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Everything posted by aussiebobby

  1. aussiebobby

    duping is out of control

    Might be a bit of both,loot glitch and some duping of that loot. Like the loot glitched mill base I found,pick what you and your duping mates want to dupe and find church other location to dupe that gear.
  2. aussiebobby

    duping is out of control

    The loot is messed up. I went to the mil base west of Stary and I had to use the vault key to get over the loot in the barracks. Every room was jammed packed with all the good stuff..50 guns in one barracks I did see a three of the same clan members coming and going on the same server For those that dont believe "Raiden | Vilayer.com Its BS
  3. aussiebobby

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    Im hoping for all the bugs in .49 be fixed before .50 is rolled out.
  4. aussiebobby

    Bipod and Mosin

    I was thinking it was about camping
  5. aussiebobby

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Bans by hardware has been worked around long ago. Also I have 3 mobo's, 4 cpus and half dozen gpus and HDDs to change my hardware id.Changing any of my hardware, i would have to get a hardware id reset by BIS,Battleye or DayZ,there's a pain in the ass right there for the team they would have to hire
  6. aussiebobby


    I put in one of my old HD6850s and got the same fps as my r9 290
  7. aussiebobby

    PC Build Opinions

    Moved. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/207798-amd-vs-intel/page-2#entry2093950
  8. aussiebobby

    AMD Vs Intel

    No I dont Fan boys do
  9. Private shards Thats where YOU pay to stop hacks. Would the word blackmail be wrong to use?
  10. aussiebobby

    PC Build Opinions

    I could with the money I saved($1300) by not buying over priced intel and Nvidia,buy another r9 290 or two making the fps difference even more embarrassing with my poor mans AMD setup
  11. aussiebobby

    PC Build Opinions

    So there is really nothing in it intel Vs AMD. Cant help but LOL at i7 4960X + Titan fps.My FX8350+r9 290+MoboFX990 UD5 cost less then the 4960X alone,but it gets worse. I get better fps on Arma 3
  12. aussiebobby

    PC Build Opinions

    Case http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-cah440wm1 Iv recently bought one for my sons birthday and its that good Im going to get one. Review
  13. aussiebobby

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Well the"current experience for PC users" is less then average and the fear is that it might stay that way for some time. Going to consoles is the breaking into the big time market with a lot of dollars at risk. What would you give most attention to? Edit No offense to Rocket,but listening to what he has to say is on par with listening to the president of the US in the last month of their second term. They on their way out and the next to take over the reins might not have that vision for DayZ PC .
  14. aussiebobby

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Soon after I handed down my old gaming rig to my son,the PS3 became obsolete and is now home to a family of spiders. Buying a PS4 would be adding a second story to the spiders apartment
  15. aussiebobby

    Final Build , How good will this run ?

    I have been getting low fps with an R9290 so I installed one of my old 6850's.Got the same fps,35/40.
  16. aussiebobby

    Will a AMD 6300 run dayz mod smooth?

    If you have a AMD3+ mobo and since you have a Athlon II x4,it most likely you dont
  17. aussiebobby

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    They have the FX 8120 to FX 8300 listed as 95watt,but there not. Just put an extra $50/less towards a mobo and get one that is
  18. aussiebobby

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    Look at the Specifications of your Mobo if you see this "Socket AM3+" your good to go to use an FX cpu
  19. Is RamDisk safe to use with DayZ? I got the discount for the app after buying an AMD card and was going to let my son use it on his PC
  20. aussiebobby

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    I pulled the heatsink/fins of mine as they woulnt fit under my Noctua cooler.
  21. aussiebobby

    Nvidia gt 610

    I have a GT 640 2gig sitting in a drawer gathering dust.Thats how good it is playing Arma2/3
  22. aussiebobby

    DayZ Autorun Tutorial

    I just found uses for the one of the 18 G keys I have.
  23. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    When you see a player/AI pop in,that means you can be seen or are exposed,so I dont see what the problems is.Iv been using the mod in the Arma3 missions,editor, steam workshop scenarios without problems.In fact I had the mod enabled at one stage without realizing it and was happily playing. I did try it laying prone on a military tower with 30 AI on the ground below and I couldn't see any of them with the eyes on a stick 3pp. The moment I stood up I could see them and was met with a hail of bullets,as it should be .
  24. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Naysayers Lets pretend that the 4th wall has been implemented from day 1 in 3pp.Make the argument for its removal. Include ,I want to be able glitch my head though walls and see though the walls ,have my eyes(POV) on a 20 foot periscope and see over walls,rocks etc. Have total advantage over a attacking player while laying prone on a building top and still be able to see the entry/door of that building. See around corners without exposing myself. Make that argument.
  25. aussiebobby

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Change _refresh1P = 0.04; /////////////// How often the script should check to see if the player is still in first person. (seconds) _refresh3P = 0.5; //////////////// How often the script iterates through the array of units inside the outer perimeter while in third-person. (seconds)