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About restlessgamer75

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gaming, sci-fi movies, having fun with friends online
  1. I really want to play this game but the problem is this, I have a laptop and not one of those flashy 1000€ gaming pc's. I'm looking for ways to improve this game on my laptop to get a beter frame rate. Laptop Specs: ACER Aspire 7741 ATI RADEON 6550 4GB of ram Intel I5 Screen resolution is 1600x900 If anyone of you know a way to improve this game on my laptop I would really appreciate it.
  2. restlessgamer75

    Failed to start game (missing executable)

    I though running it through steam would be easier. Guess I was wrong.
  3. So recently decided to reinstall ARMA 2: CO after I saw the Day Z mod was availble through steam. http://store.steampowered.com/app/224580/. The problem is when I start Day Z using the beta patch an error pops up (see screenshot). http://i.imgur.com/nZ1mC0e.jpg Any idea what could cause this.
  4. restlessgamer75

    New player, need someone to play with!

    I'm also looking for people to play this game with, I run DayZ through steam so please add me there. [bPRO] USS_southdakota5 [bE]
  5. restlessgamer75

    New player, need someone to play with!

    I'm also looking for people to play this game with, I run DayZ through steam so please add me there. [bPRO] USS_southdakota5 [bE]
  6. You need both ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 operation arrowhead you can also use the ARMA 2 free version but that isn't recommended. but with the current steam winter sale the combined operations is at lower price (17.99 instead of 25.99) but I have no idea if the price of ARMA 2 has been lowered seperatly. As for OP I am also looking for some friends to play Day Z with.