    If they were exposing bugs they would have posted and or filed a bug report that they could have sat there and spawn killed.Spawn killers don't ever think about the game,they are just griefers or in this case dupers.


    I just watched a video of someone doing the same as the two clowns did.One had four duped bodys piled up and his buddie did the same.

  5. Each member of the medical division knows there is a chance they could die in noble combat. But our objective is not winning gunfights. It is experimentation and extermination of all humans on the coast. We are looking forward to the inclusion of new equipment as the game progresses, as well as the ability to craft and cook. Of course you know you can count on us to report the medical benefits of these things as they become available.






    My experiment is to stop feeding trolls and put them on a diet.. The Iggy list

  6. The mod was created almost two years ago, it's still an alpha. Even it was abandoned it should be at least in beta stage... I believe the same thing will happen to SA. So far we can all see that it's not a separate game, created from scratch, but just a mod for ARMA3 which engine is not prepared to run a mmo zombie apocalypse game. Devs are experiencing the same problems Rocket was a year, or year an a half ago. Something completely different was promised, just to remind. Moreover it was promised to be ready and playable a year ago! December 2012! A year later, we still have an alpha... The biggest issue is that even it's a mod it's being advertised as a completely different game which has to be bought separately. In my opinion it's unfair. Honestly I don't believe that this project will be ever completed. I don't know the reasons behind all of this plus i don't want to point fingers, because i have been enjoying DayZ mod since it's very beginning, but clearly there is something wrong with DayZ developing model.

    Forget all that

    A new mask is coming and Im going to look so boss

  7. I don't see what people with guns are doing at the coast in the first place...

    My son and his three other mates have put the game down already because its just another shooter game.Their on BF4 all morning,laughing having fun,and the best part,when they spawn they can defend them self.

    Given the so called units sold Vs the players online(43k peak every day),it looks like 150k feel the same way.

  8. I don't personally like private hives, it failed horribly in the mod with all the crap 1000+ cars, blood bag servers that happened! hate to see that happen to SA.


    The only thing that failed was the public hives failing to address the server hopping combat logging and script kiddies.

    Thats why the private hives were such a success.


    "hate to see that happen to SA."

    Don't use the Alpha excuse,but tell me whats changed?

  9. ARMA 3 Breaking Point already has a 5 min timer between servers. 

    * That does not stop people from ghosting / server hopping.


    But the player honestly still has the obvious choice, should you run for 30+ minutes to get military gear, or wait 5 - 15 min in server hopping. Not to mention the chance to sneak up on geared players and no need to travel to find military loot.

    It 8mins in Breaking Point.

    So if you hop to another server you wait 8 mins,if you hop back to the server you where on, 8mins.16mins for a sever hop and back.

    And all loot despawns when you log in each time and then you will have to wait 10mins for the loot to spawn again.


    Sever hopping in Breaking Point takes a hour gear up.Its far quicker to run to the loot locations

  10. I think fanboys should just gtfo of this forum. All they do is quote Rockets warning and keep saying its an ALPHA. We all know its an ALPHA. Thats why we complain and tell the developers whats should be fixed. Like that loot only spawn at server restart.Eventually the loot will be completly gone at the coast and near by and that will make it hopless to go further north. Yes the game is suppose to be hard, but also enjoyable and its NOT enjoyable now.


    I hope Rocket doesn't listen to fanboys because then the ALPHA would not improve because they just say great ALPHA  Rocket, nothing is wrong with it.

    Could be the reason why its in the stats it in now.Tested by fanboys

    So far the post where the ALPHA excuse is used to hand wave criticism away,I scrolling over,not worth reading

  11. It's gotten worse than the mod.


    At least in the mod you can find the odd pistol. A Dinner Bell. Or something.


    In the alpha it's military base or bust.

    Ill stick with the Breaking Point mod as Iv already payed BIS once to play zombie mod,not paying twice for the same thing.


    The loot table seems a little messed up at times.Iv run 4klms and found only one iron sight weapon and died 5 times getting it,and thats what Im looking for,not this shite.

  12. It might be a lot harder once zombies are actually in the game.




    Once sales revenues cover the cost of production,new boots for rocket to climb mount Everest, we might see the bait&switch from I PWNED noobs Brah to This game sucksBrah ,its to hard.



    Which is going to exacerbate this situation even more. People will need guns to survive.Military bases are teeming with guns. Guns are nowhere else.

    So nothing has changed yet?

  13. The SA was supposed to be hard core survival.Every steam so far Iv seen,they are fully kitted out,ARs,scopes,silencers,sniper rifles shite loads of ammo,food then KOS.Nothing has changed or is any different from other mods.

    Im not buying its alpha excuse,Its deliberate

    To get sales it has to appeal to the codkiddie that will make up 90% of sales,get gun(the only danger here is tripping over them and breaking a leg) and then "noobs gonna get PWNED Brah",die rinse&repeat.
