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Everything posted by aussiebobby

  1. aussiebobby

    What has the standalone become ?

    In the video he says he has only been killed once,but there has been data wipes and his char is geared up. Not only set up.but server hopping to gear up Id say as well.
  2. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    No seeing the enemy through walls in 3rd person with the mod enabled.So expect a biblical flood of tears if this was implemented. In first person,I found it almost imposable to do the wall glitch,but you could see the AI when I got it right.There was only a small narrow slit of the invisible wall the I could peer through in 1pp anyway after Efing around for 5mins to get the glitch
  3. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    If you are in 3rd person,you wont see a player unless you move you head out from behind the rock,wall,tree,grass,laying down on a rooftop with 360 panoramic views of the streets below It will be the same as before but you dont have the "head on a periscope" vision. One thing I didn't try was the wall glitch
  4. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I get on my sons BF4,jump wall,throw ammo,go prone,jump up, run to tank,get in as gunner, sweet as DayZ/Arma2/31pp..zombie on my ass..come on gate,open.W,A,D,S,jump open Ef you gate,move head about,D,A,S,W.. Your dead.
  5. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I like running around in 3rd myself,but I don't like the exploit that come with it.In 1st,its a pain to navigate not only in this game,but also Arma 3,well all Arma's.You still have the 3rd easy to navigate view to get up stairs,over fences,doorways ect,but your own personal MAV/skycam to spot players that you would never been able to see in the first place is gone.Everything else stays the same. Edit. The mod also comes with a "Script Version (For Server Admins)" so if the owner of the mod gives permission,and without it,its the end of that story,but if given,allow those who have rented servers to choice to use such a mod on their server
  6. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Iv been playing with this mod in the Arma 3 editor. Changing the _outDis = 400; Outer perimeter. Units outside this radius are ignored. (meters) _inDis = 100; Inner perimeter. Units outside this radius are ignored if they are moving slower than 5m/s. (meters) To _outDis = 2400; _inDis = 2400;///ignored if they are moving slower than 1m/s. Stops this"radar bleep" And the pop in and out time can also be changed.
  7. aussiebobby

    Clarification Regarding Linux Client

    Found this awhile back http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/648814842704892367/ Iv been a long time Linux user,but just got tired jumping through all the hoops to get games to run on Linux. I just duel boot now
  8. aussiebobby

    DayZ Parkour Confirmed

    Breaking Point A day of Parkour in Chalkia Make sure you have a shite load painkillers and morphine
  9. aussiebobby

    How do you display in game FPS?

    I use this method
  10. You dont think AMDs development of its Mantel drivers where the most gains are had with its APUs ,and is not going find its way to PS4 or Xbox? The AMD Catalyst 14.2 Beta V1.3 Driver for Windows is compatible with the following AMD products: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx I think the PC users are just the guinea pigs for the beta drivers at ATM. AMD must of give a good sales pitch to get both PS4 and Xbox to use AMD chips,and Id say that was Mantle.
  11. aussiebobby

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    According to an article in the Fukatani gazette ,Dean is under investigation by the tax department over alleged off shore accounts made and property's he had purchased in the last 3 months. What had drawn the attentions of the tax department is the property had acquired Rio de Janeiro. The 16 room villa was owned by none other than Ronnie Biggs. There is no extradition treaty between New Zealand and Brazil,so there might some truth in it. Dean Hall refuses to confirm or deny the allegations
  12. aussiebobby

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Some of the comments are good "The roadmap renames Zombies as Ghosts in keeping with the engines 'flawed concept' reply Thats explain why they pass trough wall. And Are you crazy?! Pooping is essential to gameplay! /s reply I liked pooping.. Just read the good stuff
  13. Its Bohemia Interactive Studio
  14. aussiebobby

    Upgrading in two steps...which one first?

    Well firstly,we should demand the Arma engine be upgraded rather than we keep forking over cash hand over fist to compensate the lack of optimization. Wait until the new AMD Mantel drivers are benched-marked and see what gains a AMD gpu might give over Nvidia . Given that both Xbox and PS4 have gone down the AMD road,the gaming developers will surely follow. If all turns out well for Mantel, your rig only needs a HD7XXX or Radeon R9/7 and your good to go.
  15. aussiebobby

    What do you think of my pc

    Get the best motherboard you can get with your budget. With that mobo and the size of the gpu,one of the 2 x PCIe 2.0 will be blocked by the gpu leaving you with one.And if you can put say a wifi card there,it will restrict airflow to the gpu. So you want a soundcard,wifi,sli,more fans/cooling later?If so, thats not the mobo for you. $630 gpu on a $65 mobo
  16. aussiebobby

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    I think Arma 6 will have multi-core support and then my old phenom ll x 4 might be finally be utilized if its not landfill by then.
  17. aussiebobby

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    Im glad the Dice dont have this mentality Instead of asking the customers to throw out their cpus,they have instead have opted to optimize the game/s for those cpus/gpus. Johan Andersson discusses AMD's revolutionary Mantle API
  18. aussiebobby

    Loot Farm Servers

    Hate to break the news to you,but its been going for 8 months that I know of in the old mod. Rollback a patch or two, more and there they are. 20 player server with one that I found that had 36 chopper crash sites that I could see just from Stary Sobor hill.How do you think the guys in the trading threads got all the gear with ease for trading.
  19. aussiebobby

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Deathmatchers still pushing the Dayz the way it was meant to be played crap. How did that work out for the Mod?
  20. aussiebobby

    new computer

    I was thinking the same..been there done that. No crossfire/SLI or sound card and case is to small for later updates/mods as in better heatsink/watercooling or extra fans. Going for the cheap build I wasted money.That case,motherboard,psu and now sitting in a box in the shed. Op. Find a PC recyclers and look for what you have on your list PSU,monitor,case.I got a ATX case with 500watt psu,optical drive for $10 that I used to try a modding ideas on.One tip here,jigsaw and a few beers isn't a good idea. You could save same cash and use that on a better mobo/cpu Might be able to get a real PC, AMD. Read and weep intel scrubs AMD vs. Intel, the ultimate gaming showdown: 5GHz FX-9590 vs. i7-4960X http://www.extremetech.com/computing/170023-amd-vs-intel-the-ultimate-gaming-showdown-5ghz-fx-9590-vs-i7-4960x At $399 AU dollars is pretty good value.
  21. aussiebobby

    Ghost cities on Aussie Servers?

    Get geared up with Im so Boss payday mask and ? For those that cant think beyond deathmatch "There is no endgame" and others that can, the end game arrives rather quickly.
  22. aussiebobby

    Ghost cities on Aussie Servers?

    It took my son and his three mates 2 hours to reach end game.I dont think they have played it much this week,Rust however is a different story.
  23. aussiebobby

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    I found this on the steam forums Run DayZ Standalone on Linux/SteamOS and MacOS http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/648814842704892367/ I might try it using my sons steam/DayZ account
  24. aussiebobby

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    Battlefield,COD,MOH Deathmatch,Spawn with gun, KOS, get killed,spawn, KOS etc. DayZ, Find gun,KOS,get killed,spawn,find gun, etc Nothing like Battlefield
  25. Its just you are clueless to the fact that if we didn't have people playing how they wanted,we wouldn't even have this mod in the first place,and thats why the private servers became so popular,they let players play how they wanted to. In the end,more people would gather around a washed up stinking dead whale than play the DayZ mod the way you wanted/demand them to play.