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Everything posted by zfleming12

  1. Oh my...god.. the details...of the new city...
  2. *Has an image of a pipe like arm, just randomly falling off a zombie in cherno, the zombie looking down and screaming "OH GOD WHY?!" * hahahaha xD
  3. None of that. Bring none of that here for the love of god...
  4. I wonder if we are going to see missing limbs, since now the team has direct access with the source code and what not for the pre-alpha. I mean, how awesome would that be? :D
  5. Just a thought but mayby when one puts them on, it should say sometimes, you feel the pressure and weight of the internet demanding you to release a game or something of that nature, some obscure reference to crazy and awesome development you guys have worked and been through.
  6. HAHAh NICE! You feel like Fist-pumping Madly. Brutal xD
  7. Well it is what is this point so I guess we should move on and just hope for the best.
  8. My thoughts exactly. I think when it comes to these kinds of decisions, it should be brought here to the forum first instead of Reddit, because most of us here actually have a little more time and thought about what is being said and what should be done. -_-
  9. Oh boo fucking hop.. who gives a crap? Half of those morons on red dit wouldn't understand that this helps us and does mean that we are extremely close to launch. God I hate how entitled people have become over this game
  10. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Hahahahah <3 you lok
  11. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Yes its small o_o
  12. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    UP! HE'S DENYING IT! IT MEAN ITS TRUE! Hehehe Sorry Lok, I just wanted to be silly with ya :P
  13. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Edit: on second thought, I'll just sit this one out.
  14. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Is the Zombie life cycle still a possibility in the SA? :)
  15. He's doing a live stream with Psy right now (dean is), apprently, trench coats and riot gear is going to be added :D
  16. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Will there be a release of information before as to what we will start with in the Alpha when it releases? Like patch notes, or will that just come when it releases at the same time? I know silly question.
  17. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    This man speaks truth, it is wise to listen to him. also Hai Se7en! <3
  18. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Sounds like Fun :)
  19. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Are you going to take a nice break after this Rocket once alpha is out? :)
  20. zfleming12

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Sounds awesome! I really wish I could something more to say in response but...I can't think of anything so have a bean! :)
  21. Are we even sure this is legit? Or accurate?
  22. God I feel so bad for rocket and the idiots he has to put up with on a daily basis. I hope when he finishes his goals for days, that he will take a long vacation and relax. He has already earned such a right.