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About Reign19k

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Reign19k

    How often are your camps raided?

    Reason for being spotted is already stated and a fix is on the way. Other than that, a wise man would log off with all the gear he wants to keep on him. Leave your tent full of shit that you don't feel like making shopping runs. IE: food, water, ammo, medical supplies, extra tools, maybe car parts. Putting spare weapons in those tents when you aren't there to defend them is p stupid. I like to use my tents around the map as sort of resupply points rather than let me stash a bunch of weapons that I will probably never use before they are found and taken.
  2. The fact that this is even a debate is pretty fucking sad.
  3. Reign19k

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    I find this line amusing for some reason. Also, if Arma2 was "dead" in the first place. How did this mod come about? There's literally hundreds of titles that cater to a more casual crowd. I am pretty sure Rocket is aware of most of the circumstances that make a game successful. I think the community should spend less time giving the admins marketing advice and "mechanics" that have been rehashed over and over again. Think outside the box. Real suggestions should be carefully thought out and developed through days or even weeks of playtime. Hence why I have literally zero suggestions posted here. I have quite a few written down that I am working on. Even more that were written down and trashed. You need to have some people that aren't willing to just throw a bunch of shit against the wall and see what sticks.
  4. Reign19k

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    One of my most memorable experiences in this game was running through elektro with a horde in tow. Turning around to fire a round or two off, only to attract more. Finally run into a building and making my last stand there. Eventually had to "suicide" because I ran out of ammo AND THEY JUST KEPT ON COMING!!!111oneoneone. Seriously though, I think if you're playing the game to get uber gear, you're doing it wrong. I find it more fun to see what kind of shit I can stir up with each life. I don't mind the zeds being op. I think that once the kinks get worked out we need to find ways to make them more of a challenge tbh. Once you get to a certain point gear wise , the game becomes bland. Running through a city is no longer a challenge. The biggest contender once you are geared is other random death bugs and hackers tbh. Even other players aren't that big of an issue if you aren't basically asking to fucking get shot.
  5. Reign19k

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Don't nerf the damn Zed's. Make them harder. Make them so godamn hard the hardest of the hard say it's too hard. Every supply run should be wrought with danger. Every trip to any city should be a fucking war.
  6. Reign19k

    Everyone on US1 killed

    Haha, looks like the zed was driving the bmp. Also, part of the map. Although I'm sure your claims are valid none the less. Seems quite a few servers were hit around this time.
  7. Here's a few tips to make the game less frustrating for you. 1) Carry bandages 2) Carry morphine 3) Avoid aggro unless you are in a position to defend yourself. Choke points, buildings, anywhere that your flanks are not exposed.
  8. I would be compelled to believe this is because a good portion of your testers came from EvE. Have you ever taken a gander at their forums? I have never in my life seen a larger collection of shit posters in one forum. Mod's young, has a lot of attention. This has it's drawbacks as well. It will all work out in the end though. Perhaps it's an adverse reaction to the sandbox?
  9. If it is any consolation Matt, I don't have a sister. Slick my brother's hair back and bend him over though ... I'm sure you won't notice =P He looks good in drag as well. Free hint to break the ice with him.
  10. More on topic, I would pray that the admins are more concerned with more concrete issues like people bypassing script detection. You're probably more likely to lose your crap to them more than you are some flying, missile shooting, orbital striking server admin ... It seems like a reasonable course of action to just avoid the servers you don't like and play on the ones you do. If admin abuse is so rampant, I'm sure it will all work out in the wash. Let's prioritize our time a bit more and focus on testing.
  11. PROGRESS. Yammazul did it
  12. Reign19k

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    I'd hit it. All three of them in fact.
  13. Reign19k

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    Only relevant thing you've posted, period. You're a pretty shit troll. I wonder how many of these brand new forum accounts that have posted here are you?