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Everything posted by aussiebobby

  1. aussiebobby

    New tweet from Rocket

    Linux-version of Steam? If not I want a hard copy of DayZ please AussieBobby 42 wallaby way Sydney
  2. aussiebobby

    Help with GPU Cards...

    The GTX 650 Ti Boost is sli if he has that http://www.techspot.com/review/661-nvidia-geforce-gtx-650-ti-boost-sli/
  3. aussiebobby

    Help with GPU Cards...

    I was running Xfire 6850s and never had any problems with Arma2/DayZ.I have a 7950 now and I really don't see any difference to tell you the truth.
  4. aussiebobby

    Help with GPU Cards...

    Get another GTX 650 for the money you wish to spend an sli set up will beat any $300 single card. Or buy another card and sell me the 650....CHEAP . Edit Just using prices from this site http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php ..thats where I get my gear from these days
  5. I tried the RAMDisk thing and started getting kicked from every server I went to.
  6. aussiebobby

    '' Core community '' ?

    Id say 95% of the community have rejected Rockets idea in favor of easy mode private hives.The only thing that concerns me about the SA is,will there be a community to play with.Given the state of public hives which can only be described as a ghost town,things are looking bleak for a SA gaming population.
  7. aussiebobby

    '' Core community '' ?

    And the reason is,the game DayZ has become stagnate,goalless,nothing to achieve .Been playing DayZ+ as they said it was harder,got matches,knife,axe,water bottle,Alice-pack now what? I could do some pvp,but I have BF3(uninstalled,got boring) or could kick my son of his pc and get some COD or MOH action....fecking hell I must be bored..until my new PC parts turn up...please be tomorrow. AMDs latest cpu FX8350 and a 2 gig Nivida gpu thats going to be installed next to the HD7950...happy frustraiting hybrid physx config,benchmarking days ahead..and yes Iv got it working on a lesser Nvidia card.
  8. aussiebobby

    No more 50 cals!

    Maybe the 50 cal should be added to the crafting thread Input (AS50,M107) Output (crutches) Tools (COD,BF3 CD)
  9. aussiebobby

    Crafting Discussion only

    I like the idea of crafting,but that crafting has to be essential to my survival and not at PvP survival(didgeridoo,can,gunpowder= bazooka. Crafting should use some of the items already in the game,ie: two cans,bean,soda and what you get? Woodgas stove From a can/s that was only used to boil water and distract Zeds now has a third use.This would be far better for me than the chop wood make fireplace give off same light as a chopper crash site.And also take up inventory slot and not a backpack slot. Perhaps a list of ten items that could be crafted into many combinations of useful items for the player.The toilet paper and razor would either be made use of or removed and replaced with useful items
  10. How long since you played this game? Spawn,run to fire station,get gun,KOS,get KOS,rinse and repeat. Its COD. The massive influx of 300+ vehicles spawn with ammo crate private hives and the official hives on the verge of extinction proves otherwise.
  11. aussiebobby


    A shameless plug to pull in players on a server..its been done before. Are things this bad for DayZ?
  12. And almost me I think.Im on Bris time ,but it only a hour difference. I can give you all you need for a good start. Water bottles Matches Military torch map Compass Knife Once you have the above,you dont need to hit cherno or electro for food or drink Choice of,DMR,249 saw,M107+2mags(noob cannon),M16A2 M203,M14 AIM(probably the best pick) Just find me using Dayz commander.Ill be on the NZ Orcon vet servers most nights Are you using the same nic when playing Dayz? AussieBobby the good guy
  13. I know this is an old thread,but Some fanboyism in this thread or what.I wonder how many could tell what cpu was in a pc just by playing Arma2/Dayz game. Odds are some would "guess" correctly .
  14. aussiebobby

    M4A3 CCO +4Mags

    When I look now for loot I take pistol/axe one water bottle,beans and leave all my good stuff in a tent
  15. I play that mod and wish Dayz was like it. Its so frigging hard at times and not like run into cherno and fully kitted out in ten mins like Dayz is now. I died alot as well before I found food and drink.Fire one shot from any gun and you will have the guinness world record of zombie conga train. Its has AIs(bots) that will hunt and kill you.
  16. lucky I have a son with his own account and some blackmail...no help, no wifi..what it going to be?
  17. aussiebobby

    DayZ Singleplayer?

    Iv been playing this one for the past few days and its good,and Ill go as far and say DayZ could use some of the features. The Zombies are insane and its got A.Is and they will hunt you down and other Bots. No more camping on sniper hill in Electro and the fainting and blacking out with low on food ect I like.When this happens I cant out run zombies, run far with out stopping to get energy back. Im not sure if the mod zeu_AI is helping,but I thinks so and the sound mods like JSRS,ACE makes that Dayz mod really enjoyable. An online version of this would be good
  18. aussiebobby

    Need Bloodbag i have a car

    You need to hunt and eat cooked meat.Bloodbags will become useless
  19. aussiebobby

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    I started to play on that server(Snap) yesterday and die twice before I found any drink and thinking this is hard..good.After a few hours I had what I needed to survive ,water bottle, knife,axe, matches and then I seen nameplates..so close yet so far away
  20. Id like to see less food and drink spawns as well and some how the loot tied to the player.Like If I raid a store it stays that way and when the server restarts the store is still empty(accept what I left there) for me anyway.As it is now,the bush wookies can do a quick dash and grab every server restart and then back to the tree fort for a long camping/sniping season.It wont stop snipping or KOSing,but at least they will start checking body's once they have looted Cherno
  21. I have six canteens as Im camp hunting in and around the debug zone of the whole map.Iv been trying to get infection to test out the antibiotics,eat raw meat,drink dam water all day and nothing yet.
  22. A good reason to get rid of setting way-points
  23. aussiebobby

    Lack of vanilla

    I just used the ignore feature for the first time,but then I had the block the dayzmod.com##.post_ignore. Adblock plus and element hider best add-on ever
  24. aussiebobby

    Lack of vanilla

    I guess we are in for some sad times in OZ when the standalone is released.Unless all 30 of us who like playing vanilla get in to the same server,thats if the currant server hosts can run the servers reliably.