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zombie123 (DayZ)

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About zombie123 (DayZ)

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  1. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Well, is the new CLE included in this 0.57 stable? Because there are some loot explosions in some houses or cars... I went to the NWAF and I saw nothing in the barracks and neither the hangars... The only thing that I see spawning in military areas is the MP5 and some hats at the destroyed tanks. Am I not lucky, is the game trolling me or is the loot system crazy?
  2. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Why I can't get my arrows back from the wall/floor? I click F to take it but it doesn't come...
  3. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I can't take my arrows back from the wall or the floor... Bug?
  4. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Can someone confirm zombies are gone ATM?

    I saw some zeds at Cherno.
  5. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Good! Total power ahead DayZ! And... It seems like they are trying to update stuff for 3 hours. IS IT YOU, LOVELY STABLE?
  6. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    WOW! That's sad dude! Well, We still have his creation (DayZ)... I hope he takes his life back and puts his own company! And who is leading now? And what about his friend Matt Lightfoot?
  7. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I've been out of forums for some time. Where the hell is our mate Dean Hall?
  8. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Thanks! And... It seems to me that Eugen posted something on twitter about another update. I'm so excited that I'm hoping the stable will come today at night! HYPE IS LIFE!
  9. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Well, why are the devs so misteryous about dates? And why do they keep being so silent?
  10. Dean said that the SA will be playable at Gamescom so I hope They release It very soon.
  11. zombie123 (DayZ)

    Rocket said..

    There are no set release dates!
  12. Do you know what languages are going to be available?
  13. zombie123 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    How much is It going to cost (in dollars)? I read in early 2013 It was going to be 10-15 dollars, now I'm reading: 25-30 dollars!
  14. In middle June Dean said that the Standalone would come in 2 months, so August!
  15. zombie123 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Should i buy Arma 2 on the Steam Summer Sale? Is Day Z with less or more hackers? Or do you guys think the SA is coming next month?