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About a.Mason

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. a.Mason

    Looking for a small group to play with

    yourstruly201 ill join your group we were group members before the ts we had messed up let me know, I currently have nobody to play with i dont know what happend to whodatkid.
  2. a.Mason

    Selling Coyote's, NVG's, RF's, Weapons

    coyote backpack dmr nvg what do i have to give in return
  3. a.Mason

    Starting group for Dayz

    im also on the ts
  4. a.Mason

    Starting group for Dayz

    Are you getting on today?
  5. a.Mason

    Starting group for Dayz

    my steam is mason1080p
  6. a.Mason

    Day 65

    i had a 56 day character, i had a hero skin, i had a uaz a off road truck and a pbx. My gear i had a coyote backpack filled with meat and water bottles some meds and extra rds. for my dmr, nvg rangefider all the goodies. i logg in to only get killed by a hacker who teleported in front of me asking if i would like some guns or a helicopter, i said no thanks and because i would do what he asked he killed me, i spawnd back in electro and making my run back to my camp only to find that the hacker had blown up my vechiles and the tent that i had. It was a sad day. now i only live for about 6 days at the most before i get killed by a player or another hacker...
  7. a.Mason

    Starting group for Dayz

    I would like to join, the role i would be best as would be scout/sniper my weapon of choice is normally an m24 or a dmr. also could be a feild medic but im not to great at cqb. Im the kinda guy where you here a shot but wont know i was there. I never shoot first and that has gotten me killed plenty of times, i only shoot when i have to and i shoot to kill. If you may need me on your squad just let me know. i also have teamspeak.
  8. a.Mason

    need for members for a little let's play

    Steam name: Masonin1080p in game name (and real name if you want to tell me): Mason dayZ experience or not: I have a descent amount of experence, i know the map pretty well, can navagate anywhere with a compas Headset?: turtle beach upgrading after christmas know what teamspeak or skype is: i have teamspeak and REAL AGE! (sick of kids, wanna play with mature people) : 19 country:USA